Tobi☆'s Followers
molly molly415
hey i'm molly i'm 10 my favorite games are the legand of zelda,mario,sonic,minecraft,final fantasy,star fox,kidicarus,fier emblem,wario waer,metroid,pokimon,mega man, pac-man,and proferser layton when i grow up i whant to be an actour the place i want to go to someday is japan
anais suar giosersuarezanai
sonny2time sonnymom2008
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Neko nekosanywhere
Neighbor Mason12216
Chőőťube: Mason12215 dă: NOTmason12215 paystatonnatwark:Jasmine12214 (Btw way if you send me a request please say your from miiverse) Instafâm:Mason12216 please help #Mustachesqaud for ever
Alberto CartoonFan458
I mostly play on the nintendo switch and 3ds, also i got to do more drawings, see ya later.
********* 0850kazuki
*********(ニックネーム)です。好きなソフトは、スプラトゥーン 主に使う(好きな)武器 1、ヒーローシューターレプリカ 2、ヒーローチャージャーレプリカ 3、ヒーローローラーレプリカ 4、スプラスコープワカメ 5、3Kスコープ 6、オクタシューターレプリカ 7、スプラスコープベントー 8、バレルスピナーリミックス 9、スプラシューターワサビ 10、(ステージにより変えています) ランクは、23 ウデマエは、B-18です 日程 平日 タグマ・プラベ(出来ない場合有) 土日 タグマ・プラベ 祝日 レギュマ・プラベ (平日プラベはできない場合有) 上記の予定でやっています。 フォローは返せたら返します 2017/11/08 14:30までフレンド募集中です。 ぜひフレンドリクエスト送ってくださいね! 最終更新日:2017/11/01
Inkling11 wergins
Dolfix Dolphi
Hello world! gamer at heart here. I like drawing, sketching, art, films, animals and video games!^–^ Miiverse is so cool, many great artists here. See you around. Sorry, no WiiU chat.
Søck hail2michigan
Suddenly, PINEAPPLES Uh... How does one art? My skills are lacking for it. We've had nice memories here, huh? 3 days. G e t S c h w i f t y
Julian TheJu1ian
Hallo bodies. Welcome to my profile and stuff. Don't take me seriously because I don't take me seriously. Award-winning procrastinator and occasional doodler. Time Magazine's person of the year, 2006. I'm not at the beach. This is a bathtub! No Wii U chat or blank friend requests please. Splatfest: 10/16
★Antia☆SMV Antia-Sansgirl
Hola soy ★Antia☆ y gracias por seguirme y ser mis amig@s... significa mucho para mí... ...Gracias por todo... Voy a extrañar a: Karen, mangle2•0, Anna, Sans, Brittany y ☆Alexa☆ Sobre todo... voy a extrañar a ·●Nathan●· y a BestG. 3.0 Ellos han sido los únicos que me han apoyado y ayudado en los buenos y malos momentos... #SaveMiiverse please ;-; Last day of MV...
Chris YoshiCCM
Welcome to my profile! I play Smash 4, Splatoon, and Super Mario Maker mainly, along with some other games. Send a friend request if you would like to play with me! I'm on NS. Look in Friend suggestions then Wii U. You can add me from there if I've added you here. Thank you all!
Aoife 2DSAoife
Hi! I'm 12! I'm a nice,kind,caring,compettive and artistic person.I love video games, they rule!
Hey. I'm a lucky guy. More waifus than I can list. I love stories and I want to be a storyteller. Thank you. You know who you are. If you read this. Currently jamming to: Her by Eery Once had 300+ followers. I think I'm 400 now. Feel free to follow. Thanks. I wish I had more time. I wish I could hear your story. What else is there to say?
B.Franklin TedisAlive22891
I LIEK CHEEZ. But yeah, I'm Ted. F@#% YOU, B@DM1N5!
