Iwata's Followers
Neon TallPerson
I wish the best of luck to each and every one of you with your future endeavours, I hope to hear from you all again someday, each of you helped to make this community feel so friendly and inviting. Thank you for all of the Zelda discussions we shared, all of the beautiful art that you posted, and for all of the great hints that you gave over the years :) redd it "ntalper"
Bryan dinobunn
Hello! As you can tell my name is Bryan! I'm a 15 year old introverted boy who loves everything anime and LoZ. :) Also a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fanatic :D
Devin Clunker04
Goodbye Miiverse! I will miss this and all of the wonderful things that this platform brought us. I have a challenge for all of you! To comemorate Miiverse, go and friend as many people as you can before Miiverse's end!
HunteronX clumsycoder
Main Event TheMainEvent
Favorite website: NeoGAF Favorite game: Contra Favorite movie: American Ninja Favorite actor: Michael Dudikoff Favorite sport: Wrestling Favorite wrestler: Bret Hart Favorite song: Danger Zone
André Andrefpvs
Hi, I'm André :) Goodbye, Miiverse. Thanks for the fun.
Kevinsky Kevinskye
Michael LagFish
Wii U and PS4 One of the 9 people in NZ that have a Wii U Too many games not enough money Too many games not enough time
bts is lit kinoelb
i hate it but i wouldn't have my best memory if it wasn't for this place so i guess thanks twttr: DABEVERYMORNLNG dscrd: minecraft yang #5547 (not really active)
Sσsσ Gαмεг sososofaine
.·•☆aïe tu a cliquer sur ma tête☆•·. .·•☆bonjour je m'appelle Sofiane☆•·. Mes jeux c'est Minecraft-Splatoon-Mario kart 8-mario partit 10-Lost reavers-mario tennis-Star Fox Zero-Star Fox Guard play-Ammibo Touch & play-Mini Mario & Friends ammibo Challenge etc... ★˛★ ★˛☆ мεгcι τσυτ lε мσηdε :) :} :[ :ˇ♥♥♥♥♥♥ abonné vous stp ^.^ ♥ je vous aime beaucoup a oui et aussi demandé moi en amis (^.^)
Emily EmvaK8
Hello! I like drawing, animals, having fun, and a lot of video games. :) I'm going to miss this place. :( Fandom mess of a high schooler who overthinks everything and cries a lot. Creator of 151+ characters in an ever-growing daydream story. Christian and homeschooler. Join MV Haven for a nice, friendly community after this place ends.
Bryce & mrsyana38
I LOVE DETROIT! IS LIT! R0AD T0 4OO F0LL0WERS! Shoutout to: ★LEA★ AMBER PENNÐΞ Didi Reinider Farty 2 ninja jerz David Everyone who knows me! ★LEA★ Your Profile Picture LOL 10/27 11/27 or 26 Happy Thanksgiving!
かにみそ tikuwa_TIKUWABU
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Tatiana☆♪ zozo67812
Bye Everyone Today Miiverse Is Ending At 10:00PM (Pacfic Time) #SOSAD #Goodbye #Bye Everyone Bye All Of My Friends I Will Miss You All
Patty aylablue
Hola a todos! Soy Patty, la madre de Rebeca (Id: bizcochito06) Se que cerraran miiverse pero los poquitos días que quedan los voy a aprovechar. Un beso!
Jj JEG113
It’s the final day of Miiverse. I’m sad this place will be gone soon. Even through everything that happened here, positive or negative, I would do it all over again... Awesome people: aadkison ShinyGirafarig AmiiboWars chantytown9 sonicisland35 SuperYoshi1234 Mathiu02 jembeebug Doglover728 kwcabanas These 2 1/2 years have been great. Goodbye everyone.
