Knight's Followers
Max RetrogamerMax2
Hey I'm Max and I am a Christian, Retro Gaming collector, player and expert. My favorite gaming series are: (Ganbare Goemon/Mystical Ninja) (Legend of Zelda) (Super Mario) (Donkey Kong Country) (Mario Party) (Mario Kart) (Super Smash Brothers) Right now I have a Retro Gaming library close to 190 games which is still growing. 70 of them I own are on the N64.
Coolbeans coolasbeans
Goodbye everyone. ),:
Xman 0Nikki
This user's profile comment is private.
Wolf Janaswii
Navi the fairy, where art thou? Are you grateful to Shaymin? Remember: floor ice cream restores health. Arctic wolves are the best.
Jaden jayjay2.o
HI everyone!!!
SAVE MV!! BringBackMV
leon spino0
Markus Meggiz
Hello my friend and welcome! ⇒I'm 15 years old, a big TLoZ-fan, and I like videogame-music. ⇒I am a happy member of the DQ-Clan! ⇒I also play other Nintendo-frenshises like Super Mario, Kirby, Pokémon, or Fire Emblem ⇒My hobbys are drawing, sports like athletics, I play the drums, and I like dragons and snakes! ⇒Two of my favorite games are Breath of the Wild and Ocarina of Time.
KingofSky~ Emiliomonje
Hi my name is Javier Monje and i love to play Legend of Zelda.I'm 11 years old and kittys are the best. I live in the US. My favorite Zelda game is Majors Mask! And remember kids to always say Kitty picnic My favorite console was the GameCube but now it the Switch
Peach rubyhewlett07
Hello everyone Princess Peach ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom,i love my hero mario *tehe* and my sister Daisy ♥ I will try to friend you guys but toads might post if nessesery mario has his own account on new 3 ds xl because recently his wiiu stopped but yeah guys hopefully i'll see you soon вуе♥
cameron camo1313
Hello people I love cats, please follow me before miiverse closes.
τεгмıπατσг MasonsMind
Hey guys, thanks for looking at my place of solitude! Goooood'ay to ye laddies! JackSepticEye Hello again, Mark here. Markiplier Hey guys! Pat and Jen here, heeey guuysss. PopularMmos Hey guys, Dan here! DanTDM
Hylian Doglover728
I love love love Zelda games and Fire Emblem. Also anything to do with dogs/puppies is awesome. Favorite Band: Bastille Favorite Animal: Dogs! Favorite Manga: Fullmetel Alchemist Favorite Zelda Character: Ravio, Link I also love music (specifically Alternative and Rock) Friends: TMSheik, Mathiu, Jembird, Grithis, Jj, Dark Linkle
いしぜき たくま AmazyDayzee
好きなマリオキャラTop3 (Top 3 Favorite Mario Characters) 1: きらめくパンジーさん (Amazy Dayzee) 2: マルガリータ (Valentina) 3: キノピコ (Toadette) 好きなゼルダキャラTop3 (Top 3 Favorite Zelda Characters) 1: メドリ (Medli) 2: テトラ (Tetra) 3: ルト (Ruto) ビデオゲームに登場する種族になれるとしたらTop3 (In top 3, if I am able to become a race that appears in video games) 1: リト族 (Rito) 2: モーグリ族 (Moogle) 3: ゾーラ族 (Zora)
naruto2 energyninja4
hey im naruto2, im 17 and i'm a christian. I like the legend of zelda series as well as the pokemon series and have been increasing my gaming experience recently. I also like a variety of anime such as naruto, naruto shippuden, bleach,sword art online, soul eater, and many others.
