Sarki?'s Followers
Francis Smokingspoon
Mst3k fanatic. I'm friendly despite my creepy drawings. Find me 'out there', Smokingspoon. I'm a huge fan of Metroid, StarFox, LoZ, Mother & also Fzero (keeping it to Nintendo). I preferred M:OM over Prime, deal with it. Metroid 0,2,3,4 are my favorite.
Milo supermilobro
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been great getting to meet you all. I hope to see you all again soon. Thank you all for the support and may God bless you!:)
Mitch Hedgie10
Move along, nothing to see here...DO A BARREL ROLL! I love Zelda games, most classic N64 franchises, am an avid gamer, and love meeting all the amazing people out there in the world of gaming. I am very down to earth and would love to hear what's going on with everyone else! ¡Me encantan los videojuegos! May the Triforce guide you to greatness ▲ ▲ ▲ Oh, and one more thing... NO WIIU CHAT! NONE!
Bonjour! I am jazz. My real name is jasmine braswell but you can call me jazzy for my nickname. My favorite color is blue,yellow,white I am a big fan of bryshere gray,and keith power. I'm eleven years old(11) if i'm one of these grounded(#) offline(*) out of post($) online(@) follow my boyfriend fazbear
Noah 20nhs04
I Am A Good Guy
Sadie Sadie1217
hi my name is Sadie a.k.a. Sadiec1217 and I live in Florida. I am in 10th grade but that dosen't stop me in enjoying gaming with my other online friends. plz don't be shy to come and friend request me cause i will always have enough of me to go around <3. A little bit more about me is that I love to play Minecraft ( especially w friends ) and watch anime!! so don't be shy and friend request me
Plantony® MeepDay
all my friends are dead following list smolmouthbass on almost every 3rd party loci and soon discord P.S. for those catch my drift TheOrangeNuke
patrick kabble-the-great
hoi i'm gaming and tv/cartoon/video game trash
☆Artistic★ artistic14
\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ Don't be sad. Just don't forget me. NEVER forget artistic14...*winkiddy wink* I look forward to when we all meet again!
Eidorian Ryoji-Bro
Hello, I'm Eidorian (AKA WhiteWare)! I am 17 years old and I'm a fan of Pokémon, Splatoon, Kirby, and Smash... I love to draw! I welcome you all to my Miiverse account where you can experience my fantastic drawings and posts! Anyway, NO Wii U chats please!
Buisy thebuisnesscat
Hey there! This is my 3DS account, you can check out my WiiU account here: BehindTheBuisnes Also me and my oc are guys, just saying this in case anyone gets confused ;v;" ~"Buisnessycat" ~"thebuisnesscat"
TamingSari hanifmazuki
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Banned! :) Bunniiily
Profile comment hidden by admin.
BwarkCase bananas1215
Welcome to my profile! Favorite Pokemon (in order): Popplio, Goomy, Froakie. Currently Tranformed into: Popplio I wear a green hoodie with a fennec fox on it and wear black glasses with black pants. Yes, I am an object show fan. Hotel Bigley room number-726 *ON HIATUS*
Elyjah sonicgamer108
Hi! if your reading this your just fantastic. But for reals. Im just some guy who likes sonic, kirby, anime, and super sentai (and i bet you dont know what that is). But, if you wana talk, thats ok with me. Because being friends with me is the new funky fresh way to be, bro bro dude. (sorry for that 80's... thing)
vamp jones_ss
hi!! i'm vamp i haven't changed remember life is a game go play and if you get a switch please befriend me so we all can play.
Patrick partypat23
"Every puzzle has an answer." -Prof. Layton Well, hello there chaps, I like: Prof. Layton Portal Legend of Zelda Metal Gear Solid DK Rhythm Heaven Currently Playing: Theatrhythm:CC I like to solve puzzles & complete games, all the way. (more favorites: Kirby, Halo, Katamari, Silent Hill, Ace Attorney) I have been playing clarinet 11 years, I tend to do drawings, feel free to comment.
Nathan BaconTactics
If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask someone else first. Oh yeah, and Miiverse is ending or something. Bye. And if you couldn't tell, my nickname is BaconTactician. Put an @ in front of it to find me in birdland.
