Users *☆$α$$¥☆★* Is Following
ExecutCode gbc900
RPG Maker Fes for 3DS Games: (Creator ID: 11130) Project: Summer Ice Project: Summer Ice - Back to School Project: Summer Ice - My Online Universe Project: Summer Ice - Bowling Upcoming Releases: Project: Summer Ice - My Online Universe v5.01 on November 10th, 2017 at 11PM Pacific Time Favorite Nintendo consoles: Game Boy Color & Wii U
☆Pσργ☆ Pepsou.Pop
Thank you for all Miiverse ! Also, thank you for all my friends ! ´;ω;` Maybe our paths will cross again... in real life, who knows ? ;P Lola a.k.a ☆Pσργ☆
Marc wiiboy2410
Welcome to my profile. The new home for my random drawings and: •IDRAW4U- Art Requests (253) CLOSED Playing: WiiU •BOTW (11) ★★ •Mario Maker (9) •Paper Mario CS (9) •SF Guard (9) •Splinter Cell Blacklist (10)★ •TMS #FE (10)★ 3DS •FE Fates (10)★ •FF Theatrythm CC (10)★ •HW Legends (9) ·Metroid Prime FF (8) •MH Generations (10)★ ·Pokemon Sun (10)★ •SSB4 (10)★
red gaming red030
taken and i love her im famouse for playing mc i like pickles BYE MIIVERSE. this social media site is basically dead by now
Madison Madison384
Josh202DS JoshuaMorrow2DS
Hey guys! Joshua Morrow here. This is my 5TH 3DS/2DS Account. #SaveMiiverse&WiiUChat My other 6 Accounts - JoshuaTM0509, JoshuaTM1997, JoshuaTM5997, JoshuaTM591997, JoshuaMorrowWiiU, SubstituteJoshM1 Be sure to follow me on this Account and my other 6 Accounts and send me Friend Requests on my other 6 Accounts. :-D
SeeDank thelunafamily7
Hello Everyone My Name Is SeeDank Or Thelunafamily7 And Everyone Plz Plzzz Follow Me My Goal Is To Get 330 Followers By The Begining Of November But Am Trying Not To Let Miiverse Die And These Are The Dayz I Play:Monday,Wednesday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday Thx For Your Time.
Jasmine CMFBtheFirst
Wassup my boi . It seems i came to mv really late. welp here's some facts about meh/me age:12 friends on mv: Trinity,Cheli 2 ,Carmel,Nin★Noah family on mv:samanth ,Destiny May,and Maria also im hispanic If your still here your a freak XD BF:none so ask while you can 3 post left so i'll talk through this love ya bye
Luna the1andonlySonic
Don't live your life being afraid. Don't wait to do things, because you may lose your chance. Then you will always regret it saying "What if..?" Take chances & life your life to the fullest, because you don't know when your time will be up. In the end, you will only regret the chances you didn't take. Groups: K.K Police force
Daddy TheUmaster
I'm a Dad, a Husband and a gamer since 83'-love Nintendo, nuff said ;) Location: North Idaho Age: 38 R.I.P Wii U 2012-2016, I'm still rockin mine though!
ronin neosonic91
Abby abbylee2007
Profile comment hidden by admin.
»Stαtisky Statisky
Thanks for the nice memories! Sorry for any possible inconvenience. I'm away from my WiiU at moment. Peace to everyone! Farewell, Miiverse.
Gigi GigiTheGeekyGirl
Hoi! I'm Gigi! Age: 14 Real Name: *Narwhals prevent you from this information* Obsession: Undertale (send 4 halp) Hobbies: YouTube, Drawing, Reading, Fangirling, Narwhals- wait wut? Occupation: Random fangirl on the internet riding a narwhal wearing a top hat. Motto: "STAHP BEING LOGICAL, THIS IS THE INTERNET!!!" Welp, now that you know I exist… … … I'm not sorry for taking the last taco.
