Users Rik Is Following
ЦÐ★•C&G• CoolTimideJoyeux
~Bıeηνeηυe ςυя се ряоƒıl~ ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■● ●■■☆☆☆☆■☆☆☆■■☆☆☆☆■☆■☆■■● ●■■☆■■■■☆■☆■■☆■■■■☆■☆■■● ●☆■☆■■■■■☆■■■☆■☆☆■☆■☆■☆● ●■■☆■■■■☆■☆■■☆■■☆■■■■■■● ●■■☆☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆☆☆☆■☆■☆■■● ●■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Icı oη est deux! (deς jυмeαuχ). -Team: ЦÐ★ - et Papaye ★Dessin: ~мııverse ~Pσкéмση αrt αcαdeмγ ~Mστıf ACNLWA #C&G αbσηηe τσı sı τυ νeυχ! ^ω^
Messy MESS-C
vƒ◆Saland- Saland-1
I draw, make SSB4 / MM levels and TT mk8 with pro controller. Mainly playing Rainbow 6 siege (PS4) Playing a bit of MK8D. Team- vƒ (Final Velocity-mk8) No Item Racers! Toon Link! Shy guy! New Squiffer! See room for improvement? Criticism towards my art or stages is welcomed. There is nothing fancy under my spoilers.
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
HIGHscores HIGHscores
Hi! Classic gamer here! I grew up on Atari, c64, NES and have collected and played ever since. Love arcade gaming/pinball and own a few machines myself. Castlevania is my favorite game. I love to follow the artists on here. I draw lots of old video game/heavy metal/movie art. My wife is Snackz, please check her out too :)
pöisõnïvÿ TabithaLenox
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ~Winnie the Pooh♡ ♪Thank u for the friendship & support. For the yeahs & follows. Luv u all ♡ ♥Please Understand...R.I.P Mr.Iwata♥ *Joined miiverse Dec 2012*
Яandy PKMN ran555rud
I post Inazuma Eleven, Pokémon Shuffle or Phoenix Wright stuff. If you like it, follow me :) Ultimate Goals: Get 100 Followers: Achieved! (Thanks :) Get 200 Followers: Achieved! (Thanks :) Clans I'm in: PB and League Of Thrones (CO- leader).
Fgamer fgamer
i m an veteran player and my first console has a nes(good old times)love art,football,my favorite console has my dear nintendo64,nintendo fan,sega fan,hello to everyone in the world
VicViper83 Konijn12345
Hello! I'm an oldschool (Nintendo) gamer who also loves to draw. Favorite consoles/handhelds: NES, SNES, Megadrive (Genesis), PS1/PS2, Dreamcast, Game Boy (1989 original). Mario games are my only favorite Nintendo franchise, so I do not consider myself a real Nintendo fan. Feel free to follow me if you find me entertaining enough, but no random friend requests please. I don't do WiiU chat!
GreenOne JollyGreenOne
I'm just a jolly guy who enjoys games. I also use to draw every once in a while. Thanks for nearly 5 years of fond memories, Miiverse!
…Μοηs†eг… Monst32
- Ger/Eng - [РA:FU 321] - btw MH3U: 1st.Hr-999 2nd. -999 3rd. -38 - cod bo2 prestigemaster -MH4U: 180+ -MHGen 200+ - and a big thanks to all my followers - ^-^
MiniOscar1 OscarTeam
This Mii will only be used to gain some additional comments! The real fun is on my Main Profile!! ;)· Este Mii solo va a ser usado para ganar algunos comentarios extra! La verdadera diversión esta en mi Perfil Principal!! ;)· CRAZY-COMMENTS MASTER MAESTRO EN COMENTARIOS-LOCOS
☆Maria☆ Dinorex-Cubone
Bread is evil y'know... welcome to my profile.. well let's stay until the end
Cappuccino Y.O-1017
ゲームというコミュニティで世界、日本の人達とお友だちになれる素晴らしい場所を作ってくれたNintendoスタッフの皆様に感謝しますm(_ _)m いままで、ありがとうございました!
