Bella's Play Journal

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User's Nintendo Network ID: RavenX0316

Super Mario Maker


02/10/2017 10:11 PM

Send Level Codes! If you want me to play one of your levels, message me your level code here on MiiVerse! I'll play them for you. No troll levels, please. Bella

Super Mario Bros. 3


10/23/2016 7:01 PM

Good times. Wish Mario Maker let us create full games.

Super Mario Maker


08/27/2016 4:52 AM

Troll laughs, really?

Super Mario Maker


08/24/2016 8:21 PM

Prize Room: Once I upload this level, do not post comments telling people where the key coins are or what the prizes are. The point is for players to pick their prizes.

Super Mario Maker


08/17/2016 7:27 PM

I appreciate the messages, but I am rather busy right now. So if I don't reply please understand I just don't have time right now to do so. I am still creating levels, and will upload more in due...

Super Mario Maker


07/15/2016 6:57 PM

Seems the pipemaze is a favorite of many people.

Super Mario Maker


07/04/2016 5:08 AM

Uploaded many new Pipeworld stages today. Enjoy ^_^

Super Mario Maker


06/26/2016 2:24 AM

Not finished with the Pipeworld series, I'm still building Pipe levels. This will be my next batch of uploads most likely.

Super Mario Maker


06/26/2016 12:46 AM

Another bonus area I created. Pipestretching makes for some very long, but satisfying levels...