katie's Followers
jacob Editingbloom
im a kid who likes who he is and my freind is '' joshie - hime '' i want zelda super mario and tomodachi life real fun
Gloria kid22896
homar homar12344
i have playwd disney infinity wnd want to play gta5
Michi Sir_Joey_12
Doggy Dan DingleDan86
Hello everyone, and welcome! My original profile name is DingleDan86. I am 31 years of age and have been a long time cartoon enthusiast. I like to draw things (mostly animals, anthro, demons, dragons, unicorns, and other stuff) that I find interesting. Feel free to check out my artwork posts, if you like.
Sissy buns sunflower95
Hi, I Love to have my courses be played and you can leave a commet on all of them because, you are a good person! I have all sorts of ideas for courses. If you have a idea for me just give me a idea and I can probably do it! I also like to play The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild.
CherryGirl familycollins77
tchad kilmaxmayzer
Garrett gamemaster2112
Hello! I'm Garrett. I play video games, and I do drawings for part time. What's my favorite food? ''PIZZA!'' My favorite video game franchise? ''All of the above.'' I sometimes do Wii U Chat. Game on, everyone!
Chris TARDISflyer40
case caseyryanaoife
Drew W. Drew3475
Hi everybody! I'm Drew. Welcome to my miiverse page. I enjoy playing video games, listening to music, watching TV, YouTube, and movies, and reading books. My favorite games are Super Mario Maker, the Super Mario series, the Donkey Kong Country series, Advance Wars games, and Fire Emblem games. Favorite TV shows: Three Stooges, WWE. Favorite Movies: Jackie Chan Movies. Thanks for stopping by.
Chance chancewilley
hello everyone my name is chance i am 17 years old and i love games. i grew up on playing mario. i am super patriotic. im a very friendly person if you have any questions feel free to ask. i make average (i think) mario maker levels. my favorite game systems are the playstation systems. i do accept friend request and i love to talk to new people. feel free to message me. I'm also a christen.
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
matt famnetwork
i am an expert gamer and an expert game collector I had just recently finnished super mario sunshine and kingdom hearts 2 now I am just starting some legend of zelda twilight princes
ÜιțīмățěЯ¹ mpatel79
Hi, I am UltimateR1! Location: Az, U.S.A Games on Wii U I like: Super Mario Maker, & Splatoon. If you follow me I will follow you. Games I like: Agar.io, Deip.io, more .io games, Minecraft, Terraria, All Sims Games, Cities Skyline, any many many more that I can't think off! Thank you!!
James mario4everxx
I'm James!! Let's be friends!! I am a Christian. I make my own Video Games and Video Game Music. I am 27. Hope you all have a fantastic day...and may Yahweh(god) and Yahushua(Jesus) bless you always!! Favorite Games Twilight Princess Super Mario Maker Hyrule Warrior's Adventure of Link Super Mario Bro's 3 A Link to the Past Super Mario World Ocarina of Time In no particular order!!
Steve sdbrosius
tviegas tviegas
Hey everyone! Please play my levels! Thank's!
Cyril Cyrilsauer
Bonjour et bienvenue sur mon profil. ^__^ Je me nomme Cyril, j'ai 30 ans et je suis un immense fan de Nintendo, et ne me consacre plus qu'à leurs consoles. Mes jeux Wii U préférés sont Donkey Kong TF, Splatoon, Super Mario 3D World et Xeno X. Côté Tiers, mention spécial à l'excellentissime Deus Ex. Vive Nintendo. ^__^
Sendar Sendar21
¡Hola! Mi nombre es Sendar. Soy jugador de videojuegos desde hace 22 años. Me gustan los juegos de Mario, Fire Emblem y Smash Bros. Hello! My name is Sendar. I am a videogame player for 22 years. I like Mario, Fire Emblem and Smash Bros games.