A Chicken meatycraft4eva
Alright Guys...this is it... MIIVERSE IS ENDING... It really was fun. Ya know, to make some friends and express myself on here, but its almost over now. (in like a month) I will be accepting every friend request now! So dont be shy! ...unless you're one of THOSE people...yeah, you know what i mean... Anyway, Bye guys, its been great!♥♡♥
Morgan Fireball49
Hi! Im Morgan I LOVE Nintendo! Starting now I will be asking questions and contestes on Teusday and updateing you guys on Tomodaci life and possibly Animal Crossing on Thursday. But the rest of the time I will be drawing and talking about LoZ. Also I will be commenting on your guys postes because it make me happy! ( As long as its not mean to me in anyway ) Anyway Cheers!!!!! Morgan ‹;
Tommie tommie123456
Im srry that I haven't been posting lately but my Wifi has been down badly srry.
hunter ghosteye2007
i hate noobs like u
Adam sradeer36
Maybe we could be friends
Sora DatBoiSora
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Elliot Mask0DeMasque
Do people even read these? • Name's Elliot • 15 • Memester • Nintendo fan • I make comics sometimes • Cats > dogs
Pablo zitoune1971
Hey tout le monde moi c'est Pablo je poste du contenu essentiellement basé sur Zelda. N'ésite pas a t' abonner et a lacher un ouais ;) PS: abonne toi je rends ;)
Latrommi LuckySurvivor777
Hi Miiverse! I am Latrommi, a well experienced gamer and am a fan of Nintendo's work. All my comments will be based on my mood and how my day currently went so don't be extremely offended. And though some gamers won't care who made the game, how it was made, or why it was made, I very much do. Even though my fav. genres are the first few, their still my favorite.
★Carter½★ waffflewarrior
Hoi,i am spirit c and heres my profile.... Hobbies: reading manga and playing video games and watching anime. Favorite food: pancakes favorite show/anime: Naruto,Dragon Ball and star vs the forces of evil and the fairly odd parents.
Elijah Eliboy1
Night of the Final Day 4 hours remain Link:.............AHHHHHHH! Happy Early Thanksgiving and Christmas it's hard to say goodbye when Miiverse ends today..... I'm Elijah I'm just your normal gamer,I love Earthbound,I love drawing stuff.My favorite Artist(Music)is NF! Also SW fan.See ya!
JRabbit97♪ jessicarabbit97
Hello! Im here to make friends, post comments on games I play, and discuss topics on anything BotW or Zelda related. So if you'd like to ask anything Zelda related, let me know ;) and if you like the crazy antics I'll get into in my adventure through BotW, be sure to give them a yeah, who knows, you may get a laugh or two, or you may learn something new. (I also draw stuff from time to time) ϋ
pau 7a14bc
Hi people of Miiverse! My name is Pau and I love videogames. My favourites are: Splatoon/2 Mario and luigi Super mario odyssey Skyrim Kirby Metroid Zelda
kdude kdudethefirelord
zelda fans come one come all here you're welcome
EL☆TMLvl-9 bookcabinet12
Hey guys, you have somehow come across my profile. My name is Mason, I am 13. That means your special! Follow me, YOU will get a yeah bomb and, a follow back :] ------------------------------ My fav games. Legend Of Zelda Uncharted Infamous Tomb Raider Mario Kart Wii, 7/8 Need For Speed ------------------ Fav youtubers DanTDM/Markiplier/Thinknoodles/BattleUniverse/TeamEdge/ Bye!
Kenzie lncpar72
ςмγ dude♪♪ uni_players_5_11
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Dominic Zeldaking608
hey i'm Dominic and if you do not see me online than i'm on my PS4 but i'm looking for minecraft kit pvp.
☆MLG☆ cougar2003
ģřėęťııňğş ζειισψ ħűмâńś. I am the one and only MLG(not really)lol. I am possibly the most coolest and most chill person on the face of this Earth. I love chemistry and the Legend of Zelda. Also if you haven't go subscribe to GameGrumps and Markiplier cause they are I would say THE top youtubers to me. Ummmmm I like cats and adventures a lot. So thx for stoppin by peeps & as always stay fresh.BYE!
I am a huge Legend of Zelda fan. I enjoy the characters, storys, timelines, universe, theorys, an...
I am a huge Legend of Zelda fan. I enjoy the characters, storys, timelines, universe, theorys, anything and everything Zelda related.
Other things I love include Metroid, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel, Anime, and Music.