lol good job!
Puff Man's Yeahs
Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX Community

Last Post
This is probably my last post here and let me just say this... I blame everyone here who made me addicted to Project Diva and Miku and thats not a bad thing
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

I think the Admins would love to receive a raise to get all this cleaned up
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

seeing how alot of people i know on here are using blue birds or that blue square with the f.... if you ever search for me, it should be under TurfMaster. It's not set up yet but i will get to it i...
Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX Community

VOCALOID Song of the Day #539:ミクさま のために
Romaji: Miku-sama no Tame ni English: For Miku-sama / For My Dear Miku Featuring Hiyama Kiyoteru Music & Lyrics by Zar-Party Uploading Soon, I Promise (More in com...

さてもうこれが最後のチャンスかも知れないのでコメ返します!みなさんしっかり受け取ってね♪ なおきさん« 憧れてくれて光栄です。まだうごメモにいるので見られたら見てね? @Dékaro« 日本語で失礼します。こちらこそ暖かいコメントとサポートありがとう。皆さんと出会えて幸せでした。 @Seung « あなたに出会えて私もとてもラッキーでした。外国の方と日本語で話せる幸せを与えていただきとても感...
Well once Miiverse shuts down I'll probably never see most of you again, but if we do cross paths...
Well once Miiverse shuts down I'll probably never see most of you again, but if we do cross paths again whether its on the Switch or somewhere else my name will still be Puff Man so you know its me.
A list of some of my favorite games are Ocarina of time, Hatsune Miku project diva f2nd, Pokemon Y, Pokemon Platinum and Portal 2.
I also like listening to vocaloid music.