Rebecca Rebecca.BW
Hey there, fellow gamer!! I'm a gamer who is very happy to talk to anyone about gaming of all sorts and games, but I am VERY, VERY dedicated to and specialise in four particular catergories - Mario, Sonic The Hedgehog, Pokémon & TLOZ. If you play games in these catergories, need help or wish to talk about it with/to me - I'm your person. My motto?? Nintenga (Nintendo & Sega) for life!! :D
Ď~ρнαżε~ξ DarkPhazonElite
Profile comment hidden by admin.
SoonChange Overlord9999
I'm pretty much done here.
ronald triplededge
age: 19 Salutations everyone, I'm a longtime cartoon/game fan crash, spyro, megaman, and sonic are my fav characters ever. Drawing is my hobby. I also enjoy watching cartoons and playing platformers, 3d and 2d. dream for the future: majoring in game designing, I'll be soon working with double fine when I graduate. (No Friend Requests!)
Yuki xxsangokuxx
Hellu! I'm Yuki! \( ☆ ¬ ☆ )/ •★I'm 15, and a swedish/italian otaku★• I love drawing, anime (Tokyo Ghoul ftw!), being lazy, listening to music, sleeping, snow, fluffy bunnies and ice cream! ♡ Thank you soo much for all your support!!!! Love you all!!! ♡ My birthday is the 04/07! (4th July) (.u.) Please tell me if you have done any drawing for me! ( ; ω ; ) Have fun! ( ^ • ^)/ ~♪
Moon Ant anthonyps00
**********I DON'T WII U CHAT******** Anthony Santos: A lame soon to be young adult. I'm a huge Nintendork, and they will always be my go-to publisher. I do drawings, sometimes. I've run out of interesting things to say, so... kthxbai
Palindrome 16bithannah
21 year old gal. Video game junkie. Sci-fi fan. Moderately weird. I play a lot of "old school" games and jrpgs. (I don't do Wii U Chat, sorry!)
まちゅう MATyU14
今までありがとうございました。僕の手書き投稿を楽しみにしてくださった方々には申し訳ない気持ちでいっぱいです。 現在は青鳥をメインにダラダラとやっております。よければそちらでお会いできたらと思います。 こんな地味だった僕を支えてくれたMiiverseや皆さまには感謝の気持ちしかありません。重ねになりますが、本当にありがとうございました! Thank you everyone! Thank you Miiverse!!!
Bradical Bdockeyeballs
35 year old gamer dad hobbies: wood carving, drawing, drums loves: my wife, daughter,metal and bluegrass! sorry, no wiiu chat! monsters, aliens, robots and dinosaurs? yes, please. I'd rather spend a weekend at Bernie's than five nights at freddies... hope you like my art!
Welcome to the Trav- Zone! GET READY!! Hope you enjoy my scribbles and what-have-ya. I want to thank all those who yeah, comment, and follow! THANK YOU!! Also be sure to check out my main account: The Trav (Megablurx) for all my WiiU posts and other random cray.
