Mon2na's Followers
»Stαtisky Statisky
Thanks for the nice memories! Sorry for any possible inconvenience. I'm away from my WiiU at moment. Peace to everyone! Farewell, Miiverse.
Maruchan IsaP2004
Hi there, I wumbo, you wumbo. WUMBO
....... Mysteriousreborn
Profile comment hidden by admin.
καηα&αιιλ Dabossesoffame
Don't send me any friend requests It’s Pip. [and konameme] Pikacraft64 is my name everywhere [and konameme/scampforlife2]
Liliana 637056
Hello all I'm LilianaJan nice to meet you all. I'm a Girl I got Autism and I love Animals. I'm very sorry I don't do Wii U Chat For those of you Wii U Chat I'm very sorry. :'-( Let's have fun. :-) Have a nice day everyone! I'm also liliana that's my real name! My other account is replaced so yeah plz don'y judged me ok? :-( lol bye!
10Mario8 10Mario8
Perhaps our paths should cross again. Perhaps this is our final goodbye. But please, always remember: Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time... That is up to you. Thank you, Miiverse.
Cole Zatbot
ÐαгкÐεη DarkDen2000
Welcome to my Part of Miiverse! Started (as ÐαгκÐεη) On Miiverse: February 2015 -Currently Playing: Pokemon Art Academy or Pokemon Sun/Moon -Huge Nintendo and Pokemon Fan -I Like to Draw(Mostly Pokemon) -Feel free to Comment on my drawings!
★☆RedSplat redsplatsmash
Why hello I'm going to miss you guys. It's been fun while it lasted. Despite all of the cringe, I'm going to miss this place. Stay awesome guys! "Before I say goodbye to you, one more last fist bump!"
Si 579ZtF286
Hello humans! Tis I, Bee Queen! Im just a 6 ft. tall bee flying around Miiverse, that's all. I like to talk about bees. Alot. Out of Posts: Nope :D I currently claimed the B3 Gaming Expo for Bees Community. Also, I'll be making a series in Scribblenauts soon. follow me to become part of the hive. Bye!
Venoct ALT manlydipper
this is an alt used for posting when I run out of posts on my regular Wii U account oh yeah, follow my more active account known as Venoct U Fun Fact: this used to be my sister's account
☆πσαн4мν★ NV63NV
Goodbye's been fun. I actually might shed a tear or two tomorrow... But for a select few, our strong friendship will live on. Goodbye fellow memers. -Noah (Noer) 2017 :(
victor FQCQV9UJ
boujour mes fans je vous aime et j'esper que vous maimer ecivait moi un truc mignon passer une bonne journe et pardon pour les fautes
CutieBlaze CutieBlaze
Hoi…♡Welcome to my profile U wonderful ☆Miis☆<(^_^<) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Favorite color: Red ♥Loves to draw and play smash Check out my other drawlings…Hope u enjoy them(>^.^)› My mains R (☆Metaknight and Lil Mac☆) ♥ (›:v:)›♪You follow i follow back♪ me willz start drawling again soon imz back I havs 2 accounts follow tat 2 4 more danker memes
biquette!! Stephanie195
Salut je m'appelle stéphanie je voudrai très vite m'abituer a miiverse et avoir plein d'ami gentil(lle)
Tucker dl4421jeff
Age: 15 Cool People NNID's (in no particular order): Mixolydia98 PhantasmaForever MegaPikaPika57 xX-Roze-Xx Pyukumukupls JustJillin SunShineAnderson ↑ I wish I had the space for more people. Best Friend: GraphicPsychO I care about all my friends. ♥ Hope is a prelude to disappointment. :) I've extended my profile comment on my favorite post. It's not terribly long. I urge you to read it.
