BillFusion's Friends
Pizza•òωó◆ SimonVoorhees321
Hello :3! My name is Simon and I really like chocolate and pizza!♥('•ω•')♥Nice to meet u!♡\(#^~^#)/♡I like to draw (I don't like my drawings ;^;).‹("˙˘˙")/ I hope u have a fantastic day!:D So please follow my friends<(#úωú#)¬ Christian (Chrisverse2)♥^ω^♥ Max☆☆☆★ (bossmax123) ˙˘˙ ♪^ω^♪κατiε (Itchiko_Drago)♡ •I'm still here... for jut say goodbye.. í_ì
руяσмαлiαç SquidNinjutsu
♡Project Ink Pyro, Mystic, Sonic, Kingninja♪ and DJ Status: (S Rank/Level 48) ¤I Love~ -Splattin -Smashin' -Drawin' and -Anime My Favorite OCs Pyro, Azabaché, Chili, Minty, and Velvet check out this cool/best peeps -Mystic -Eøs~Alex -SunnyD -Tron -Mama Tesu -Kyle Stay Off The Hook 2/8/2017
Rex Dragon CoolDragonRex
Dragon. Currently dramatic. I'm a dragon that has a Wii U. I love dragons, so please be aware that I'm mostly drawing dragons. Anthro dragons. I play smash. I want friends. Thunder... Best dragon friends: Bubba Jamiez Javier-san Gold Drago Please comment on my posts if you want to have a conversation with me, but I might get off topic... Rawr.
¥FLUFFY¥™ Teddy_Freddy01
Hello i am Fluffy aka Viny★SA™ And welcome to my Second profile ^^ ♥Taken♥(Daniel My girlfriend) I am Lesbian(100%) and im 14 Years old i love Drawing,Playing video games and My girlfriend ^^ I am self-Tought artist ^^ What im i doing with my life :')))))))) I AM A UNICORN WITH RAINDOWS QWQ
Physics GreekPhysics3
Love to dance.
Roy saverbat1
hi! please be nice. 22 years old i draw o.cs gay,single & alone. i play smash. my main is charizard. i like muscular guys. alot of my characters r muscular including roy. muscles r the best way to catch my attention lol ik its sad follower goal 1000 followers MV fam: younger bro Zeta big bro izzy lil bro geeky kuma son RORO lil sis pastel no random friend requests. i must know u alittle
~Leo~ 912cayuga
Dry your tears. You'll make it through. Chin up, beautiful. I'm still here for you. You are loved. That includes mine, too. You're not alone. We're here for you. ♡
Samuel justdancingsam
Hi everyone on Miiverse, I can't wait to have fun with you guys! Do you wanna be my friend? If so, send me a friend request
Lunabay Lunabay
Hello Miiverse! I enjoy drawing and playing games. I'm also a game developer, working on an RPG for 3DS. Not much free time, since we hope to release it soon!
lizy★☆★☆★ tcreece
best friends [@GAMER DUDE] [@FRAGGLE] [nm♀rinsota ] [Redfox99] [P'I'KA'.'CHU] [SELVIN] FAVORITE GAMES [POKEMON X AND POKEMON Y] [MARIO KART 8] [POKEMON BLACK AND WHITE] [KID ICARUS] I don't Wii U chat Dislikes mean people somethings i do a lot save the bunnys! miiverse new mario bros U the end
V.Squidson xerneasx123
Valerie Squidson | Female | 16 Those are all OC details~ XD I've started putting more information about Splatoon OCs in my Play Journal if you're curious. I got a Switch! <3 I'm planning on being here as long as Miiverse is around. :) Also, I've started accepting FRs. Statisky is my senpai~ You should definitely follow her! Follower counts only hurt people, so I hid mine.
I LOVE JAPAN Name: RayZXA © Age: 24 Hobby:•German Ju-Jutsu (Selfdefense System) •Anime and Manga •Gaming on PC & NINTENDO •Draw •LEGO I'm a fan of: Sonic the Hedgehog MegaMan F-ZERO StarFox Metroid The Legend of Zelda Kid Icarus Super Smash Bros. Klonoa Deus Ex TEKKEN Fatal Frame Devil May Cry Bayonetta DARKSIDERS Split Second No More Heroes & more
Mounir BigSharkZ
Hi there and thanks for visiting my profile! I'm a 20 years old artist and gamer from Canada. While I love engaging myself in conversations, I'll mostly if not only be posting drawings on Miiverse from time to time, so please enjoy them! If you have any drawing request, let me know in the comments and I may do it. Have a good time! :D
Michael»şƒ CinosThePhantom
Hi there, my name is Michael but im better known as Cinos The Phantom. Im a huge fan of Sonic the hedgehog! :D *In a relationship with Selena (Nina)* Age:21 SPEED FORCE: a team i created at first to help support the Sonic franchise. P.S.- I draw for Fun, not for Fame. with that said i hope you all enjoy my art! ^.^ »şƒ
Αshaun Ashaun
Hi my name is Ashaun (or Ash for short), and I'm 18 years old. If you like my drawings, feel free to follow me; I follow back...sometimes. I don't accept random or blank friend request, sorry. I'm glad you checked out my profile, and have nice day you amazing people!
