Rethel's Followers
★Subio★ JustdanceNow1234
I Do NOT Wii U Chat , Its Not Safe! Im Just A Cute Korean Who Speaks English. ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ Bye!
MarioCool Mayitos1
Hola soy Mariocool =D y bueno... se supone que esta es una precentacion asi que comenzare de una buena vez. Mi nombre es Mario(creo que ya hera obvio :P) Naci en 2004 Me gusta la comida =v Me gusta mucho fernanfloo,elrubius y atherion(a atherion lo recomiendo :›) Me encanta dragon ball Me desvelo mucho(esto lo termine de escribir a las 2 am) y si me sigues yo tambien te sigo ^–^
redstoneYT redstonehero1738
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ExecutCode gbc900
RPG Maker Fes for 3DS Games: (Creator ID: 11130) Project: Summer Ice Project: Summer Ice - Back to School Project: Summer Ice - My Online Universe Project: Summer Ice - Bowling Upcoming Releases: Project: Summer Ice - My Online Universe v5.01 on November 10th, 2017 at 11PM Pacific Time Favorite Nintendo consoles: Game Boy Color & Wii U
NoahX grassgnome
Teacher: Ok class, pop quiz! Me: Y tho
Carriona midnightmoon22
I like tacos. I am almost13 years old. I like art and history. I am the oldest child out of 4 and I have a bubbly personality!!!
Tiffany l_MSJC_l
Tristan Archangel477
Hi everyone:)
Steve DorianGabe
I am The Nemo Kid! I know that wii u is fun! My favorite game is on Nintendo Switch Super Mario Odyssey. Thanks for following and playing!
chris rankin4114
alvaro argallaramirez
☆Thomas☆ j-dizzle428511
Follow Cadence :p
kayden kaywilliams29
Alpha 253 8052JP
¡Hola como estas ! ¿Quieres ser mi amigo?
TxK Legend abi-oummi
c trop bien mario kart 8 et splatoon et mario bross suivez moi svp pour moi
Isabel Funnyib
*Hi, I like horses and singing *I enjoy reading, especially the Seekers series by Erin Hunter (which I finished all 12!) *I enjoy RP's! *Like my posts, and follow me, I will try to follow you back! ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? Me llamo Isabel. No habla mucho Español. Online: Offline:√ Posts:√ (27) Out of Posts: ♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪
Brаdlее Stuff108
hello i'm Bradlee, comment on my post if you want, now here are some things about me: ]1 i'm athletic ]2 i'm 12 ]3 i love meeting new people ]4 i started miiverse on feb 12 2015 ]5 i come to be shy at some points in the day but i'm also out going too last updated [6-19-17]
★Rocky★ SolarSalemDragon
What's Up everyone it's your one and only Silver Star here!!, Welcome to my second profile! where i do and share many of my prayers with you all and peoms of motivation!. On this account i'll share and save all of my thoughts accomplishments in my life!!. MUCH MUCH MORE!!!, I hope you all lovely people will join me ob tgis peaceful pathway to a faithful brighter future!. Along with Gods blessingsl
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
Hey guys.There is not much stuff I like and I am mostly lonely for the time being.I like reading and I like sleeping.I love Monster Hunter and I am blessed to have two wonderful friends.Videogames are pretty much my life xD.So yeah thats pretty much it.Thanks.
D. Monkey meca2micah
Hey guys, no time to explain, but that post that i'd made just now IS going to be my last post, i repeat, warning: this is not a drill, FINAL POST FOR TODAY!!! If i were you guys, i'd be copying those informations down to ya DS'/ devices in order to keep on in touch with me before our sweet lil' Mii faces vanquished, i'll see ya guys there. Thank u all for everything too and Miiverse especially
Byron1330™ byron13330
Hola Mis Amigos Me llamo ♥Byron♥ Soy de chile vivo en valparaiso No asepto Wii U Chat Soy muy feo O talves no :V Tengo 14 Años Mi juego favorito es ♥ Mario Kart 8 ♥ Mis mejores amigas: Son Barby, Jochi , Jazmin, Anv ★Amigos: Yamemazu, Kurisuto ★ Agregame y quisas puedas ser algunos de mis amigos Favoritos ♥♥♥ Sigueme Y yo te Sigo ♥ Me Encanta El Chocolate ♥
Shane aldorivas123
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Gweny ThirstyT44
Hi I'm Gwen A.K.A. ThirstyT44. You can call me both. I LOVE Twilight Princess! You'll hear me talking bout it a LOT! I love Dragon Ball Z, And I had a Wii but some IDIOT STOLE IT FROM ME \__/ ( ahhhhhhhh I'm still SO MAD!) Urm sorry spilled all my guts there. I'm a tad bit Crazy but muh You'll deal, I have a 2DS but I want a WiiU... or a Ipod touch... (*^u^*)
FireBurst™ derpylovesdoctor
Hi, my name is riley/FireBurst I am a fan of SUPER MARIO,The Legend Of Zelda,and Minecraft and My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic....Oh!, and Im good at drawing, im a boy who has autism... I also like Game Grumps and Gravity Falls! And most importantly the jontron show! And im making a web series called the misadventures of fire burst! its about 2 best friends getting superpowers
nae nae dannynace
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loan loan.claudon
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Rajeen Rajeen02
★Rosαlinα★ kaylaskye
★Profile comment hidden by reckless Lumas. Ha, Joking! Greetings Fellow Starling! Anyway, I'm Rosalina, watcher of the cosmos. I live with my lumas on my Comet Observatory. They've been getting really reckless lately... -_-' "Hey! Stop That!" Ugh... I try my very best to protect the galaxy within my reach.I will with the help of my lumas and you all! Welp, they're breaking things again, see ya! :D
Depressed N.Cforlife
name first:Elena second:jennifer third:dobrav age:16 Single pringle I have 2 twin bros I have 3 dogs and a horse I suffer from depression Im emo I dont post much PEACE!
Aidan kalawar
Hello. ^-^ •15, ♀ •A Virgo, INFJ, and what I guess is called an Extroverted Introvert. •Favorite Genres: rap, metal. •Favorite Bands/Rappers/People: Eminem, Nightwish, Ludacris, Ki//switch Engage, Slipknot, Busta Rhymes, Token, Maroon 5,Marilyn Manson •Favorite Movie: The second Saw. •Favorite Show: Dεατh Note. Follow: Z, Suki, Tankjob20, Bailey B., Boy Wonder. Feel free to chat anytime. =P
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