★☆•~JJ~•☆★'s Followers
******** mario7544
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puppupgirl mollyandpolly206
hi my name is puppupgirl and I just want to say although our time is cutting short as in we have 1 day left I loved every minute on Miiverse even tho I only started 3months ago you guys made me feel welcome I just want to thank my friends for sticking by me and I will never froget you guys and THANK-YOU everyone for following me+378 and you guys are REALLY KIND and you guys my friends ARE AMAZING
Bowser Jr. billy144523
Welcome to this second backup Wii U account of mine. My regular Nintendo Network ID is eeb4321, just like the other Bowser Jr.'s account! I have followed him and his little friend on Miiverse, and I gave their posts a few Yeahs, and now I've got a few more to go. See ya!
cj rickpoldo1234
Hi. My name is CJ. I love meeting new people and making new friends. Please be my friend and follow me. I do youtube, Minecraft, MarioKart 8, and mostly Hulu. I love Naruto. You will see a lot of these in most of my posts. LOLOLOL #BenSmells #SmellYouLaterBen #YouNeedAMintBen I really hope you guys enjoyed reading this. See yah later P.S I love Wii U chat.
Silver SilDicap
Ian pkmnian
顔を殴るな!イタタタタ。 悠吾だよ。しくよろ~ フレンド大大大募集どんどんフレリク送ってね~ Miiberesあと4日...チーン <プロフィール> 12さいのごく普通の小学6年生 優しくて、かわいい男のk((殴 彼女は~、いるよ~。めっちゃ可愛いくて優しくておもしろい理想の人だよ。 ピアノ習ってるよ~。 好きな物ことは、彼女とゲームとピアノとイタズラww 嫌いなものは、変態ととゴキブリだよ。 好きなユーチューバーは、ヒカキンとぎこちゃんだよ。 ということで、イカよろしく~~ まだ見る? しつこいヨ。 フォローよろしく。 絶対フォロー返すよ。 最後まで見てくれてありがとう。 彼女の次に大好き。 11月4日更新
kεεlγ coco-mimi17
~Last day for Miiverse :< ~ Anywoo I'm Keely I'm a anime lover <3 I'm a gamer ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ ACNL Town: Mayor: Keely Town: Chai Dream Address: 4F00-00AB-C4D1 ~Pastel, Foresty Town~
CringeyTem jase05125
Hi im Jason i like to play minecraft ssb4 splatoon mario kart 8 and Breath of the wild. Fav book series:Warriors Fav Movie:dont have one Fav Show:Rick and Morty Fav Anime:Dragon Ball Super And Im 12 year old boy. Fav Animal:Cat Sooo thanks for reading my profile! Congratulations You Have Reached The Bottom
Şмαςн⇔Żάčк rdnktrlrtrsh1
Sup! Im Zach! Please enjoy my profile and Have a nice day! Clans: ας ςжς ƒƒź Js, Ricky will be the one using MV on here. Zach is addicted to Smash (ewe), Youtube, and Minecraft. Kthxbai
lucifer IBGammiN
im quinn i go by lucifer i suck at art...ing most things i spell wrong are ironicali schools fine i guess ummmm.... kay then im getting splatoon .... school six cruel hours of our lives back in my day you'd get banned for sharing your age btw im (1x3(3+3))-squareroot25 go follow リンカ cause they are the second user of miiverse (the first cant be found)
Danny eVo-Pico
l play splatoon smash bros and mario kart and no wii u chat but l lost my mario kart 8 disk ):
$¶€ÁLÉX§¶⇒ happyfarm158
Hello everyone i'm Alex, aka AlexGamer!. I like a wide variety of games from action and adventure to racing games. I follow everybody that follows me, I will accept messages to games I have. Plz follow me and freind request, I'm a very nice person. I don't swear or trashtalk, insult other people, or give up everytime I lose something. Once again plz follow and thankyou.
Karen Karen-22222
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Christine Christine11111
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HyperSonic HyperSonic1113
hi guys im hyper sonic i love sonic and also i made a very amsome world on minecraft and its called ultra bowser's throne world and its amazing! my favorite song is♪sonic forces fist bump♪ and another thing i don't do wii u chat maybe?
Allie Ruzyski
my name is allie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joshy Joshy12345
Hi, my name is joshua and i am just a regular gamer but i am hoping people like my posts. i will do (bad) drawings and post my minecraft pixel art (for once good) and i hope you all enjoy. For YR9. British YR9.
