Arctic ‡¥‡'s Followers
みこみこ(>ω<)♭ mikoto819
( ´∀`){イタ! おい!いってーな!気を付けろよ!(嬉しい。。。) 殴ったからには下のプロフみてけよ! 名前»みこみこ 好きな○○ ユーチューバー»阿吽の二人組(めっちゃ好き) ソフト»スプラ・YouTube・マイクラ 動物»猫猫猫猫猫猫猫猫猫猫猫猫猫♥ アニメ»東方万華鏡 キャラ»マリサ・パチュリー・モミジ 好きな○○は、以上。 フレ»【ふわ(*´∀`*)】・【オカメン】・【たまちゃん】 ミバ友»いない。。。{ぼっち まあこんなもんかな。。。 東方LOVE できればスプラは1に残りたい。。。 フォローよろしく! なんか上から目線でごめん。。。 じゃあな! ~最後に。。。~ 投稿の共感嬉しいです! フォロー返しは85%かなぁ フォロワー様!いつもありがとー! (´∀`)/
TÄゼロMUSASI musasi0093
ヤッホーゼロMUSASIですよろしくー。フォローは、返します。 東方キャラクター好きですか ぼくは,好きです とくに十六夜咲夜が好きです ナイトオブナイツ大好き スプラトゥーン、マイクラを中心に投稿してます。 後サブで、マリカや他のもやるかも。よろしければフォローおねがいします。 後、最近フレンドになったTANIMOさんとちょくちょく手伝っています。ぼくの、地下クラもてつだってくれているのでゼロックスを見た方は、TANIMOさんのとうこうや、フォローをお願いします。 初めたばっかりなので期待の新人です。投稿も面白いので、見てみては、どうですか。 投稿ペースは、グダグダです。
Dallas gamergirls02
Hi Miiverse! My name is Dallas I am15. How about I tell you a little bit about myself. I am a Christian and a triplet. I am homeschooled. I am a 1st Permanent Brown Belt in Taekwondo. Favorite colors. Black, Purple Music. Pop, Rock Food. Pizza, Ramen, Anime. Soul Eater, Ranma 1/2. Language. English, & a little bit of Korean. Holiday. HALLOWEEN!!!!!
jordan jordan19995
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Black★OpxD DudeG2008
Hello! (Might Go Inactive Due To Switch) 1. Name:Jack 2.Fav Food: Anything Sugary LOL 3.Fav Animal: Fox 4: Real BDay: 28/02/08 5: Bye ˙˘˙ 6. Check My Other User YoshiFan1245 Out!
Adri-Ark Adrien_Raffo_61
merci 532 abonner aux comte!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ je suis de retour
Princess PrincessIsMi29
クロウ-crow T.RYOUTA723
どうもクロウです!!<(_ _)>マインクラフトの投稿を中心に、FF. テラリア.スプラトゥーン などなど! いろいろな投稿をしています!\(^o^)/ ~好きなアニメ~ ・この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! ・灰と幻想のグリムガル ・ソードアートオンライン ・Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 ・アクセルワールド ・中二病でも恋をしたい ・東京喰種(トーキョーグール) ・ギルティクラウン ・甲鉄城のカバネリ ・魔法科高校の劣等生 ・魔法少女まどか☆マギカ です! 投稿が役立ったり面白かったら、『できれば』フォローよろしくです<(__)>ペコッ あ、3DSのベルセルクもよろしくです(宣伝(殴=
とうま¥∀¥ touma0719
こんにちは! ミーバース終了 泣
*hina*^ω^ hilu807
КÐHenry sockmonkey13
hey guys henry here and right now i am very sad because u all know miiverse is closing down, and, well i just want to thank u guys for the support and my friends mainly doodlekid123. so thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, and goodbye
♛☏✆Luke♞☪✄ leonsean7
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just enjoy justeenjoy
salut tous le monde j'espère que sa va,en tous cas moi sa va.Appeler moi just enjoy je joue a minecraft je suis assez forte maintenant je sais accès les bases si non je suis super forte a mario kart 8 et j aime beaucoup splatoon je suis aussi forte a mariotennis ultra smash et tres experte et super forte à zelda breat of the wild .je vous adore depacer les 700 abo svp c est mon reve♥ABONNÉ VOUS!
