Users RakieemFOX Is Following
Tuiridh TuiridhV
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ςς☆Royce Tagalong_81
Kon'nichiwa!! Hello!! You found my page!! Here's a few things about me... - Do not accept blank Friend Requests - Favorite Color: Rose Gold -Clans: -ςς(Co-Leader) ~ςн(Co-Leader) ~КΆ ~ ςςκ ~ƒτι(Leader), ~HL ~CC ~ив(Co-Leader) ~★\Splats/☆ ~ςρт(Co-Leader) ~ωω(Co-Leader) -I can speak fluent Japanese and english - I love watching Anime especially Naruto, DBZ, and One Piece. Well bye now. Mata Ne!!
Ink☆Coco Coco-chx
Halli Hallo ich bin´s widermal die Coco Hab keine lust mich zu beschreiben also wer Fragen hat einfach Fragen
Taliya noree83
Why hello there stranger. Here's everything you should know about me... My favorite color is purple. The best video game franchise in my opinion would have to be Super Mario. The best anime I ever watched is Naruto. My favorite singer is Melanie Martinez. (I even have her album.) I REALLY love dancing. (Which is why I play Just Dance alot.) I wear glasses but not often. And that is all.
Martin martin2304
They say we dont have games please Devil's third Bayonetta 2 Mario kart 8 Pikmin 3 Splatoon Smash bros wii u Starfox zero Fatal frame Zombi u Captain toad Pokken Xenoblade x Sonic lost world Super mario 3d worlds
わしも ayakowakuwaku
FlameKid mega11231
hi my name is FlameKid and i love so many games like mario, kirby, zelda, star fox, and metriod i hope you anyone were accept me as an friend thank you oh and don t worry that mii is actually joseph.
Basti Uni sebastian15484o
Hi, kurzer Steckbrief: -ich bin 11 Jahre alt -Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist blau. -Mein Hobby ist Fußball. -wenn du mir folgst, dann folge ich dir auch bitte schreibt was in mein Team leider schließt bald das Miiverse!:( Dein Basti
こうた kota0620a
★Kathi★uni Katharina1703
Hallo Ich komme aus Deutschland wenn du mir folgst, dann folge ich dir auch. Sorry das ich so lange nicht da war. Ich war gespeert
Reese BadgerIsMyDog
Hello! Im a person! I love Eddsworld, Potatoes, and My Friends. Im a bit of irish and i know a few words. Well, thats it!
Ash Kechum Luigikirbylk
i love pokemon so much i like ash,serena,bonny,clemon. BOKEMON XYZ and more pokemon i like, pokemon black & white, pokemon sun & moon and more ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞.
ZenomFire 200406Zz
Hello I like minecraft,Pokemon,Super Mario and more
jacob tybonnie
paulthekil LoveGod19
hi im paulthekil i like lost reavers and fathel frame and mario kart 8 and mincraft please be my friend
あなんたいちょう KK1601
あなんたいちょうです。 チマメ隊(ごちうさ) 猪熊兄弟(きんモザ) 東急電鉄 JR西日本 東武70000系 東京メトロ9000系 北大阪急行9000系 Bトレ 路線バス 音MAD が大好きです。 又 俺に逆らう赤の他人(例:舌打ち、僕に対して悪口、上から目線的な態度等) 前面展望撮って文句言う某鉄道会社(バス会社含む)の運転士 東野交通黒磯営業所の運転士 Miiverse運営者 駆け込み乗車してすぐ怒ったり、キレる駅員 その動画のコメントで駅員を励ます書き込みをした奴ら全員(EX:駅員もっと怒れよ。駅員もっと怒ってほしい。) は全員軽蔑します! 3xy64だ!or匕蟻に朿刀されてa-bね! ※x=2×2+3 y=(7+3)-(-2+7) a=5(4-5) b=-2(2+3+2+1)-(2+2+5)を代入 最後に 僕は基本向こうから仕掛けない限りやり返しません。 国語苦手です。許して…
hi johannah08
to save miiverse we need to contact mary or david for further info spred da word bout da club let's save miiverse also some info is dat I follow her so let's make our miiverse stay not go away let's do dis
мικαгι-ςαη Lizii09
¡¡κσηιcħιωα!! ςαιd ηγαα ewe Nombre :v:como me puso mi mamu ¿Como te puso tu mamu? Me puso un nombre Edad:la que tenga :u Cumpleaños :D :24 de junio Onii chan:pos no diria su nombre Un lapiz no puede escribir sin punta y yo sin tu amor no puedo vivir :u Natsu x Lucy is real >:3 Fujoshi otaku 4ever uwu Sayonara
KOBUSHIDE☆ kazusan17