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
Ώ«Ďαώηη»Ώ XxAL4m3N0B0dyxX
Hai! --I doodle stuff (prob trash >_<) and post about random junk-- --Big nerd for NINTENDO-- --I also like cartoons, anime, sleeping, fishing, and wallowing outside-- --yeahs/comments/follows etc. are appreciated ^-^ ….but i dont know why anyone would bother doing that since most my stuff is bad (=.=)-- --age:16-- --single (>3<)-- --female-- --status: Doomsday Approaches 'O' --
cuphead Clowncatfish
hi i am a fan to wii u an i hope i have a fun life with the wii u company my mii is bowser jr i have the games super smash bros. an super mario makir an super mario bros. u + super luigi u i hope iL mete new friends in wii u i 1 of tham is omar i olso hav the amiibos mario bowser kiby R.O.B mr game an watch an duck hunt and toad my sistums are only DS i my birthday is aprol 13th i olso bie miis
★FNAFVoca★ Splatoon257
つきしろ るきや chibico26
今日一日、何事もなく、平穏にすごしたい。自分を見失いたくない。僕の絵、デザイン、小説、ポエム、全て僕の心と魂を込めた創造のオリジナル作品。(他者は、盗用乱用悪用しないで下さい。許可を求められても、断固としてお断りします。) 悪意の共感とコメントとフォローは、しないで下さい。悪意の交渉もお断りします。諦めてください。 此方も、「そうだね」を本当に自分の心が動いた時にしかしないので。 何卒御理解御了承の程を。 ここまできちんと読んでください。 僕の事が、不要なら、フオロー解除してくださいね。 僕もそのうち、意思疎通疎遠虎馬な人達はフォロー解除遮断します。 通信エラー、その他諸々の関係で。 何卒、御理解御了承の程を。 武士道と騎士道と仁侠道を愛する吟遊詩人 僕のオリジナルキャラクター冥と瑠輝、記憶の絵日記、物語、空想世界 創作活動チーム 「わんねー」
Asunyan GX AsunakuruhaV.3
SakiFox PokeGirl2B
Fav. Quote: "If I Cut The Strings, That Hold Me Hostage, Will I Fall And Shatter? If That's All It Takes, To Breathe Again, Does It Really Matter?!" I'm So Edgy... xShys Awayx Follow pandamaddiestar on Follow MELANY And ☆Alyssa★ On Miiverse. Foxes And Crows Are Cool. I Like Anime, Nightcore, Foxes, Swing Sets, Manga, And Flower Crowns. Um.... Bye... xHands Kalex
ariany Kage80
Hello my name is Kage80. I love fighting games, Anime, Manga, Quotev, and thats all Also I'm Spanish and I love Hetalia
ψ†Dwayz†ψ™ PokeBigFan
J'ai fais une rencontre il y a un peu Plus d'un an,rencontre INOUBLIABLE, rencontre FORMIDABLE, rencontre IMPROBABLE, qui aura été la plus belle de toutes les rencontres que j'ai faites ici, ta rencontre Evy ♪Je me souvient de l'année dernière, quand sur l.a on parlait pas encore vraiment et maintenant je pense à aujourd'hui tu es ma meilleur amie, une amie en or à toujours dans mon cœur ♪\\^o^//♪
Mikaharu Mikaharu
[Requests are closed] I'm Ruima-Mikaharu, just call me Mika for short or Hammy I love to draw and games that I like to play are: animal crossing, DQ-IX, FEA, Pokémon, drawing games, etc… I love pixel art and fantasy RPG I'm African American love old cartoons and old style animation Not really the best talker blah… I'm not used to here yet but I'll try my best. Out of space.
Dena denajarawr
I'm a freelance graphic artist located in Tennessee. I occasionally post artwork on here. Message me for commissioning/business inquiries. I also main Villager on Smash Wii U, so feel free to say hello if you run into me on there!
★T●●N★J●Y★ saiyan_gxd
★T●●N★J●Y★ is back! overwatch has taken over my life ďā : TJ3star ť : tj3star see you there ;)
☆Artistic★ artistic14
\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ Don't be sad. Just don't forget me. NEVER forget artistic14...*winkiddy wink* I look forward to when we all meet again!
Ashley N3MESIS
Hi! :) • ■▼(]!!!IN CASE OF A BAN FALLOUT!!![)▼■• ---Here are my back up profiles--- [★AND PLEASE DO WRITE AND/OR TYPE THEM DOWN NOW AND SOMEWHERE YOU CAN FIND LATER★] N3MESIS-2 Adm1nsB3stFriend ---Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful time visiting my profile! ^^--- *No WiiU Chat pls *
audrey marioyoshi62
I tend to draw things in super mario, like artworks from the games. sometimes other nintendo characters check em out if your interested
AlexisFrix ThinkOfYouAt4AM
Greetings, my name is Alexis Frix, and this is one of my 3DS accounts. I draw sketches mostly on my 3DS.
AlexisFrix Undevour
AlexisFrix AlexisFrix
My name is Alexis, and I enjoy drawing video game characters, mainly Nintendo characters. I occasionally chat here, or I try to at least. :•]
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
уυωı yuwi15
Currently Planning on Destroying the Universe. Has ♪κυωι♪ captive,oh and btw Daremie you better get as many people to save her because as soon as I have the all powerful "Necklace of Fioria" I will destroy the N.W.B and the Universe. "MUWAHAHAHAHA" Ok bye bye I have to get going with my life of terrorising people and btw I'm the dark energy built up from Kuwi's negetive energy.
しめりあ kode00
今改めて思うことは、ミーバースという場所があって本当によかった。 絵描きを通じ、様々な方と交流し、フォロワーになり、数えきれないくらいの思い出になりました。 フォロワー様含め、私と交流して下った全てのユーザー様、本当にありがとうございました!! ミバが終わったら、青い鳥への移住を考えてます。
Elf Dakota AlaskaSnowMonkey
"I don't Wii U Chat" Hello Everyone and welcome to my profile here you will see a lot of drawings based on different Nintendo Franchises and maybe even occasionally a Youtube related drawing, Favorite Game on each console .Super Mario Brothers 2 (US) .Link to the Past .Super Mario 64 .Luigi's Mansion or Smash Melee .Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 .Splatoon .Breath of the Wild or Arms That's all