Sean.E's Followers
Brody bgdg0418
The Hero of Rhyme
Twilight HeavyFire01
Hi. Smash Plz
joshi oberursel
kallista oreorules
Hi im Kallista and i got a 2ds i love 1D/Paramor and Kirby Deluxe,mk8,and ssb,m3dland
cameron wiiu3dsawsome
I am Cameron.I'm a big fan of Harry Potter and Scoobydoo.I love to draw and read too.I also, have a 3DSxl.
Kaden wiiu3dsrock12
i love my wiiu and 3ds i got lots of a nintendo Fan. i have crush on turtle.:3 please follow me, anyone. wiiu chat any one?
I play Zelda, Mario Bros, Mariokart, Splatoon, Injustice, Bayonetta, Smash 4 and pokemon.