Welcome to my official last post. This defeat of Kirby Robobot™'s True Final Boss is also the symbolic release of the situation of Miiverse ending. See yall later and, to Mia: Remember the time we ...
Rellmon's Post
Play Journal Entries
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U

Gonna finish the rest of my posts on my 3DS. Gonna be Robobot stuff too.

Wayforward went from Half Genies to Mummies...(The Mummy Demastered) Wayforward Technologies/Universal Studios™

Fire Emblem Warriors actually is good. More truer FE game than the core games. Less fanservice more fighting. Even improves over Hyrule Warriors a bit.
Hello, Im Rellmon, one of the most dedicated gamers you will ever know! I hope to be one as lo...
Hello, Im Rellmon, one of the most dedicated gamers you will ever know! I hope to be one as long as life will let me be! Gamers, especially oldschool and nostalgia freaks get my attention in priority!!!!! Lets be cool together!
Or at least til the Switch over.