Lazerduke billyfox
Gakenzi Gakenzi
Hello there! Thanks for visiting my profile! I mainly just post art here, so if you like that then hopefully you'll like me! -------------------------------------- Thanks for 1300+ followers! Yeah and comment on whatever you like, I don't mind :3 No requests. No Wii U chat. #PapiIsBestGirl "Excuse me...What did you say about my hair?!" -Josuke Higashikata
Duke Bocks JukeboxDraw
Jukebox Draw Official Account Here lie the remains of Duke Bocks, once host of Jukebox Draw. He was killed by Nintendo for no good reason whatsoever. Final Round Details Judge : Good Vibes Artist : Hazy Song : Eternal Space Winner : Hawk Find the Deviant Artist Dj-Pickle for future rounds. for previous galleries see YouTube Sproductiongames Google Wiiuartz
Sean.W sean_w_120
Hello, Im Sean Wootton. Im 25 years old, I love old games and Nice to My friends! :) My best game is Super Mario 64! Im a Fan of Mario, Sonic, Kirby, LBP, Zelda, FF7, Earthbound & SSB. The followers I got: 1000 on 24/2/2014 2000 on 12/11/2014 3000 on 3/6/2015 Thank you all so much for the great times on Miiverse, It's sad miiverse have to end like this! :(
Yin Tsang YinShen
Hello. After many years, miiverse brought back the motivation to draw. I'm an amateur who seeks to share my passion about games while learning from the great artists found in this community. ~ Friends list is nearly full, so i will only be adding or accepting friend requests from people i've known for a while. Thank you. ~
Aonuma RoadRasher
Whassup!!! Favorite games: Road Rash Excitebike Mach Rider Renegade Favorite Book: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Favorite TV/Movies: American Choppers Sons of Anarchy Ghost Rider Easy Rider
Iceman92 Iceman92
Incase I run out of comments, just know that you all are Miiverse, the very spirit of this place. I hope to see you all again. With the end in sight, thank you all for the support you've given me, you're all awesome. ;) See you all again someday soon. :) One last time, Goodnight Miiverse.
Baz BatDog
*HELLO EVERYONE* Adult male with massive heart on sleeve, loves drawing, gaming, fun & smiles, Big Nintendo Fan ♡. Owned every Nintendo to date. Big DC & Marvel Comics fan ☆, Loves Rock & Metal music ♪♡♪, all things Batman & StarWars☆, Dragons, Games & his dog: Bluebell ♡. (No Wii-u chat)
$κγ мìķξ
(·ω·) (ˇ▼˘) (^•^) WELCOME ♪ ☆Hi my name is super milo,I'm 14, But you can call me Milo . My Wii U : ZELDA edition My 3ds : blue (small) ☆message :Draw,screen-shot and gameplay ☆I like : BD,comics,manga,and video games ! ☆(Oui je parle francais ne vous inquiétez pas ) :3 #ArtAcademyWiiU ☆ ☆ teams : DÐ★ (Darkness Draw) ED☆ (Eternal draw) Darkise
Kasumi Claire_Ridley
marc justdance
( français )bonjour je suis français et j'aime beaucoup dessiner ! j'apprécie les musées et l'art ^^ n'hésitez pas à visiter mon profil si vous le souhaitez . I can speak english if you want and I will understand your comments . I really like video games :mario ,pikmin ,zelda ... and my favorite one is zelda tw :] j'aime vraiment les jeux vidéo dont zelda , mario ,pikmin ... :]
るみ Rumi_jp
54yo. Been a gamer for 39 years. Played all the Zelda games at release. 54歳。ゲーマー歴39年。ゼルダ全タイトル予約買いでプレイ済み。 2014/6/12 Portfolio 2 *注意:初コメでタメ口は即ブロックです。タメ口は親しくなってから。常識ですよね。
ヤバーン Yabarn
渡る世間の荒波に 揉まれ流され沈められ 妄想大洋漂流記 気がつきゃ深夜の丑三つ時 残念ながらジョンドゥーな絵しか書けませぬ 進め脳内戦場カメラマン [お願い] 私の絵はタブコンで見ていただけたら幸いです。 なお、私の絵に[ 不 快 感 ]を感じましたら [ ブ ロ ッ ク ]して頂けたら幸いです。 いつもコメントありがとうございます。 楽しんで頂けたのなら幸いです。 人生上手く行かないが負けないよ私は! 負けるものかよ。
Rik, 30
~Fave games: Ocarina of Time, MK8, Super Mario World, Super Castlevania
~Fave bands: Fai...
Rik, 30
~Fave games: Ocarina of Time, MK8, Super Mario World, Super Castlevania
~Fave bands: Faith No More, Tomahawk, Mr Bungle, QOTSA
~Cool dudes: Colgo13, Tohma02