RainbowFox Vanquish0723
♥♡Hey its RainbowFox23! nicknames: Fox,Rainbow DISNEYLAND AND DISNEY THINGS! Bffs!: Cj,Zero,Melody,Derpy,Esmene,ArtiSquid♪, Eva,Tom♥ I'll miss you all... followers, friends, you are the best thing that has happened to me... now its goodbye :( My clan is now down... wasn't the best but it was good.. also i made a new and final post... also i may not be here before it closes here but i'll try .♡♥
Cubic Ohwowitsacube
MEEM SK MasterAtMadden
Miiverse 2012-2017 Trashpost quality ecks dee/8 Check out MEEM Kong Former President of NSLUC Founder and leader of the Off Topic Party (OTP) Owner of North Dakota, South Dakota and Nevada oh snap, I’m a part of the TFAO. yo boi spicy
Tigrex hipjoe01
Hello, I am Tigrex, and welcome to my profile page. I am good at games, but not that good to be in a tournament. I like Zelda, and I try to comment in the Zelda Community everyday. I don't care if you follow me. Please Follow DrEvBoss, and check out Coco and Is Jer.
Matthew G M_Bot9000
It's over 9000!!! and im being followed by japanese people Welcome to the official profile of MG SCIENCE INCORPORATED!
Yoshi03 Flynn2013
"The important thing is not how long you live. It's what you accomplish with your life. While I live, I want to shine. I want to prove that I exist. If I could do something really important, that would definitely carry on into the future. And so if I were to disappear, I think that all I have accomplished will go on. That is, that would mean that it's living, right?" - Grovyle, 2009
hello RobotLlamaRosie
Every Day I Will Post Nothing But The Bee Movie Script Until I Complete It And Then I Will Keep Posting It Until The End Of Miiverse
Ninty Fan LuigiBros30
Well you must be the curious sort. My Smash Mains: 64: Fox, Mario, Jigglypuff Melee: Pichu, Dr. Mario, Jigglypuff, Fox, Falco Brawl:Fox and Mario Smash 4: All cut Melee Veterans, Fox, and Jigglypuff. 3DS debut: 3/21/13. Wii U debut: 2/1/14. Please respect my opinions and I will respect yours. P.s. Zelda BotW is a masterpiece and the Pokèmon anime is good.
○°みみ♀ ねむżż kangoo3683
~おはよう、こんにちは、こんばんは~ 名前、«Mine*SFT» チーム、Mine(ミネ)、SFT(エスエフティー)です。 入部よろしくお願いします! * ♪*.☆”:♪°°·΄΅*♪♡☆° *♪„♡今日もがんばれ°*♪*♪ ★°♥♡*♪。,.[]∂°★ ♥かんた♥
magikarp used splash its super effective the world has destroyed also i like mudkipz and marshtompz and swampertz and mega sawmpertz i am a pokemon freak
Brandon gagebr
Miiverse ends today RIP People I'll miss: Jos DerpJacob Kyle Venoct Laurzy Daniel Mii King Moon Little Bee Greenvolt and much more. Check my following list if you want to chat on a cord.
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sack.ofmoo stevecybr
J-Dub DrMcCoonin
Jøsε Øмαг™ josegamer1
¡Нσια! γσ! ____________ ж ηαмε:Jσsε Οмαг :> ж ƒανοгıτε сσισг:гσjσ ж cιαη(Sριατσσn):»LS« ιegıση ςqυıd ж Сσυητгγ:México ж Gгσυρs:Splatinøøs ж κıκ:JoOoms ж Dısсσгdαρρ:Jøsé Ømar™#0774 ж Tengo un grupo en Discord, si gustan entrar, envienme solicitud diciendo que quieren entrar, hay muchas personas agradables en el grupo :3 Thanks Miiverse, Thanks for all... Adios Miiverse, Gracias por todo...
Abe DelaO2145
Rebeca☆ bizcochito06
Holaaap!!Soy Rebeca,pero todos me llaman Rebbi ñ.ñ. Tengo 11 años, soy muy divertida y alegre, y llevo gafas. No subo ACNLWA Pk esta roto. Pero os lo pasareis muy bn!! Lεmα: «~Εl mαγσr frαcαsσ εs ησ ιηtεηtαrlσ~» Bƒƒ: Mak,Hiki, Mario (Hikari), Juan, Luu, Clau y Nuria. ñ.ñ Me gusta que me comenteis en las publis, me hace happy ^^. Sigue nadando...sigue nadandoo...xd »~«MVSV ωε rεmεmbεr» ~BγRεbbi
Hello, I'm Satoru Iwata, global president of Nintendo.
Thank you for enjoying our products.
Hello, I'm Satoru Iwata, global president of Nintendo.
Thank you for enjoying our products.
Along with my duties as company president, I also focus on "Asking" and "Delivering news directly to you".