Add me so we could play together :)
QUADIR456's Yeahs

Tom, do me a solid and add super smash bros features to skylanders, make Mario, link, fox, kirby, pikachu, yoshi, samus, luigi, peach, sonic, tails, knuckles, amy, megaman, pac-man and ash ketchum ...

Minecraft is not what nintendo is about but apparently little kids with no taste won't play donkey kong and whine about it not being on all the systems or go outside IN REAl LIFE to try and build s...

All u people saying it not fair the wiiu gets it and the 3ds doesn't. u 3ds people annoy so much asking for every single good wiiu to come on the 3ds. half of the game u guys ask for the 3ds can't ...
Hi guys my name is Quadir
I love pokemon,pokemon go,
i love to watch youtube.
my favorite youtu...
Hi guys my name is Quadir
I love pokemon,pokemon go,
i love to watch youtube.
my favorite youtubers are DenisDaily,Bereghost,DanTDM,Popularmmos,
Typical Gamer,Itsfunneh,Little Kelly.
and my favorite game is minecraft on XBOX 1.
U can wii chat me,but only chat me after 6:00 on school days.And on weekends call me any time. :) :) :) :) :)