Thomas's Friends
Memekip XxMemekipxX
You think this is funny?
Hrshyhiway Hrshyhiway
Menshova Menshovikova
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Starstorm CringeNet
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Djmgamer Djmgamer
Hey peoples
Alex kiddkatsuki123
I play smash with just a wiimote. No nunchuck
nintendite everythingnew09
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MarthinDrg MarthinDrag98
jason J_tallz422
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Ice Iceman_ftw
Hi im Isiac
Nicholas rekine
I also play steam. :)
b ditkabus
spencer RamenShinobi
What's up miiverse???
Austin Alfman39915
Harval Harval1
Quint quintessential1
Smash bros veteran!
Daniel worldcup2014
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Jerry jerry711
I'm on a Yoshi :D
Melvin Mbrkic.ed
Hey you. Yeah you! You like nintendo? Who doesnt? Im a great guy. If you check out my stuff you will know who I am. My favoite series is Fire Emblem. I love amiibo. Lastly my favorite OTP is robin x lucina. thats all you need to know about me!
NasCarter MonkyBoy
ImPablo_ TheOfficialPablo
I'm never on Wii U...It's ded. Switch awaits.
Hey! I'm RPGamer and I love games! My favorite games are RPG's but I also love Smash.