Quick update: I still want Gooey in Smash.
Sciz's Post

Hey guys! Fellow members of the ZNG, sorry for my absence these past few days! Life got in the way. Regardless, some answers to some questions in the comments...

So as more information comes out about Fire Emblem Warriors, and they've made it clear that game will be focused around three entries in the series, Shadow Dragon, Awakening, and Fates, much like H...

So friends, I recently went through my collection of games and discovered what my most valuable game is. Anybody want to guess?
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community

Pokémon Names!
Kartana -In English, Spanish, and Italian, it's name is a simple combination of katana, a Japanese word meaning sharp sword, though it usually refers to the type o...

Let's pretend that video games are food. And that I haven't already started playing this one. いただきます One of of just a few things "Learn Japanese to Survive: Hiragana Battle" has taught me, though I...

Favorite Pokémon type specialist lightning round! Rock-Roark, Water-Marlon, Electric-Clemont, Grass-Cilan, Poison-Agith... I mean Roxie, Psychic-Caitlyn, Fire-Malva, Ground-Bertha, Ice-Candice, Fig...

Following in the footsteps of a certain long-haired friend of mine, I'm starting a post to talk about non-Nintendo games. If you care to listen in to my infinitely less detailed ramblings, feel free.
I'm sometimes more commonly known as Dean.
Top Ten Favorite Video Games
(Order is irrelevant)
I'm sometimes more commonly known as Dean.
Top Ten Favorite Video Games
(Order is irrelevant)
Super Mario RPG
LoZ: Majora's Mask
Kid Icarus Uprising
Fire Emblem 7
Fire Emblem Awakening
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
LoZ: Ocarina of Time
LoZ: Wind Waker
*Pokémon is my favorite series.
No Wii U Chat.