Scawtie's Yeahs

Comment on Benjamin's Post


11/03/2017 11:12 PM

Ben... Geez, man, nothing on here has ever made me tear up until now. Your words mean more than you know. Thank you so much. I'm looking forward to creating more memories with you guys after this w...

Comment on Benjamin's Post


11/03/2017 9:13 PM

Finally, I must mention how much fun it was to play with all of you. From Zelda to Metroid to Splatoon to Mario Maker—it was amazing to play alongside all of you. Thank you for designing clever sta...

Comment on Benjamin's Post


11/03/2017 8:53 PM

My personal accomplishments? First and foremost: Wii Fit U. I know, sounds silly, but it gave me the motivation to lose 40 lbs and get into the best shape of my life. I still weigh myself on it eve...

Drawings YouTube Community

The Driz

2 days ago

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1 hour ago

Even though Mii verse may be dying, I hope that one day I can be nearly as good as you in your artistic ability. I remember when I tried so hard to make something decent onto here. And while I have...

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


2 days ago

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12 hours ago

最後に超個人的なことになってしまって本当に申し訳なかったのですが、どうしても、じょんさんに聞いておいてもらいたかったんです! 僕にとってじょんさんはちょっと歳の離れたお兄さん的な存在なので… というわけで、今度こそ本当に最後です! 僕も、青いロフトバードのツールを最近使い始めたので、じょんさんとも繋がりたいです!もしお会いできたらフォローしてもいいでしょうか? 長くなってしまいましたが、...

Play Journal Entries Splatoon


2 days ago

This is my last Miiverse post! <:(= I'm going to miss the Miiverse so much!!! We've had a lot of fun and made great memories together. I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell all m...

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2 hours ago

I'll miss you as friend

Play Journal Entries YouTube


1 day ago

Goodbye, everyone! I'm really going to miss you all! Thank you all so much for being such wonderful friends to me! I really appreciate it! I'm so happy that I got to meet each & every last one of y...

Drawings YouTube Community


1 day ago

Play Journal Entries Splatoon

CGamer X

1 day ago

Just wanted to take this last post and thank everyone from friends to followers. I never thought I would reach over 100, but I'm happy that I was worth your time. I want to thank my first follower ...

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3 hours ago

Aww this is so sweet. I’ll miss this website.

New Super Luigi U Community


14 hours ago

Legend has it that Miiverse still exists.

Play Journal Entries New SUPER MARIO BROS. U


13 hours ago

"The challenge mode is awesome!" My very first post to Miiverse on November 18, 2012 consisted of nothing more than this, back in the days when there was no comment limit, a max of 100 characters p...

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14 minutes ago

Almost four years with six admin notifs. Still zero bans.

Play Journal Entries Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed


1 day ago

And thus, as I bid adieu to Miiverse, holding the memories close, I shall end with what I began nearly five years ago. Up. Over. And GONE!!

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3 hours ago

And thus ends an era. See you on the other side!

Drawings YouTube Community


10/30/2017 4:59 PM

In-Game Splatoon Community


10/31/2017 10:46 PM

New Super Luigi U Community


10/26/2017 9:12 AM

I was eating waffles, a gnat flew on my plate, and it got stuck in the syrup. It's a good thing I ate the majority of the waffles before this happened because I lost my appetite immediately after

Drawings Super Mario 3D World Community


10/27/2017 12:10 AM

Drawings YouTube Community


10/21/2017 2:50 AM

Play Journal Entries Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse


10/23/2017 4:17 PM

Shin Megami Tensei V exclusive for the Switch console next year! As long as Atlus and SE bring their games to the Switch I can go without Capcom and their MH World :p

Everybody’s Message Community


10/11/2017 12:00 AM

Everybody’s Message Community


10/11/2017 4:32 AM