Yami khaqua
hi! Λ___Λ (=' ω '=) <(NYA!) ♪ </____\> favorite games: kingdom hearts, the legend of zelda, paper mario, smash bros. brawl, pokemon, phoenix wright, professor layton and mario kart fav. series: naruto, bleach, one piece, fairy tail, fma brotherhood, DBZ, soul eater, ranma 1/2, avatar, TWD, arrow and many others :3
James ChaotixNinjax
23 years old, I enjoy gaming just as much as I enjoy drawing. Fan of the big Nintendo franchises like Mario, Pokémon, Zelda, Metroid and pretty much every series that's represented in the Smash Bros. series. My favorite genres of games are platformers, racing and fighting. Also use a PS4.
Itachi Silentwolf248
I'm a big fan of anime! I'm strictly against bullying! So, please just keep it pg on conversations. I'm a fan of MineCraft and Five Nights at Freddy's. Please don't make fun of me or the fandom.
Q SMii21
Marce windomwiml
Hi!! I´m Marcel, welcome to my profile. Deeply in love with my life since 1997. My fav game ★ Animal Crossing
Oscar Hykereki
Hi, im from Mexico Nuevo Laredo Tamaulipas, i like drawing,the anime,music,and the video games .
Inferno Inferno193
I draw things sometimes??
Støяmy gragx005
donnizzle donnspringaling
Logan εϊз LJSgamer
About me: · Fav. color is purple · Fav. song is OneRepublic - Counting Stars · Fav. anime is Blue Exorcist. ♥ Games: · Fav. game is Xenoblade Chronicles. · Fav. Wii U game is The Wonderful 101! · Can't wait for Xenoblade Chronicles X, Hyrule Warriors, Super Smash Bros Wii U, and Bayonetta 2! Other: Nothing ATM.
Gaär Awesome5000
I love nintendo~! currently playing Hyrule warriors, SSB4 and Bayonetta 2! I'm taking a bit of a break from drawing on miiverse due to a busy schedule but feel free to follow or send a friend request an I will add back when I can. :D (I DO NOT use voice chat)
FreQuenczy FreQuenczy
Hi there! Like Wii U, Wii and Gamecube reviews? Check out my YouTube page to watch my reviews of games on these three consoles! Just search for "FreQuenczy" on Youtube and you'll be sure to find me! Happy gaming!
Frank fruzilla79
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
tommy rocky111
Big Fan Of Anime And Manga !
Lexy lexy97
Hello, Bonjour, Hola,Konichiwa!And welcome to my profile! I am 19 I love to sing, draw, read,and of course play video games!! I am a vocal education major at SELU I am a huge fan of The Legend of Zelda. And i also have type 1 Diabetes!! ;) And if you wanna video chat please message me first! ;P Thx! FOLLOW ME PLZ!
Dee generationX
My favorite thing about the WiiU, is the ability to draw and look at other people's art on MiiVerse. Thank you so much for 9000+ yeahs and 300+ follows!!! I am out of friend space!!!!!!! My Favorites: artists: Da Vinci, Bernini, Van Gogh, Dali music: Foo Fighters, Metallica, Aerosmith video games: Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past & anything Mario
Huan Huan2012
I grew up with the NES, SNES, N64,GBA, NGC, NDS, Wii, NDSi, N3DS and now Wii U! Always faithful to Nintendo's console! What can i say? I LIKE IT A LOT! Let's have fun guys! XD
Ren Ren100
☆Welcome to my profile☆ Hello everyone, my name is, Ren and i'm 21 years old. Languages i speak: English and Japanese. Favorite games: Mario Kart 8, Tales of Graces f and Senran Kagura Burst. I love to draw, i play Playstation 3/4 and Wii U. If you like to yeah me go ahead. I accept friend request and Wii U chat. Thanks everyone.
Alt Min Ho shishamuyo
hi my drawing fans and friends. sadly 1 day before pkmn x & y come out, i will post my last drawing on miiverse meaning I won't be able to draw on miiverse for a very long time as the wii u in my room will no longer be there, so for the next few days i might draw something. i will miss you all but i will be back soon, i might get on the internet miiverse but still if i don't, i will miss you all.
Daniel danbugo
hi, i'm 29 & i'm from chile :D i can only use my wiiu on weekends cause i have to work :(
Hailstorm simmons1001
Hello there, my name is Hailey, but you can call me Hailstorm. I'm here for some fun gaming times and posting drawings when I have the spare hours. With so many people making such great works of art, I can only hope you enjoy my mediocre works of Sonic, LoZ, and anime. Feel free to follow, and give a yeah if it so pleases you. ^_^ P.S. Do not friend me for the sole reason of WiiU chatting with me
Zeldanlink Zeldanlink
Hey guys! My name is Isabel :). I speak spanish and english. I'm from Venezuela and I love to play games since I was a child. My favorite ones are: TlOZ, Pokemon, Animal Crossing and Splatoon. 20 yrs old :3
R.C. RCx10000
Hi guyths :D
Tony TonyBaez
Hey! 'sup? I hope you're having a wonderful day!
