Scamp's Followers
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
Scamp Scampi16
Hi I'm Scamp. I go by the name of Scamp in the mii world after a very special dog of mine who is no longer here. I love animals as well as playing games. I have a dog, 8 hamsters, 2 degus and 4 rats. I love drawing and playing Mariokart 8, Splatoon, Pikmin 3, Hyrule Warriors, lego dimensions & Star Fox Guard. No blank friend requests please
ian ianlan2015
Hi i'm Ian and I'am 10+1.I like action and adventure but I also like interesting things like videogames , music ,science and fantasy. I know all about nintendo and it's history,so I may start some discussions for you!! I own a wii (wiiU)and look foward to get the switch!!! I hope you follow me!!!! IAN (^-^)(^o^)(^-^)
Hiya Peeps! I am ARTHUR PKC! Earthbound and AC are my favourites! Ness and Rover best! M●ther4Team Member. Out soon! Im in a group of Good Friends on Miiverse- Master lee, Jules, Ron, Pete, James and Scamp! My other good friends are-Luke, and David Follow them Pls! Who wants M●ther 4? Join the PKCLAN! For Tournaments and Chat! Please join on my fave post! 3DS-Arthur SSB Main-Ness Cya! :)
Нimikо himiko-yep-maron
hello♪♪Follower Thanks ⌒_⌒/ ☆★☆ARASHI FAN♪♪ ★いつも共感&フォローして頂き有り難うございます⌒_⌒/♪♪感謝です♪ 気長にゆっくり楽しみたいと思っています⌒_⌒/ ●不愉快&常識のないコメントをされた時は、周りの方も良い気分をされないと思うので、削除させて頂きます!●悪口と初対面の方に対する言葉使いが汚い人は性格的に好みません(汗)
Dangy MarioYoshi18
Hi, I'm MarioYoshi18. And um...there's not much to talk about really. But I do like Mario games though and Sonic too. I think one of my favourite Wii U games are as follows: Super Mario Maker Splatoon Mario Kart 8 Mario Party 10 NSMBU + NSLU Yoshi's Woolly World Pokken Tournament Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival Anyways. that's about it, nice to comment here.
Robot markrmarkr
ςp☆Elionay elionaybaseball3
Hey Guys i'm Elionay and I'm a GAMER THAT LOVES VIDEOGAMES and i love playing mario games and i'm also the AWESOME KID!!! i also like playing sonic games! Follow my account and you will learn more of the AWESOME KID! I'm also Part of the §p clan! so yeah follow my account it's really AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and 1more thing i LOVE BASEBALL!!!!!
Brent mcgrayson
This user's profile comment is private.
Sarah Neo_Sis0793
Hi I'm Sarah! I love The Legend of Zelda series and many other nintendo games and have grown up with them since I can remember... I don't post much but I try and post relevant pictures for the games I play and try and make it fun! I will always follow back! :) I'm always up for playing any games I have with any of you so don't be afraid to ask! ^^
Smikey Smikey
Serious game collector Owner of VideoGameLegacy Home to reviews, check lists, features, interviews, news & more They'll be a minimum of 150 reviews a year on the website covering all consoles past & present & all companies We won't accept friend requests on this account sorry.
matty undtaker
Profile comment hidden by admin.
c-rad shad0w-7
Nintendo kid, born and raised. And it's not an easy thing to be. Currently jamming: Wii U ===== - MH3U - MP - Zombi U - Smash Bros 4 - Wonderful 101 3DS === - Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - Smash Bros 4 XBOX360 - MGSV:TPP
Hi I'm Scamp, this is my second profile for my second wii u, my original user is Scampi16. I love...
Hi I'm Scamp, this is my second profile for my second wii u, my original user is Scampi16. I love Mario Kart and Splatoon.