Users Robert Is Following
☆ Marta ☆ taiyou_draws
[ENG-ESP] 15♀ I don't think I'll be on Miiverse more than for post the draws I do on WiiU to download them in other devices And I usually post in Spanish so you won't understand anything xD
Bunny StarGamerBunny
Hooooi!! I'M Bunny nice to meet ya I am proudly in Comet Candy ^.^ I like to watch cartoons [ epecially old school ones] I watch some anime im picky with them. i love to draw alot this is a big one I LOVE TO PLAY VIDEOGAMES i been playing sice i was really little first being sonic the hedgehog . but over the years i greatly expanded i do not wii u chat or txt so do not ask.
Heropon FreakBurger
GrapeKing★ Homestuckislife8
oh Some stuff about me: ★GrapeKing is a persona. ★I am a Pisces♥ ★I am ironic. ★I could rave to this. ★I'm a memer. ★I like to self depreciate. ★DerpMasta is my baby. ★I only take drawing requests/art trades when I feel creative/not lazy. ★I'm very nice, so talk to me!
Aimiyuuka* Barbara_Aimi07
This user's profile comment is private.
Yuu☆ CakesAndCarpets2
Hello I'm Jirou! Please refer to me as he/they ´ヮ` I'm a huge inazuma eleven fan. right now i spend most of my time playing either splatoon or inazuma eleven strikers 13 (๑•̀ㅂ •́)و ✧ you can talk to me anytime! just comment somewhere on my page i accept friend requests.❁´▽`❁
BlizzFrisk zammykins
Previous names: Blizzaria Yes, I am a Yokai. ;) Proud of creating an original Pokèmon! Peafie the Peacock! Want help with yours? Just ask!
GhostSquid NatalieInkling
♥Hey there!Call me Ghost! ♥I draw, animate and play games. ♥My trash⇒Kirby,Splatoon,Legend of Zelda, Smash Bros.,Pokemon and much more. My Oc's:Nowi(GhostSquid),Connor,Roy, Octavia,Nicky,Jayson,Scarlet and Juno.(And many more to come.) ♥My little sister: ♥Sunflower2846♥ Find me places♥:Ghostie-Squid♥ghostsquidnm♡ Miiverse Fam: Lance Okaavri ACPThunder Konononor Laseraxis7 76m Ari
Hawke WhiteHawke
Ellie beellzibubb
Hello my name is Ellie and I'm a British Girl Gamer. I will not add people on my 2DS or Wii U unless I actually know you privately... My Favourite Games: -Animal Crossing -Mario Kart -Rhythm Paradise -Mario Maker -Smash Brothers 4 That's my profile, Nuff' Said!
ことは t001363
ミバやめます。 フォロワーsごめんなさい。 私がフォローしている方、1人減ってしまいますが、すみません。 いままでありがとうございました。!
ゆうな akayuu628
This user's profile comment is private.
☆нαριικατ★ Zorugirl
Heyo dudes. I am a simple person who just enjoys playing video games. Right now I mostly play Xenoblade Chronicles X, but I do occasionally play Splatoon. I also doodle a lot, but I'm still improving. Thanks for checking out my miiverse, nice to meet you, whoever you are! Jingle ★★★★★ Squad partner :^) yes
Candy CandyCorporation
Im Candy! Its not my real name but its the translation of it andis way easier to pronounce. I draw fan art and mostly play Splatoon as of now.
Chrissy fuwante-chan
Hallo! Mein Name lautet Chrissy. Ich liebe es Videospiele zu spielen und zu zeichnen. Der Spaß liegt dabei im Vordergrund^^. Bis dann ♥ Hey there! My name's Chrissy. I'd love to play videogames and drawing. I really enjoy it, just to have alot of fun ^^. See ya ♥
Lesuna´∀` Lesuna
※フレンドについて※ 遊ぶ機会が減っていますので募集していません。(I don't want to be friend! Friend request No Thanx!!>:-O) フォローの付け外しについては、ご自由にどうぞ! 時折、絵心教室スケッチで絵を描いております。コメントを頂けるのは大変嬉しいのですが、コメ欄にある"注意書き"を必ず読んで下さい。あと“一言や無関係なコメントや新作以外の投稿には返しません”のでご了承下さい。(I'm happy because you write a comment. But please read the attention picture in the first comment!)
