Users Sylvester Is Following
~MINX~ Irish_Minx
Hugø CreatorHugo2
Goodbye Miiverse Goodbye Friends You're all going to be missed :'(
{Leeshino} Leeshino
AW! Why would you punch my face off?! *cough* Welcome to my profile! I'm {Leeshino}, and my real name is "Alexandre". My actual favourite games on Wii U are : Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8. You can play and stars my levels in SMM and you can also join me in MK8. Here's my activity : Happiness ★★★★☆ Angry ★☆☆☆☆ Funniness ★★★★☆ Annoying ★☆☆☆☆ Hope ya'll have a nice day! \(^o^)/
Henk Ramnoxia
Hey all Wii U fans. I and you will hopes more Nintendo games coming soon in futures and very funny games too. I will play so many nintendo games its possible and will you play many games too? I hopes too ;-D
SzotyiYT SzotyiYT
FabioYT N-Player2.0
Hi! My name is Fabio and I live in Germany. I like to play Super Mario Maker and it's one of my favorite Wii U games. In general, the Wii U is a great consol with many fantastic gemes like Super Mario 3D World or Mario Kart 8 for example. Of course I'm a Nintendo-Fan and I hope, that you'll enjoy my Levels in Super Mario Maker! See you, guys!
Pietro jeandevallette
Voglio Meowtwo nero
WOLF mufflern
tito arturgouveia1975
hola disfruten el nivel, enjoy the level
Enzo maloenzo
Bonjour suis malo j'ai 8 ans cava moi oui est je suis fan de splatoon Жнзэф En tous ce cas les joueurs j'ai mincraft j'ai vraiment envie de avoir la switch ЯЧББЖЩФЭШз? abonne-toi stp et je t'abonnerai merci a tous les abonnés c'est sympa
Drew W. Drew3475
Hi everybody! I'm Drew. Welcome to my miiverse page. I enjoy playing video games, listening to music, watching TV, YouTube, and movies, and reading books. My favorite games are Super Mario Maker, the Super Mario series, the Donkey Kong Country series, Advance Wars games, and Fire Emblem games. Favorite TV shows: Three Stooges, WWE. Favorite Movies: Jackie Chan Movies. Thanks for stopping by.
ともやん(れいやん) mario-tomoya
Blanca 26Zelda
Hola a todos, soy jugadora desde Primer Nintendo (NES), empeze a jugar para ayudar a mi sobrino en The Legend of Zelda de1986, y quede encantada con la historia y secretos de Zelda, desde entonces colecciono los juegos de consola casera de Zelda. Creo soy la mas antigua jugadora de Zelda, Mis Favoritos son Zelda Mario y Metroid.
dan orourkefamily1
awesome19 Iamcool58
hi my names awesome 19 with 560 stars in super mario maker thx to M&M512DEN4, GREGORY,spartak,marrat, seby:D,richi,epic gamer,blue cat,Ossi★FS,stefmaster,and kinda lea, i star all my friends but first they star mine just in case. I play minecraft, ssm wii u ,and more plz friend and stay fresh bye
g&k zozo alfredz
hey how are you? I'm fine!!!!!! ^_^ *_* $_$ yo!!!!! merci patrice et coucou g&k blanche MERCI: PATRICE,HARUA,SIDJY,SCANGE,Tchad,KIKI,CBchampion,TYREX,THIERRY♡CAROLE,COYOTE♥CHEYENE,TT★BOY★PRO,Roi jemes,lolotte,KEVIN,CYRIL,DARK GOKU,PIERRE,mr.j,heidimario!!ect..
Patrice Conducteur59220
salut à tous j aime la création de jeux mario
Spartak biryukov.spartak
Salut, my name is Spartak. I speak Russian but I speak English too! I have Super Mario Maker. I have a lot of medals in Super Mario Maker and I have a lot of friends here. Let's be friends guys! (^o^) I like Minecraft but I don't have Minecraft :-( but, i'm happy anyway! (^o^)
ug gts6010
Playing original Nintendo games since 2011 with Nintendo DSi XL, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Wii U. I like using level editors, and my dream job is designing virtual worlds. My favourite software are widely ranging from the most popular titles to hidden gems. I am happy to try any platform and genre, and competing with other players. I also research game experience as a psychologist.
Alex!?! Alexedwards876
zacharyDrb in5d87
Mat mtorchia
I host a comedy podcast called The One Word, Go! Show. Check it out at!
cloud zsoltbarabas
Hello, i'm Zsolt from Gyor city, Hungary. I'm an old gamer with two beautiful daughters, the biggest name is Emma, my little princess's name is Hanna.
[HUN]Bendy ShadowMario95
Snooping as usual, I see? Hi, I'm ShadowMario95, I'm 14 years old and I like to play Nintendo stuff. I'm also a hardcore Undertale and FNAF fan. I can speak: english and hungarian. I'm an indie game hunter. #dontletmiiversedie
M&M512DEN4 SpeedrunRobban
Hey my name is Robert and i love hockey and my team is colorado avalanche. Like to play some poker some times. And i have a speedrun records on rayman legends. Everybody call me SPEEDRUN ROBBAN today...
El pourita jusda01
This user's profile comment is private.
Otoyan kazuo4
Miyamoto ShigeruMiyamoto
任天堂のゲームプロデューサー。 工業デザイナーとして1977年に任天堂に入社。 1980年にドンキーコングを作って以来、マリオやゼルダのシリーズ、ピクミンやWii Fitなどを制作してきた。 Game producer at Nintendo. Began his career at Nintendo in 1977 as an industrial designer. Ever since making Donkey Kong in 1980, he created making titles such as Mario and The Legend of Zelda series, Pikmin and Wii Fit.
Dennis Chaosdrachend
KittyErika Baroness_Erika
Quiet and sleepy
Korde Koorde
KingJulien KingJulien1011
sky bilbobaggins316
hi you have reached sky hope you like my page
Chewwy baconpuppy713
I make cool Super Mario Maker levels