Trent YveltalSuperFan
My name is Trent. I like games and l love Pokémon. I play the Nintendo3DS and also the WiiU. I also like Minecraft a lot. My dream is to be a Pokèmon master. It's taking sooo long... i am also funny and silly! :P
Evan imas31
Hi guys it's Evan!I also am just your average 13 year old .... cough...cough...Not! I'm extremley weird! But hey that's the way I am! Favorite quote, Normal is BORING! If you follow me I'll follow you back!I'm really sporty! I also love basketball and soccer That's all there is to say, later.Feb 5th I started miiverse! Best friend Kaneki!
Jõël Éßυßé joeliwunna
hey whats up guys my name is joel and i think that some wiiu games are awesome and you guys play them so yeah you're awesome oh yeah ebube means strong by the way , i'm a luigi fan and i love mario and sonic but i mostly have mario games but that dosen't mean anything ,when i get a game i complete it no matter what that's why i am a expert and i like anything that involves nintendo !
Dinocraft Dinocraft5
Hi Ich heiße Allan, auch gennant als Dinocraft! Follower Counter: 619 /1000+ Follower!!! You can also help me on Mario Maker, by giving me stars! Also you can be my friend! Ok, an alle Deutschen da draußen, wer mir folgt, wird dann auch von mir gefolgt!
chris cecewash
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parker k. Pbanks
i'm parker, i love mario maker and playing softball. girl power!i like poke'mon to.I like five nights at fredys
Brendan bj51105
Miiverse is ending... I had fun with you guys... Shearing my video game experience, making friends and more... I will miss you... Good bye... Brendan R.I.P.
5the4ー δ・X Iam5the4n
■Miiversサービス終了まで あと0日■ ◇こざっしーのプロフィール ◆生息地:愛知県 ◆年齢:16歳 ◆初投稿:2014/04/02 ▼呼び名 ・こざっしー ・こざ(胡座) ・胡坐芯 ・ファイブザフォー ・子座丸権左衛門 Etc… ▼特徴 ・無課金主義 ・物忘れが激しい ・心配性 ・涙脆い ・個性が強い(← ▼注意 ・無言フォロー?かなりするよ☆(( ・普段はオフライン ・I can't speak English well. ・リクエストは募集しません ◆δ組とX×5組に所属 ▼ミバ友 ・ゆき c ・その c ・トラ c ・シャル c ・ナッツ c ・うに c ・おちゃ k ・あんな c ・あずみ c ・ねこる c ◆無言フォローも大歓迎♪ ◇11/8更新
Bringer DoctorLuigiBRO
Hi, I am a big fan of Super Mario, Minecraft, and Super Smash Bros! I like to draw derpy pictures, and I appreciate any follows! Follow my sister KirstenKatzAlt!! I also like cheese.
Garrett GarrettMinecraft
Hello welcome to my page and please help me get 300 followers i will be so thankful
Olivia jwalker78
hi my name is Olivia do you want to be friends with me
Colleen colleen673
i love minecraft fallout 4 and fighting games i want to have 100 freinds :) im ryan in real life my best freind is jor777dan he trusts me and i trust him but all of you are my freinds i just got the nintendo switch and got mario kart 8 deluxe for it with zelda breth of the wind or is it wild i dont remember and you could win it by subscribing to my channel mario muffet advenchers on youtube by!
TT_リッカスコ romeo-t117
フレンド募集中です!!\(^_^)/できればスプラもってる人で!(持ってない人もおkです。) \(>_<)/あとフォローもよろ~~しく~~~~。 フォローしてくれたらフォローします^▽^(100000000000000000%) フォロ一150人とっぱ!!本当にありがとうございます!!!!!!
