Who new that 17 years from it's release, Majora's Mask would play such a key role during the end of Miiverse?
#RYDERDOG#'s Yeahs

I wish all of you guys and girls luck in your lives outside of this place known as Miiverse. You were all so cool and great friends that it pains me to have to leave this place. Farewell and sayona...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Ordo Templi Bigley now owns the Zelda community. I hearby declare this community ours. This was our motherland from 2014. We won, fellow smashers.
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community

Miiverse, The End Is Here
*Read this with sad music playing in the background* I started using Miiverse not to long ago, but in the 38 days I had an account, I gained 30 new friends, and wr...

so thanks to everyone on miiverse and thanks to Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube and facebook for being here now that miivese is going to join all those other things nintendo made like nintendo zone so...
Minecraft: Wii U Edition Community

Miiverse is CLOSING TONIGHT! The Minecraft Community is Moving!
Tonight at 10PM Pacific time, Miiverse will be shut down. In order to preserve the great community we have here after Miiverse closes, we are MOVING this community...
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats...
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!