Roвεrт's Followers
cacahuete Alexis55000
Other account: Jambokoblin2011 Salut, je suis passionné par le Japon pour : -Les mangas/animés(Shingeki No Kyojin) -Les jeux-vidéos(Nintendo) -La culture/coutumes -Et surtout la Musique.(Wagakki Band, BabyMetal, Aki Akane, Scandal, Vocaloid...) J'adorerai vivre au Japon(ce qui m'est impossible)Ou au moin pouvoir le visiter. Si vous aimez la musique japonaise, je vous conseil les groupes ci-dessus.
K-9-Dog K-9-Doge
(Note: Not a yeah bomber, I genuinely yeah posts) | Male | 19 | Birthday: 7/8/98, Cancer | Artist | I'm K-9-Dog, I love drawing art, and playing Video games. (I don't take any requests, sorry!) I use my play journal to track my achievements & hints in games, feel free to ask for help in games I play! Howl on my friends.
léopard math92700
coucou tout le monde!!!mes films préféré sont les profs,mes manga favorie sont one piece et naruto,j´adore tous les jeux Zelda et aussi mrc beaucoup pour les 200 abonnés! abonnez vous! regarde en bas j´ai un truc à te dire je rigole!j´ai rien à te dire!à part mon c.a: 5473 2020 0905
skypaw105 skypaw105
hi my name is skylar you can call me sky or rose and if you can go follow my other profile the name is slendersky well hope you like my second profile and bye
★Derek★ DerekGalaxy
● ◆ ■ ▲ ★ Hello ^.=.^ ★ ▼ ■ ◆ ● I've Been a Nintendo fan as long as I can remember, not interested in many other consoles. I like casual games, platformers, racing, & basically every Mario game there is. I love online multiplayer, but I usually won't accept friend requests from people I dont know. "Above all, video games are meant to just be one thing: fun for everyone" "My body is ready!"
Wuff AlbertoElias2000
I'm a little wolfie short and stout. Here is my tailhole, here is my snout~ When you bend me over, here me shout, "Oh- gosh, yes~ please don't pull out!"
Diamerik Diamerik
hola que tal soy Diamerik se que no les importa pero ¨:v ¨ espero que les agrade. Tengo 14 años y me encanta jugar en especial pokémon
Sonic SonicAllStarz
Drem yol lok pah. Nelomsekun, mulaagsevulon! Zu'u aan vith daar mose wah verilir, maagaar Sonic ahrk Rick ahrk Morty truke. Zu'u vis ahk tinvaak Dovahzul. ★Zokhil trok☆ Sonic, Spyro, MGS, Rick ahrk Morty, Pokémon, Crash Bandicoot, Star Wars, South Park, Rayman, Skylanders, Sly Cooper, SSB, LBP, Star Trek, Mario, Kirby, CoD, voreye… Pruzah guur, Miiverse. Zu'u vomos pah het.
Pablo PikminPablo
^—^Ciaone a tutti! Sono Pablo, ( º - º ) cliccate segui se vi piace Pokémon, Inazuma Eleven, Animal crossing,Fnaf,Hello Neighbor,The Legend of Zelda e ilvostrocarodexter!! Vi consiglio di seguire anche: Zelda ( mia sorella), Simone (mio papà) , e... Tiziano il mio super amico!! E anche Pikachu è da seguire.Mi raccomando ogni 10 iscritti un post speciale! Ciriciao gente!!!! (^•^)
jackseptic jackie20090
the rake sorry
я¢м☆Ben miketiny
Hello there fellow Miiverse user, My name is Ben. I'm an 18 year-old Cartoonist, Nintendo player, Yoshi fanboy, Otaku, Brony, Catholic and trivia buff who happens to have autism. Mario Kart is my favorite Nintendo franchise and I'm a proud member of the Mario Kart 8 clan known as я¢м (Red Cross Miracle). So with all that said, stay awesome and I'll see you later. #Yoshiis2kawaii4me ♥
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
Cyrus Cryus_gandrake
Yo! It's me, Cyrus G! I was working on a Super Mario World themed game 6 months ago but dropped from MiiVerse and WiiU altogether to do some searching for my place in the world. Now I'm back with renewed vigor and ready to get SMW3 back on track! ... Also check out some of my art if you have a sec. The support means the world to me.
κƒ★Flurr FlurrGamingGTA
#SaveMiiverse Welcome to my clan κƒ = (Koopaling Fans) Welcome To My Profile Im a part of Mixels Fan & Koopaling fan Also my favorite Characters are Larry,Lemmy,Iggy,Morton,Ludwig,Roy,Bowser jr. and Nabbit. ♪ Elektromania - The Other Side ♪
R Sarah SonicTails2002
my name is David im a 14 turning 15 year old male i like video games such as sonic mega man mario kirby undertale and others i hope to be a youtuber someday i like sweets and alot of foods also i do monster hunter online multiplayer my characters name is sarah she is a neko i want her to be a real thing as in drawings or images help me so i can help you☆
Muffin bigswede442
Check out my 3ds profile.RAYMAN FAN 4 LYFE!lego my eggo.I don't really this Miiverse profile anymore.Instead check out my other profile Datmuffinatorgal.MURFY IS MY SENPAI.Thats all you need to know.