Troy1One tdog1212
hi welcome to my people my rill name is troy so im so not itsidine for master ●going to switch sorry im play wiiu doz●
Julieeeeee bennythedog2004
"Ooh, Mario's Tunnel of Doom! Very scary!" Welcome. Welcome to trash town. I like memes, Video games, drawing stuff, and lame jokes. I also have waaay too many Oc's. Ummmm..... Murdoc Nickels, Russell Hobbs, Karamatsu, and King Dedede are best Husbandos. That is all. Good day. < ̄`ヽ、 / ̄> ゝ、 \ /⌒ヽ,ノ /´ ゝ、 `( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) / > ,ノ ∠_,,,/´”
CutieBlaze Cutieblz
Hoi Welcome 2 my profile u wonderful miis I have 2 accounts [Luigi movie] age: idk u tell me (ƒ·_·)ƒ Hope u enjoy my old drawings/ new ones :l get tem laughs out I MEAN IT Loves 2 draw [self taught] My mains R (Metaknight and LilMac)★ 4 now on i'll post random arto-o [mostly dank memes] (/˘:::)/˘ Follow i follow back ˘\(:::˘\) WOW MIIVERSE IS ENDING WERE ALL DOOMED I've been here since 2014
RIP Thomas ExplosiveEevee
Hello, I'm Thomas, Please wipe your feet before entering. Thank you. lol same! Nice memes! Keep up the good work! I doodle like a poodle with his legs cut off! Been on the 'verse since 11/29/2012
max NeonGamer43
hows it goin guys NeonGamer43 here friend me for games we can play with eachother like splatoon or minecraft im a gamer who would play splatoon alot so ya oh ur still here well umm ok why? i have a brother (jackson12gaming)
Lizard Nidokazam
-insert Boss: Dark Lord's Wrath here- All good things must come to an end. November will approach so quickly. And as the warm wheather disappears, so will I. However You can find me on both Mario and Miitopia @mino And if you really, REALLY, feel like it, MCGA @mino
-Théо- Meuh773
Why do I have 250 followers? I'm Théo, your typical French-Canadian-Acadian user. I'm a mutant mix of the NSLUC, YTC, Mario Maker, MK8, Smash and the old PINCH50. My peeps: No one because I have no friends. :"D
Mгς.Coco•. DeViye
.·•★Welcome★•·. Mrs. Coco appreciates you taking your time to view her profile, she will be posting more often now. Here are some things about Mrs. Coco. ;D Always winking. Age: ? Loves all her Sugar Cubes. Taken by the handsome Hot Coco. Always HAWT ;D All who follow Mrs. Coco are Mrs. Coco's Sugar Cubes ;D motto: Stay cute, but stay HAWT ;D ~Mrs. Coco Loves all♡
Mr. Buu LemonMaser
Hello little person, me Buu! Buu come to the 'Miiverse' to talk about video games and candy! Buu's favorite thing to do is to play, and turn people into ca-.. me mean eat candy! Buu like to play Super Smash Bros and Candy Land all the time. Buu hope we can be friends! SW-8503-5912-45
Caleb CalebCox
Just TRY to beat me in a video game! I'll always win... unless I unexpectedly lose. Anyway, I'm a huge Nintendo fanatic. Need tips on a level or want info on upcoming games? Just ask. *Interesting things about me* • Collected over 80 in the box amiibo. • Submitted a winning entry in the final Smash Bros. photo contest. • Thinks Ridley should be in Smash Bros. • Nursing student.
Grump Tran BusAndTrain
Whenever Tran [AnimeFanGirl]/Tron [Trying2Draw] is banned, this grump face will appear on the battlefield and haunt you in your sleep. I am (not) very happy. Because you will get um... ... ... ... GET GRUMPIFIED! ... ... ... Why on earth do I exist? To be or not to be. That is the question. ... ... ... I'm bored kay? Stop looking at meh.
Da Mexican Gael.deit13
What's up guys and girls n.n! Here is things about me :3 Games i like: Smash Bros, Splatoon, The Legend Of Zelda, Minecraft, Undertale, Yokai-watch 2(i hope for the number 3) Mogeko Castle and Kirby I really like, Steven Universe, adventure time, We bare bears,Pokemon and more n.n Dogs or Cats?: Cats i hope for the +500 followers n.n Well, thats it, see ya n.n
Sparkle Hollifield07
Helo my peeps thanks for checking out my profile i love drawing and going on youtube F A M I L Y G U Y Is my FAVORITE will say YES to ANY freind request okay! so please follow me so i can get to 200 please and remember when you follow me i follow you okay! BYE BYE! wait why are you still here (-_-) Sigh
Ethan Seph76
I need more freinds
izzy joannaisthebest
hey yall just your local flop,lmao 15 y.o~ wii u is litt~ series/shows are litt too~ memes are my life!~ leo~ les~ fangirl~ lazyaSs~ i love black nail polish ik its emo but so am i~ and i absolutely love making new friends,so make sure to hmu :`)
Kaffworld MinecraftFred
Profile comment hidden by admin.
carmen carmen639
This user's profile comment is private.
JohnLucina SomeBritishGirl
well its been a nice run switch name is JohnLucina and i'll try to get my mii name on anything else
Mel mely006
+100 followers [pretty dank :D] im a memes person and im alot of fandoms: popee the preformer, portal2, villainous, bluesky[ portal 2], undertale[its dead], samurai jack, & etc. iship scaramouche x demongo[ samurai jack], paperhat [villainous], chelly [ portal 2 ], jack x aku[ samurai jack], and etc. my favorite animation meme is bi-polar and losing my 'mind :D joined 12/25/14
(If you're looking for more quality content, it'd be best to follow my main, rather than this acc...
(If you're looking for more quality content, it'd be best to follow my main, rather than this account.)
Heyyyy, this is the second account of Montana! I'll only really be using this account for when I run out of posts.
If you're looking for my main account, check my Friend List, and feel free to follow if you want to keep in touch.