Taler skyiler66
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red mudkip jor777dan
hi my name is jordan i love pokemon. my favorite is mudkip i am 13 and i love splatoon , minecraft and mario kart 8 o and my best friends are danny boy games2007 and colleen and tj54679 save miiverse
king jake jakers9814
Hello every one I am trying to get 100 follows please follow me!
Adam whoareyou257
Hi guys! I am Adam. I'm 13 years old and in 8th grade, and I live in California. I have a deep love of Nintendo. Send me friend requests please! You could see me in online races in Mario Kart 7 and Mario Kart 8. I also don't Wii U Chat at all, so don't call me. After Miiverse shuts down, I will start using Instagram. Have a nice day and have a fun time at Miiverse! �
Lee haileydarksong
Hi everyone! I like Fnaf,homestuck,anime,vocaloid,Twenty øne Piløts,My chemical romance,Panic! at the disco,fall out boy,Marina and the Diamonds,Melanie Martinez, greenday, a whole bunch of other bands,supernatural, Creepypasta,and a whole other lot of stuff! My zodiac is a Saggitarius and im a spicy hot cheeto. I change my background to different creepypastas almost everyday -w-)
Brooke athouse
hi do you know if your going to heaven or hell
Bigboy bigboy9761
Hi my name is Joan Torres. I live in The United States of America. I was born on September 9/11 2006. My favotite games are first person shooters,action and fighting my. Personaly the best I'm at, and my favorite are first person shooters. I hope you enjoy my content and thank you for reading:).
Katie 5of7kids
Its me мςν κάłīē here \(^o^)/ Extremely proud member of Anime (and mario) Club!♪^-^♪ Best friends: AllTimeLow, Lemony S., Kortnie See that button up there that says "Follow +" ? Slap that button silly for a cookie ˇ\(^•^)/ˇ Thats all folks! *ba-dum-crash* Stay cool Byeee Thanks for 370√ followers! ;) Love you all!
Luigikid luigikid11
goodbye guys it was fun having friends and showing my game experience i will miss u guys :( R.I.P MIIVERSE 2012-2017 NOV 7th
Serenity 9rumpy_cat
Im nice and funny and im not a bully. Bullying is just so wrong why do it? I love looking at good drawings there are so many good drawers like Mint,Sama,andIceprincess send them a friend request follow me to make an adventure. I cant send friend requests so please dont try but i will be your friend without any friend request!
Pac-Man48 WolfMaster61
Sup It Pac-Man48!!! Follow me and friend me to have much fun!! Well my favorite games are: Mario, Zelda, Pac-Man, and Minecraft! Console:NES, SNES, Wii u, Nintendo 3ds! Name: Call me 'pac' Age: Uh... Nope Sports: Basketball! Final Message: Bye Friends!!
error sans errorsans456
name: anime error sans the skeleton & I am more powerful then anything main games i play:smash bros 4 wiiu & mario kart 8 error family:if u want to be a member just add error to your name rules:absolutely NO WIIU CHAT,no bullying,and don't ask my age or get blocked my personality: trustworty,nice,very sweet,caring,smart kinda funny,and very mysterious and unique also a good singer ok thats it bye
ptterboy66 ladydee1162
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bored af asia03
HEY PEOPLE!!!! bestfriends:TACOMAN!!! ,KERA♥♡, LACE★☆, and me myself and i my boo: papi.... (sorry ily♥♥♥) status: goodbye miiverse i won't be posting as much so don't be expecting anything. LEO: I WILL FIGHT!!! anyway bye guys!!! ;P
Que T. Pie i_love_nate12
неу everyone: Im 13/teen/adolescent o_o 8th grade Super funny and quirky *what in the world... Cleo get down from there!!!! Party in da U.S.A do not eat my sushi! kay im a done... NOW GET OUTTA HERE AND BE HAPPY!!!^•^
Human undertale222
Hi! I'm Frisk That's all I have to say.