Cool Dude cooldude200633
hi guys follow me pls lets get to 200 follows
Maddie okamikami17
Rene 614423
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Ell Loliaholic
Thanks for the subpar time everyone! Twit/Tumb- DreamyBeaches Ell#7847 Insta: dreamy.beaches dA: Frick-Boy
★Abigail★ NerdyFreak4Life
Well I guess this is the end... thank you all for the amzing support I enjoyed sharing Miiverse with all of you! I will miss you all! I guess the onley thing i can say now is farewell. Goodbye Miiverse. -Abigail
Superman Super_Girl_612
Hi im soopr girl
ºbeaniº nykol85620
i like pancakes... .˛. ˙ˇ˙/\˜˘˜ i will miss you all. ó ò i will miss my prankster gangsters... thanks for 300 followers! it means a lot to me.♥ \˙˘˙\ welcome to the dark side...friends
vicvic vicvic472
je suis victoria 7 ans de belgique , je joue splatoon
Kevi Venrick123
Well, looks like it's time again to see things end once and for all. I gotta say, I had a great time here. I've met a lot of people, gained, lost, and got some enemys along the way. But I'm thankful for it all, thank you all for the support and help that you have given me. I couldn't ask for anything more than that. I'll be around until the end, you can also find me on other places. Favorite post.
NotEmma.8) Tomato_Too
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SpoopyCor♪ animetions
It was worth making everyone happy on here.. Or at least trying >X,DD Im going to miss you all.♥ Never stop trying. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Take care of yourself. ... Goodbye.
√Exodius 2barevo
My name is @√Exodius yo!Follow me if you would like!Well maybe you should get to know me first; I'm just your average planet destroying alien warlord. #DailyCatchphrase Goal:200 follows [Follow deez alienz] ☆★Zulli★☆ ★T●●N★J●Y★ Mccree »–HANZO–> Nyanya Hεατнεг¤ßÐ pς★Kristal Alienz?ó_ó MaybeAlien Out Of Posts: Yah[] Nope[√] Almost[] DailyCatchphrase: G(AY)!!!
Xxcocokitx chocolatekitty9
Hi there people, my favorite things to do is singing drawing and saying random things! (My fave games: Splatoon, SuperMario, Loz, SMASH BRUHS, and others so hi!) follow this persons XD. nic_dellarocco / Nicolas Jbee326 / Laury swaggydog42 / Sarah mik406 / mik406 (XD) FLAREONLOVER123 / chocolate♪ I am.. Miriam!!
Xiaxia YandereChana
Hi my name is Shayla. but you can call me Ria or Riaja for shorts. Welcome to my profile btw. :o I'm 16 years old. o3o Currently a Junior now, . I know how to draw in real life and on Miiverse but sometimes drawing hard af. ;-; oмo My birthday is on October 16th. We can be good friends, but please don't make me mad. You can check out my drawings! Okay i think that is all.οωο Buh bye :3
Parks ParksUniverse211
Hello! This is Colby (jakemoser17)'s Second account! Follow my main account Colby! ^^
skylar easymoneyrich
This user's profile comment is private.
EvilCherry EvilCherry
Hi.I love games+living life.I'm always testing how far down the rabbit hole I can go, for you see,I'm quite mad.Please join me in a bit of fun. Name-April Age-14 Fav.Food-Cherries No chat.Want to know why I.M. me. Interests-Drawing/Art-Cartoons(old+new)Comics-History-Paleontology-Mythology/occult-HeavyMetal Games Splatoon-SmashBros-HyruleWarriors MarioKart-S.Mario3dWorld-Shantae games-ArtAcademy
ςpς★Kayla purplefreak777
To think I'll cease to exist on here. Hmm. This was a beautiful place, of course excluding the last-min trolls. I accept death with grace, and will move on, like all the other average users. Tbh, I love Miiverse, k? I made really good friends on here, and it was fun journaling my Nintendo experience. Gosh, I now realize how dearly I'll miss this place... But let's stay strong and good. Farewell...
Turkey???? swaggydog42
I'm going to post detailed pictures until this place totally gets wiped off the face of the earth. Hi I'm the master of linguistics- *spits* And I cry easily while listening to awesome music. I can't draw boys. Also, my drawings are disproportionate. Now that I've warned you, you can stalk me or whatever.
CharizardY edward998
Sup I'm edward if you like minecraft, or terraria than Please friend me! Also I won't ecept blank friend requests or i wont except requests from people i dont know.
see ya