Barry's Yeahs

Rad: I'm usually at home when I play games, and barely play when away, like even my 3DS, I kinda just use it for miiverse drawn posts, but not that much, so I guess I'll be mainly playing at home, ...

Merv: your pun kinda made me Switch my mood... @_@; xD clara: Aaaaah I know right?! The hype is real, my money just wants to jump into Nintendo's wallet... xD Rad: Because I can't~ I'll give up, I ...
Sup I'm Rad, a loser 14 year old with meme problems who draws a lot! I also like anime and LOTSA...
Sup I'm Rad, a loser 14 year old with meme problems who draws a lot! I also like anime and LOTSA Nintendo related things.
current favorite game: Smash Bros. 3DS
Current favorite anime: Gurren Lagann or Watamote
Current favorite manga: Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)