A Scrub™'s Play Journal

Report this User to Miiverse Administrators

You are about to report a user for violating the Miiverse Code of Conduct. This report will be sent to Nintendo's Miiverse administrators and not to the user you are reporting.

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User's Nintendo Network ID: SegaSonic2345


A Scrub™

06/19/2016 11:09 PM

My loadout for the upcoming splatfest. A.K.A the most expensive loadout ever.


A Scrub™

09/12/2015 9:25 PM

HELP ME OUT! Without Science the world couldn't function, but without Art, buildings etc wouldn't be here. What should I choose?


A Scrub™

08/22/2015 6:46 PM

Grinding Ranks! Comment below if you want to private battle! Add me!


A Scrub™

08/22/2015 10:21 AM

What the back of Spyke looks like...EH


A Scrub™

08/19/2015 9:55 PM

lol wut?