Sciz's Post

Wyoming Club


11/03/2017 4:06 PM

Quick update: I still want Gooey in Smash.

Wyoming Club


11/03/2017 5:03 AM

Hey guys! Fellow members of the ZNG, sorry for my absence these past few days! Life got in the way. Regardless, some answers to some questions in the comments...

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2 days ago

I have marginally improved in Bonneton Deano. Your turn. :p Nintendoer topped you though, beating me by .01 in the Mushroom Kingdom. That aggression could not stand of course.

Play Journal Entries Metroid: Samus Returns


10/02/2017 4:29 PM

Thus begins my Hard Mode mission to capture every enemy creature on metaphorical film and identify them, though I won't specifically try to capture multiple colors of the same enemy. These are main...

Play Journal Entries Metroid: Samus Returns


09/17/2017 10:48 AM

For those of you who don't know, Metroid II was my first Metroid, and one of the first games I ever remember playing. Of course, my sister and I could never get very far. That first "witch" as we c...

Wyoming Club


09/13/2017 7:05 PM

I'm surprised nobody has posted about the Direct yet. Thoughts here.

Play Journal Entries Project X Zone 2


09/06/2017 9:10 AM

I'll just leave this here.

Wyoming Club


07/14/2017 2:04 PM

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age impressions! Um... I'll start in the comments.

Wyoming Club


07/05/2017 10:32 AM

So as more information comes out about Fire Emblem Warriors, and they've made it clear that game will be focused around three entries in the series, Shadow Dragon, Awakening, and Fates, much like H...

Play Journal Entries Project X Zone 2


06/15/2017 7:50 PM

This game is unabashedly anime. Overly sexual ladies and a plot that doesn't even try to have any sort of reasonable explanation. But it is definitely made with reverence to the original games, whi...

Wyoming Club


06/13/2017 1:02 PM

So basically what I got out of that was that Xenoblade is British again and Cleaning Kirby is back.

Play Journal Entries Bravely Default


05/22/2017 9:16 PM

I was leveling up Red Mage, and it occurred to me that the Red Mage has no Multicast-like ability in this game, which seemed odd. Then I realized that their BP increasing abilities are this game's ...

Wyoming Club


03/08/2017 8:57 AM

So friends, I recently went through my collection of games and discovered what my most valuable game is. Anybody want to guess?

Wyoming Club


02/26/2017 8:28 PM

It's a "true or false" quiz. FF10's theme is GUTS! True or false?

Discussions Pokémon Sun & Moon Community


01/02/2017 2:07 AM

Open Closed

Pokémon Names!

Kartana -In English, Spanish, and Italian, it's name is a simple combination of katana, a Japanese word meaning sharp sword, though it usually refers to the type o...

Play Journal Entries Bayonetta 2


10/15/2016 1:04 PM

I'm covering up another post I literally just made, but I feel like talking about the weapons of this game now that I've finally unlocked them all. There will be "spoilers" if you don't want to kno...

Play Journal Entries Bayonetta 2


10/15/2016 11:33 AM

I didn't realize I'd put almost 70 hours into this game...

Wyoming Club


08/19/2016 1:30 AM

Let's pretend that video games are food. And that I haven't already started playing this one. いただきます One of of just a few things "Learn Japanese to Survive: Hiragana Battle" has taught me, though I...

Wyoming Club


08/12/2016 9:04 AM

Favorite Pokémon type specialist lightning round! Rock-Roark, Water-Marlon, Electric-Clemont, Grass-Cilan, Poison-Agith... I mean Roxie, Psychic-Caitlyn, Fire-Malva, Ground-Bertha, Ice-Candice, Fig...

Wyoming Club


08/01/2016 11:10 PM

Following in the footsteps of a certain long-haired friend of mine, I'm starting a post to talk about non-Nintendo games. If you care to listen in to my infinitely less detailed ramblings, feel free.

Play Journal Entries Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


07/19/2016 10:26 AM

My boy Cloud and I just scored a point for #TeamCallie because unlike one of my friends, I don't think of Inklings as a food of questionable quality.

Play Journal Entries Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars


07/03/2016 5:35 PM

Okay, here is a log of most of the things I love about this game. I've actually finished the game already, and I will be using saved screenshots for this. There will be spoilers, though marked.

Play Journal Entries Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars


06/30/2016 1:22 PM

You've got no excuse now, Blake! For $7.99, this first RPG in the Mario franchise is a steal. I own the original game, but I love this game so much I had to show it off on Miiverse. I seriously rec...

Play Journal Entries Art Academy


06/01/2016 7:24 PM

So, I have a mind that's always thinking. I'd like to think I'm a creative person, but my biggest detriment to coming up with a thorough well-thought idea is... coming up with more ideas before I c...