BwarkCase bananas1215
Welcome to my profile! Favorite Pokemon (in order): Popplio, Goomy, Froakie. Currently Tranformed into: Popplio I wear a green hoodie with a fennec fox on it and wear black glasses with black pants. Yes, I am an object show fan. Hotel Bigley room number-726 *ON HIATUS*
SEGA★Gil NinGilbert
Even though I just joined and I know that it has been 5 years since this site existed, I'm still gonna miss you all. At least I met new people on here like you guys just like IRL. RIP Miiverse: 2012-2017 You will truly be missed, in our favor, and we all know it.
Josué JoshuaFC
hola :) a todos soy nintendero desde mucho tiempo. Las consolas que he tenido son 1. Nintendo 64 2. Gamecube 3. Wii 4. Wii U Mi juegos mutijugador favoritos son smash, mario party, y mario kart. Y mi juego de un jugador es Mother, he jugado los tres :3 If you wanna play with me just send a message, im usually available to play c: ( I have smash for multiplayer, splatoon, and Mario kart) :D
руяσмαлiαç SquidNinjutsu
♡Project Ink Pyro, Mystic, Sonic, Kingninja♪ and DJ Status: (S Rank/Level 48) ¤I Love~ -Splattin -Smashin' -Drawin' and -Anime My Favorite OCs Pyro, Azabaché, Chili, Minty, and Velvet check out this cool/best peeps -Mystic -Eøs~Alex -SunnyD -Tron -Mama Tesu -Kyle Stay Off The Hook 2/8/2017
daisy damiendukes
This user's profile comment is private.
Iggi rodentia1975
.·•☆ ☆•·. ★ .·•☆ ☆•·. ★ .·•☆ ☆•·. Am liebsten spiele ich ANIMAL CROSSING NEW LEAF. Meine Schlummeranschrift lautet: 7A00 000F 75FA Ich gehöre zu den Ü40-Spielern. Ansonsten interessiere ich mich sehr für Natur und Tiere und lese viel. Ich schaue gern Star Trek und Labyrinth. I´m 40+ years old. My interests are: nature and animals, reading books, watching Star Trek and the movie Labyrinth.
Engineer WarlordWailord
Howdy partner, names Engineer, I explain things, not things like, what is love, but things like how does the medibeam work
Snowy Cat Sinja2003
Profile comment hidden by Snowy, Fireball, Windy, and their little kawaii minions, Mother Nature, Surf & Wave (A.K.A. The Tides), Lightning, Thunder, Earthquake, Forestry, Sunshine, and Nightfall.
M.Neko M.Neko
The premiere furry artist on Miiverse. (As if that was something to brag about.) I don't accept art requests, please respect this. Gifts and trades may happen infrequently, but are entirely at my discretion.
Chippu meowserthekitty
Good times & bad times, I can count on being with you. I thank you for staying so true My life will go on a long time, Have to catch up when I see you And You are my reason I can make it through I will give my word that I that I will come in time to rescue My heart will always be with you I'm so glad I met you being with me whenever, We're made for each other forever.
alicia aliciasteven
jeux mercredi sptaooon noel papa maintenant pas facebook
galina.tsy galinatsykunov
Hey, Ich bin 14 und gehe in die 9 Klasse. Ich komme eigentlich aus Russland aber wohne in Deutschland. Und ich freue mich wenn ihr mir folgt :)
leonie ilimara
Bonjour abonne vous a moi et je vous remercie tres fort pour ceux qui se son abonner!J'ador tout se qui est zelda je joue sur wii est consol sur wii je joue a zelda twiliagtht princesse sur ds a zelda majora masque.
3ΓΞLaki BlitzBoxer95
ÐΣ☆Ηειαίηα SophieHeaven
нειιο Нειαίηα'ς τнε ηαмε 14'ς τнε αgε ƒοιιοω мε γου'νε мαdε ίτ τнίς ƒαя... τнατ'ιι ьε αιι
valkyrie XvalkyrieX
Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a woman of wealth and taste. Hello, MetroGamecentral reader, Arsenal supporter. No Wii U video chat. My friends list is full, sorry.
Medusa M3du5a23
Hi guys! I draw and stuff. But, I'm not on a lot. Plus, I'm still practicing and learning. Comment and give tips on my art! Thanks, bye! ★
Chez FieryBirdyThing
Greetings. I'm just here to play games, have fun, and draw the odd doodle every now and then. Enjoy.
Hello & welcome! I'm a (nostalgic) gamer/artist. I like to ramble about games & draw toons. Hope ...
Hello & welcome! I'm a (nostalgic) gamer/artist. I like to ramble about games & draw toons. Hope you like retro art style.
-Old school, semi-pro gamer since '85.
-Self-taught artist since Summer of '92.
-Goal: Excel as an artist.
-Sorry if I seem unsociable.
♡Fan of:Megaman/Mario/Metroid/Zelda.
☆Thank you all for your support!