@Ania Oh, you're soooo riiiight about that. (^_-) I out of posts! Might as well make one final post. Thank you for becoming my friend, as well. I'm happy to have met you. @Oppii Knowing you has be...
Ania's Yeahs

It's been a pleasure knowing you, Mizu! Thank-you for sharing your wonderful humor with all of us! Maybe we'll bump into each other again sometime. Take care! Goodbye, Miiverse!!!

You all can friend me by the Switch, if we're Wii U or 3DS friends... We'll meet there every so often.

I'm gonna miss you guys! Hopefully we can somehow meet up by coincidence on the Switch! But nonetheless, I wish the best for you all!

RIP NSLUC RIP Miiverse RIP my wallet RIP my heart RIP that rip-off Hello Kitty mechanical pencil I had when I was little that fell down a hole in the house 1 Yeah = pay 1 respect

...share of both good and bad moments but it'll forever remain a special moment in my heart. It was the place where it help me became a great drawer in the future and once it's finally over, I will...

I was also becoming quite forgotten too and not much of my friends didn't remember me much as a result. I really wish I wasn't so lazy back then but I'm afraid I was too late :( No worries though, ...

...about the ones that supported me all these years. The REAL reason why I wasn't very inactive here was because of the lack of fun stuff me and my friends all have together during my early days. S...

...me get more interested in drawing and while many of them (like this drawing you're all looking at) aren't very good on the eyes, that still doesn't stop me from making more in order to improve m...

Ah yes, my last post is finally here! What can I say about Miiverse? It may have some serious flaws for a site all about Nintendo but it was still so much fun being around in a place were I could m...

@LuciNO!!! Man I wish I could stay, but I'm currently on my way to school. Looks like I'll have to see if it's still up at lunch time. But if it isn't, I still want to say thanks again.

Even to those I didn't mention, or this of you I can't remember, thank you for everything. Now if only I had a Switch code to drop here
Professional fart