Megan blazingInfernape
My name is Megan, I am 20. Huge Nintendo fan, they're the best!!! Favourite franchise has to be The Legend of Zelda :) cannot wait for Zelda U and I am looking forward to the NX! :)
Chu Patachuw
Melody Crowtalon
Hello my name is Melody. I'm 25 years old. I'm addicted to Splatoon! I do play other games but right now you will mostly find me splatting away. Always looking for more squids to splat with! InKnights rule! No Wii U Chat.
Rice skhanom
ταωαιι♪ Tawaifu
Hoii fellow wafflers, The waffle here •I draw sometimes •I'm madly in love with splatoon •I love that booboo FC of mine called Xion~ That's all you need to know
x0Kuja0x x0Kuja0x
Hi there! I am just an ordinary 20 year old girl from Germany. Miiverse is very cool so far and I adore the drawing feature. Visit me on DeviantArt, my name is Invidiata up there.
CheesyTaco animegirl1860
Ayyye. I usually go by CheesyGordita but it didnt fit so whatever Well since you're already here you might as well read this thing now. things i like/fandoms: mlp hamilton furry doctor who supernatural anime fnaf zelda cheese curls raccoons about me: 17 female bi curious please no yeah bombs... or at least ask first online [] busy [] offline [*]
niNjaKatt niNjaKatt135
¤——‡——‡——‡——¤——¤——‡——‡——‡——¤ Hello! Welcome to my sanctuary~ I'm friendly so don't be afraid to chat with me or suggest a drawing request öωö ->UPDATE<- With college and work, current requests/posts are delayed but still getting done. Thank you for your patience! Requests: [ ] Open [ * ] Closed ¥♡кαωαιι~кαττ♡¥ ¤——‡——‡——‡——¤——¤——‡——‡——‡——¤
Lady Lepus Asbeel91
★Hello and welcome to my profile★ ★My name is Michelle. ★I'm 25 years old ★I ♥ drawing ★I ♥ animals ★I ♥ bunnies and rabbits ◆No drawing requests ◆No WiiU Chat ◆No blank friend requests ♥Thanks for all the support♥
Emily Meow-Nya252
I draw... ˙˘˙ ♪Monster Hunters ♪Legend of Zelda ♪Final Fantasy ♪… other stuff. Hope you enjoy my doodles!!! ˙³˙♪♪♪ ☆Current Obsession: Music ♪♪♪
Nayru veroorte
Hello everyone<3 I love video games and love to draw. Thank you for the yeahs,likes, and follows<3. Also I put expert game experience as in I've been playing video games my entire life, not in the sense that I'm some pro.
Lollie OliLollie
▼▲◆▼▲◆▼▲◆▼▲◆▼▲◆▼▲◆▼▲◆▼▲ Hello Friends :) I`m 23 years old and I live in Bavaria :) ☆ I`m a big Manga and Anime fan ♥ ☆ I love drawing! ☆ I loooooooveeeeee The Legend of Zelda soooo muuuuuch =♡____♡= ☆ But no one of this Things i like or love matches my biggest Love! Yeah right it's my Boyfriend *-*♥♥♥ ▼▲◆▼▲◆▼▲◆▼▲◆▼▲◆▼▲◆▼▲◆▼▲
CandyMel melthechibi89
Hi! Im Mel...... Im a cupcake...plz dont eat meh Any fan art? tell me pwease.... Birth: June 28 Next Follower Celebration: 100 followers
Daisy~ Daisy250_2
Hey tout le monde! :D Je m'appelle Daisy et j'ai 15 ans. Ce compte est utilisé pour parler de plusieurs théories,constructions et informations. ^_< Bien sur vous pourrez me donner vos idées,théories,ect... Vous avez le droit de me poser des questions. ^_< En tout cas,j'espére vous apprendre plein de choses! :D Sachez que je ne fais pas tout ca pour les abonnés mais pour le plaisir! :D Bye!~
Hi people, My name is Robert or Robie for short =)
I'm 27
I love Drawing and Video Games and t...
Hi people, My name is Robert or Robie for short =)
I'm 27
I love Drawing and Video Games and thanks to the Wii U I can combine 2 hobbies in one. I love Anime and reading Manga and of course I love Nintendo, From Mario to the Legend of Zelda I love them all.
Thanks for visiting