タクミ blacktaisa
パルテナに「タクミ(·ф·)」という名前で潜ってます! (好きな神器はマルチシューターです!) Hello,my name is Takumi. I like drawing. If you like my painting, please subscribe. I will get happy,and it makes more motivation.
………………………… RayanMeneer200
Hi im Rayan im 10 Years Old My favo games:Minecraft, Captein Toad,Every Mario game and Splatoon I like people that do normal to other people Ok thats me.
alex saratw
trust me, i got my ds and wii at the age of 4 , so i have alot of experience.
Crystal VoidBain
мψεεεεεςςς TheBeastHasWoken
M Y E E E S. I am Troi. Yknow, that super crazy dude with a pencil full of rainbows and a hat full of magic? Forget the hat part. I give my hat to star nomad, the star bean. LOVE ALL, MIIVERSE ISNT HOW IT SHOULD BE, M E E M S Give me unusuals dammit
gideon hunterchills145
hi every boddy its so happy to see you
Nacho§chip juliecreeper
Hi. I'm Cyndi. What else is there to say?...Oh! I'm from the second dimension. My real form is a triangle. I'm just in my 3-dimensionnal one more often. I like to think I'm a nice person. I called myself Cyndi. I like it. Am I happy, am I sad inside? Nobody knows... Except for me. Duh. Here, have a cookie.*Shoves an entire cookie in your mouth*
Lucine NekoRobin100
@Снιβα_Снαπ @NekoRobin100 нι ιм 17 αηd ι Ιονε мεετιлg ρзоρle, ι Ιονε мγ ƒαмιΙγ. ι ριαγ τнз ρς4, ρς3 αηd χβοχ1 αηdχβοχ360 ι pΙαγ dεςτιηγ, ροκεмοη,ςταг шαг,ςτειια,ШгеςτΙιηg,gτα[αιι ςεгιες],ηεεd ƒοг ςρεεd,мιdηιgнτ сΙυβ,Шιζαгd 101, ØΙd τιмε gαмες[ωαгсгαƒτ,мαгιο,ςοηιс,αηdραскмαη] ƒαυοπιτε моνιε:<3ροωεг гαηgεгς<3 ƒαυοπιτε απιмз:αοτ ,ςαο οκ τнατς ιτ! нαvз α лιсз dαγ! ★{☆ƒοιιοω м啃οιιοω γου☆}★ »{^•^}«
Buzzy^•ω•^ buzzrooney
RIP Miiverse. Listen to Vpop. SW-2290-8111-9156 Ay! I'm Grayson! I play Splatoon, Smash, MK8, SMM, MK7, Nintendo Land, and growing. I love 'em like I love Gravity Falls, Adv. Time, Steven Universe, Over the Garden Wall, & plenty more! Watch Chadtronic, DanTDM, SwimmingBird941, and EVERYONE!!! BTW, I'm a follow for follow, so unless for some strange reason you're hidden, you'll get a follow, too!!!
RY★Stitch★ Hironatushima29
wesh tout l'monde ça va j'espère que ça va devenez mon ami mrc beaucoup 230 abo
Rich rpublik123
Miiverse was great for the time and i'll just say thank you miiverse for letting us share our thoughts on the games we play. Byeeeeee :(
Coopster LegoMan1042
I assume you don't want hear my life story so I'll keep this short: I like to play video games. Zelda is fun, so is Splatoon, as well as Smash Bros. and every other game I own. I have nothing else to say. (._.) And, by the way, I'm just as bummed as you guys are about the ending of Miiverse. Sorry. (•~•)
I draw video games & nerdy schniz because I'm a failure of a person with no sense of originality ...
I draw video games & nerdy schniz because I'm a failure of a person with no sense of originality or tact. Enjoy your stay!
Some of my favorite games are Kirby, Fire Emblem, Smash Bros., Animal Crossing, & Splatoon. I also like Arc & Capcom fighters & niche Japanese fare.
Don't request me unless I know you enough.
Yeah bombings encouraged.