引退します。共感した皆ありがとう。 後、最後一言言わせて。 12歳コミュは暴言キッズばっかり。 もしかしたら覗気に来るかも((( ※ リ ム ル ○ ※ フ ォ ロ バ 目 当 て ○ ※ 無 言 フ ォ ロ ー ○ 連 続 共 感 / 連 続 コ メ 大 歓 迎 ! ----------------キリトリ----------------- サブ垢↓ ユーザー名 永遠のA+ (昇格したい) ID kazuma-souma77 好きな曲 Justice to BeIieve 水樹 奈々 Bad AppIie! 上海アリス幻樂団 BeIieve Foruba5
Ink☆Azami hehehe1234
Hallo(иривет) und wilkommen auf meinem Profil. Ich bin Erika ,hab vergessen wie alt ich bin mein lieblings spiel bis jetzt ist Splatoon 2 Zeichnen kann ich schongarnicht xD Wer mag bitte keine ANIME( Clannad after story/Assassination Classroom) :3 meine lieblings YT siend: Nr6 DarkZone nr5 AviveHD Nr4 Ascalter nr3 Smosh Nr2 Chaosflo44 und der legendäre platz ARAZHUL_HD Nom p.s switsch besitzer
Naruto Millsbro
Name: Matthew/Matt (>.o) Age: 16 Hobbies: Singing and playing video games. Thinking: Good things Favorie Food: Ramen #RamenLife Favorite Animal: Fox (>.<) Favorite Anime: Naruto. Duh!!! Thank you guys so much for all of your support and 400+ followers! Yeah my posts, and follow me for more. Nice meeting you!
Charles Seeker40
hey whaz-UP people i would like to meet you some time and maybe play togther ;) O3O
ЩAmy amylinder
my name is Amy… i like to draw and most of my posts are drawings οωο ok… i like drawing but i dont take reqests (sowy) so… wut…? Aaron is my bf. hes amazing!!! (follow him) im in Щ
SPLAT★KING goldenkiler
hi everyone im the splat king! part time demon hunter LOVE anime i love minecraft, splatoon and cheetahs im taken ;> love to swim and rp best friend: squad: ☆\splats/★ age:unknown STARWARS FAN except all friend requests nice,cool,strong,awesome,friendly,funny lots of good friends (most friend list) hope we can be friends!!!!!! and PIECE! #FOR MIIVERSE
Autothief™ tomi561
Hey everyone! Sam here, welcome to my profile page. im gonna be making some videos for my soon to be released Youtube Channel! ill be playing super Mario Bros, Lost Reavers and Mario kart 8. Post other gaming ideas if you want as well, Thanks!
★•Star starlight189
Hi! I'm Leah, but I also go by Star. I love video games, but I don't have the biggest collection of them. Play (or battle) me anytime! My favorite games are: Mariokart 8, Nintendo Land, Splatoon, Lost Reavers, Minecraft, and Mario 3D World. Well, thats about it for me thanks for reading!!! :-) :3 c:
X¬XGerardo pikmin_pro98
R.i.p this place thank you for the memorises :[ :[ :[ WHY YOU DO THIS NINTENDO *sigh*
yoo ibtiear
JammyOtaku JammyOtaku
Blu Gerardo16
What's up Rockers of miiverse! My Name is Blu and im a Rocker Professional! I am singer! May the METAL and ROCK be with you brothers! I like music of Metal like this: Power Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Nu Metal, Alternative Metal, Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Metalcore and Rock.! Im a Friendly, Respectful and Honest \m/ In the world of darkness, Heavy Metal shines with its own light.
みぃ kidsrabitt
どうも!スマホ充みぃです!殴 【I like】 ボカロ/ハニワ/スマホ/進撃の巨人/銀魂/東方/3DS/飛び森/Youtube/Youtuber/スカイピース/pokkysweetぽきさん ▼ミバ友さま ○あお○さき○[SIT]みずき○Hinata○イナホ○Haru○ざぶとん○さわ○さら○アレックス○DAIZU★○シン・ゆっくりちゃん○ようちゃんすきー○コロン ▼リア友さん ○*まほーMaHoー*○あんこ○おかけい(青服) 【悲しいお知らせ…】 ミバ終わっちゃうなんて(泣) と言うわけで! ミバ終わるまでに *フォロー1000人* *フォロワー500人* *毎日、絵、日記投稿* 目指します!ヨロ(`・ω<´)スク 最後までどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。友さんお元気で!!(^^)うごメモやってます □■8/28更新■□ ※このプロフみたらフォローしてね(期待目)щ(・д・)щよろしく
∴∵γΰκαrī∵∴ xyxuxkxaxrxix
もうすぐMiiverse終了! 感謝感謝感謝でいっぱいです。 皆さま、今までありがとうございました。 Thank you to everyone who played with me. And thanks for becoming my friends on Miiverse. I appreciate all you have done for me.
Project Treasure