•★€няί§2's Friends
Optimze Optimize9898
Hi! Guys
Hey, I'm E_X_P_L_O_SION9/BurningInBlueFlames7, I enjoy watching YouTube, playing games and acting! That's kinda it...
SMM-Carlo CarloMaker_Pro
¡Hola! Y Bienvenidos A Mi 2do Perfil SMM-Carlo SMM:Super Mario Maker Por El Nombre Este Perfil Tratara De Super Mario Maker Aqui Hare Niveles Y Los Publicare,Jugare Niveles Y Se Los Recomendare O Que Me Gusto,Etc Si Tienen Niveles De SMM Pasamelos Para Jugarlos Y Calificarlos Mi 1ra Cuenta Es χXCarloXχ ¡Adios!
opm★Nolen★ granpashere
mario rules!!!!!!!!
♪Cleo♪ PrincessCleo89
Hi my name is Cleo. Games I like: Pokèmon Nintendogs Animal crossing Mario maker My best friends: Every single one! My birthday is July, 14. I will accept all friend requests! Follow me and I will follow you back! Please no Wii U Chat. Thank you. ♥♥♥♥
♪Rose♪ RoseFlower001
Hi! I am ♪Rose♪! Some call me Rosie! I love playing Super Mario Maker! I love drawing in different communities. I can draw normal drawings, straight line art, and textures!
◆★Carlo★◆ CarloCraft_Pro
El Adios No Es Para Siempre Sigue Tu Vida, Nunca Te Des Por Vencido, Que No Te Hagan Bullying O Ciberbullying Siempre Hay Alguien Que Te Quiera Y Que Te Apoye, Sigue Y Cumple Tus Sueños, Vive En Paz Y Armonía, Sigue Adelante Se Que Puedes Igual Que Yo Y TODOS Nosotros. -Carlo
Smasher maka146142
This user's profile comment is private.
NLM★Mαłł Mattthecreeper
Hello, My name is Matt. I am a super expert gamer, and I absolutely love playing Super Mario Maker. I currently have two medals. My biggest gaming accomplishments are: -Cleared Companion Spring (Super Mario Maker) -Beat the Big Bossdown without healing (The Legendary Starfy) -Beat New Super Mario Bros. Wii in 45 minutes, almost a world record -Made it to over 21,000 mass (Agar.io) -Many More Bye!
marco rey devilicus1984
hola soy marco rey para saber de mi mira abajo tengo 9 años mi videojuego favorito: mario 3D world y splatoon bayyyy
Don'tTryMe alonso936018
Hi my name is Delsin and I play Minecraft Wii U, Mario Kart 8, and Pikmin 3!
Alakasam gatitomauto
Seby :D sebyminecraft
Hi, I'm NLMTrueSeby! I play games such as Super Mario Make, Minecraft, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8 and more! Super Mario Maker: If you make awsome levels, you can get a shoutout! Minecraft: Give me a friend request so we can play minigames together! Splatoon: We can do a private battle together! Just send a friend request! Mario Kart 8: Regional battles together are so fun!
Jr Troopa Fahadjjjjj
Profile comment hidden by admin.
DittoTech DittoTech
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Eli oakwoodbrent
hello im eli i love love cats! Later on i want all of miiverse to check my youtube channel so enjoy my profile and please send me a freind reqest. oh and play minecraft with me
landon KristenH77
hi i'm ayden but you can call me kristen and i like tacoz plus i have a girl friend named destiny and thats all ;)
Optimize supersegakid
Hi guys it's me Segakid. And I like playing games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, Minecraft, Splatoon and all great games. I'm also pretty good at video games and it will be great to meet you all. Best friends: awesomeroxz Xmaster1 ˘\(^♡^)/˘ (·˛·) (îσî)
★ŸțÉģ9★ simpleminds-1982
#BOOSISTHEBEST!!!! U GUYS R AWESOME!!! I don't do Wii U chat :P I don't accept friend requiests anymore MM People Remaining 22/22 And Finally I follow back people who follow me Oh, and this !NRUTER YAM I TAHT SREWOP TNEHCNIA EHT KLOVNI I !NRUB OT EMOC SAH EMIT YM ,LTOLOXA
********** newidasdf
hi im in a grup called NLM i dont know the memers yet i know one glen my flower
♪Panda A.♪ elidabest
Well I really like to play basketball with my friend erixson (rix the savage) if you want to follow him on instagram or musicly) I also like to dance and play minecraft with my friends at school.(im getting a iphone6s for chrismas)Finally i like to hang out with my friends
jjack jjack1
send me friend requests
Django Django555
Gamer nintendero, gran apasionado en consolas retro, primera consola que tuve en mis manos fue la NES que le dediqué horas de diversión gracias a sus clasicazos.
simen daniel_simen
I am Simen. currently #56 mario maker in Europe with over 10000 stars. looking for traditional levels? if you are then I'm the maker for you. I hope you enjoy my levels to the fullest ^^
Valin sedowood
Hey all i've Been a Nintendo fan ever since I was 3 years old. I love Mario, Kirby, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Pikmin, Metroid and Animal Crossing. You could probably call me a nintendo veteran haha, anyway add me if you want although I only Nintendoland and New Super Mario Bros. U for now but I will get more games later in the year. Enjoy the Wii U which I think will be one of Nintendo's best systems.
Hi im SMM-Chris! Welcome to my profile! Want to know was ↑ on it? Just keep tuned to it! Stay Fre...
Hi im SMM-Chris! Welcome to my profile! Want to know was ↑ on it? Just keep tuned to it! Stay Fresh
B y e !