Haku Haku_Ubaka
My names Haku. I'm a gamer, and I love all forms of video-games. I've got a bit of a soft spot for Nintendo. Generally, I play all kinds of video-games. I grew up playing games like Super Mario, Donkey Kong, Final Fantasy, Spyro the Dragon, and Jak and Daxter. My favorite consoles are the SNES, N64, PS1,GCN, PS3, and the PS4. Thanks for stopping by. See ya around, Miiverse!
Rei★ SupahDoozy
I'm Rei! I grew up playing Nintendo & Playstation. I'm a Mario & Sonic fan, I like to draw and blog on Tumblr when I'm bored. I'm a college student too :P So yeah... *I don't use Wii U Chat so don't bother....seriously.*
Pyro Pyro1022
Deadpool fan for life! 23 years old. Now taking art/friend requests. Huge fan of the nes/snes era of gaming. Love music from the 60's - 80's. Love making things in minecraft too.
Yo Was Up
gamezilla zeldamaster
I have been bleeding Nintendo from day 1 of the NES. My favorites are Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, Smash, and any RPG for the most part. I do not Wii U Chat!!!!! Game on Miiverse
Ciel oOCielOo
Hello everyone! I'm Ciel. Been gaming since I was 3. Nice to meetcha! Mainly an RPG gamer here, I suck at FPSes. I share my Wii U with my honey of 12 years, Foxeni! (Gamer couple ftw!) Feel free to buddy us! If you'd like of course. We can be friends if you're nice. Well, see you around! Status: Still alive, just haven't been playing games all that much. I play here and there though at least. ^_^
Renti Lorenzo
Hello, Name's Lorenzo Smalls Jr. It alright just call me Renzo if y'all want to. I'm a biggest fan of Nintendo since i was born in January 23, 1985. Also, I can't wait for the new Smash bros; and some other games that are coming out for the WiiU & 3ds!
Cesar LeaveLuckToHeavn
I love my Wii U, I just wish I had more time to play it.
Sean tipsd9video
Hello! I'm a long time Nintendo fan and have been playing my whole life. I'm also a big fan of anime/manga/cosplaying. I guess that's pretty much it.
Alex MegaManZero
Graphic Designer/Artist. Some of my favorite games: Mega Man X, X2, X3, X4, X8 Mega Man 2, 3, 5, 8 Banjo Kazooie/Tooie Mario 64, Galaxy 2 Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 Xenoblade Chronicles Dead Space 1/2 Yoshi's Island Kirby Superstar, Return to Dreamland DK Country, and Topical Freeze Fire Emblem Awakening SSB4 Zelda: OoT, WW, MM, SS Luigis Mansion Star Fox 64, Adventures, Assault Many more
PikaKris7 SnowSieghart
Hi, names Kris im a huge Pokemon geek i like anime manga video games and most of all Pokemon....did i mention Pokemon? Id love to meet new people here on Wii U so friend me if you like
Jordan JetCloud
Marty_Mar Plumbertime
I'm marvin aka marty mar,from good ole New Jersey, been gaming for over 20 years,i draw a lot as most of ya'll can see, thanks for the yeahs and followers, much appreciated ,currently loving zombie u if i don't answer im probably drawing, sorry.... and also my friend list is getting full, so feel free to follow me instead.....
TheWax TheWax
Animator, gamer, procastinator. Leader of the Sonic Paradox animation team. Known for the Sonic Shorts series. My favorite game series are Sonic, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Halo, Megaman, & Bomberman. Send a game invite or video chat my way if you want to hang. :)
Kaz Retroh
Jorge II JorgeDF
Check out these videogame music arrangements: Search TGMagus on youtube to find cool stuff. FF, MegaMan, and lots of Castlevania stuff! I like most Nintendo franchises (go Zelda), but also Castlevania, Mega Man, Assassin's Creed, Portal, and others. I will be using Miiverse to doodle. What a fun and addicting feature. If you wanna be my friend, send me a request! I don't like WiiChat much, tho.
Broseph PVT-Angrybird
I enjoy skateboarding I love music and playing games Monster Hunter is an all time favorite game series of mine
Hello, Bill Fusion here!
I'm in other places too!
Gaming is my life!
Mostly known for making Just...
Hello, Bill Fusion here!
I'm in other places too!
Gaming is my life!
Mostly known for making Just Dance videos.
Games & series I play: Super Smash Bros, Just Dance, Super Mario(+spin offs), Pokemon & more.
Other things: I watch anime causal & cartoons, practice drawing, & listen to music from videogames.
Thanks for looking & finding me!