I'm uncertain what life will be like for me after Miiverse, but I hope nothing but good will to you all. If there's anything you guys wish to tell me, feel free to let me know; I'll be checking in ...
Ray's Yeahs

I'd like to give shout-outs to Jammy, Jonny, Ray, Jonathan, Ava, Violek, Montana, Skittles, C. Turtle, Olivia, and M. Freeman. Thanks for being such great people, and for the times we had.

Guess it's time for my last post. ...Back when I first joined Miiverse in late 2013, I honestly didn't think that I'd make it past my first year here, but despite all the ups & downs I've had, it ...

Okay thank you so much! I guarantee if I get a Bluebird, but at least I have it! See you on the flip side!

gosh everything is going by so fast im glad i still get the opportunity to see more of ur amazing art haha

When I get back from work tomorrow there'll only be like 5 hours left until this place is gone forever... I feel like I have so much to say, yet I can't think of anything. It sucks not having the f...
I'm Ray, the meme queen, and 18. Also sometimes likes to make poopy drawings.
I never ever ever e...
I'm Ray, the meme queen, and 18. Also sometimes likes to make poopy drawings.
I never ever ever ever accept blank friend requests. (I won't accept it if we haven't talked much either)