JH jacobh16
laura™ chouchou4310
bjr je suis nouvelle demander moi en amie est abonner vous temps que vous le pouvez
ちゃんなぎ apours
Bob Zoom thegoodblueant
What's up, dudes?! I'm Bob Zoom! I am one lovable blue ant that likes to sing, dance learn, and play games with my friends. I like Animal Crossing Wild World, Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer, Animal Crossing New Leaf, and Animal Crossing amiibo Festival! I also speak Spanish and English, so please understand that!
XQuackerX2 Hasbero
XQuackerX's 2nd Profile!
♪ƒƒź★ƒΐяε♪ person1435
δοεςη'τ мαττεя ωнο ΐ αм αηγмοяε ΐ'м 15 ί ριαγ мк8 νя: 15.3 вя:1.8 čιαης ƒƒź (со) ςжς (со) HL (мεмвεя) R&γ (мεмвεя) ğοοδ ƒяΐεηδς яΐскγ jοнηηγ ğΐο οιΐνεя jοяδαη jογсε ÐČ: Nate#6085 τнαηкς ƒοя яεαδΐηğ вγε ƒοяενεя
Bailey.P TomNinUk.bailey
Please follow me, I'll follow you back! Hello fellows! My name is Bailey And I Love games and i love pikachu and minecraft alot. DanTDM is the best youtuber on Youtube!!! '+Yeah!' my Favourite Post if you like it! Please save Miiverse, the app where you can enjoy fun! I appreciate all of your wonderful posts, drawings and cool screenshots! Thank you Miiverse for your hard work! #<3 Miiverse!
Fri 2G3G4G5G
Gagester sramos
hello i am Gagester and i like to make LOTS of friends so whoever wants to be friends with me just send a friend request and i promise i will ACCEPT it! i like mario sonic adventure action and fighting games incuding undertale, fnaf,and minecraft.and sry but no wiiu chat.see ya! peekaboo -_- boi,why u still here? i love to rp! *dab*
V drdeath7488
I don't no what to write
げきおこマン koutyan0710
こんにちは、kouta0710です!! ミーバースは、毎日してます。 フォローしてくれたらなるべくかえそうと思います フレンドリクエストを送ってくれたらなるべく返します。 自分からもなるべくフレンドリクエストは、おくろう。と思います。 一緒にあそべひるゲームは、 マイクラ、マリカ、スプラです ほかにも、いろいろあります。 「自己紹介」 自分は、リアトモが二人います。一人目はよくマイクラをしてます。二人目はマリカをしていますとてもはやいです。 おわり 見てくれてありがとう。
Kaitlin kaitlinaqua99
Hi I love art,Undertale,Tomadachi Life,Miitopia,and loads more I'm active most of the time and I'm a little shy.
Sebo sebo.am
Servus an alle aus der Oberpfalz. Am liebsten zocke ich Zelda und Super Mario Games. A Link To The Past wird für immer unerreicht bleiben ;)
lickHUNTER MultiCatRain
i hunt for herobrine lick null and entity303 and i had a lick sighting but you have to know that my my grandma forget about it im 1000000000000000% expert at minecraft i love it so much i almost fill all of my posts on minecraft follow me if you think minecraft is better than stuped terraria even though i still play terraria but block me if you think terraria is better than minecraft! MINECRAFT
R&γ◆Lσgαη■ mr.epicsword
MKWII VR:9999 MK8 VR:15k Hello everyone, my name is Logan and my fav color is blue and I'm addicted to most MK games. I have MKWii, MK7, and MK8. If u have the game Clash of clans I'm in a clan named MLG360Savages. You will mostly find me in MK8 (if you add me) and on minecraft and maybe even Splatoon. Clans: R&γ (Ruthless & Young) Have a great day!
Boss princess_diana83
Hi I Like To Play Animal Crossing New Leaf Welcome amiibo game .My Updated DA: Is 5C00-009A-EB58
えむら ともき emukura1267
Hello Miiverse :] - I'm Sam. I Am Really BIG On Nintendo Games. I Am The Ameri...
Hello Miiverse :] - I'm Sam. I Am Really BIG On Nintendo Games. I Am The American World Record On MKWii Grumble Volcano - 30. 980! I Recently Beat My Record Of - 31. 009! Let Me Tell You My Clans. ммк [Member] τν [Member] ωωs [Leader] AO [Member] That Is All The Clans. My Favorite Game Is ♥Mario Kart Wii♥ My Favorite Character Is ♥Funky Kong♥ Make Sure To Have Fun :] !!!