Users Cursedseth Is Following
JelloAlt AltyMcAlterson
J-Bizzle Mario1UPkoopa
Lets play some fun Super Mario Maker courses!
__________ corrin009
Bye LeaveItToAlfonz0
M.S Poke NoraBa
Hey, guys. As you see, I have M.S. Which means I'm part of a group called Mii Souls. Our objective is to get our old Miiverse back. We are TIRED of the 30 comments per day, and we want to save it. #SaveMiiverse
Arrgh. MysteriousGopher
You have made your last anime refrence, Konata, and for that, you will walk the plank! I dunno.
Judy~poody judemac7
hi i'm jude you but can call me judy poody as you can see it seems that i'm a miiverse mii just like you! i'm just a mii that is calm and you can friend me if you want to i'm 13! and thats it so see ya if you can! ;) R.I.P. MÊMêverse
benny boy Aaronz21
Hi. welcome to my profile! TA DA!!! Its not much but its only that way because I just started.;-). As you probally know, my name is bennyboy(not real name). I am 13 and I LOVE thai food for some aparrent reason! I like smash bros, super mario maker, Nintendo land, yoshis woolly world metroid, super mario bros. , mario kart 8....I could go on forEVER. Im hoping for some new friend requests.The End!
Milo supermilobro
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been great getting to meet you all. I hope to see you all again soon. Thank you all for the support and may God bless you!:)
Cap.Ash Jaguar03
THE END IS ON THE HORIZON. I'm Ashley, but my friends call me Ash. I'm a 14 year old gamer, Self taught artist, pianist and Taekwondo student. Likes: Darkwing Duck Disney & Pixar Nintendo Scooby-Doo Friends: Zachary CoffeeLuva Diego Darcy AT Steve87 JustSophie Steen Veda Ellie and more! Hobbies: Getting obsessed with Darkwing Duck and spending the remaining time I have with my dear friends.
DerpJacob 3dsplayer11
どうも、任天堂好きのニンドリャーです。 スイッチ購入済み。活動は主にお絵かきです。 (ミーバース終了に伴い、ややハイーペース) 絵のリクエスト受付は、終了しました。 申し訳ありません。 ◆フレンド基本登録条件 [スマブラforWiiUをお持ちの人]限定で。 ※どうしてもエンジョイ戦がダメな人は、 必ず事前に言って下さい。 [煽り等の悪質][馴れ][チート]、 [何の一言もなく、いきなりの無言フレリク]はNG。 [WiiU Chat]はしません。 チャットみたいに交流できない為、 あまり返事返せなくてすみませんが、 お知らせを頼りに見てます。 共感、フォローはご自由に(無言フォローOK)。 [フォローお願い!]等の要求やタメ口はNG。 フォロー、コメント、共感、そして…、 1000フォロワーありがとう! ※10/21 編集
Support #GamerGate #TheTriggering #StopSJWs #MakeGamingGreatAgain
Ira MinerKombat1556
Hiya. Nothing much to see here. I'm just... you know, here, n'such. Oh fine, wanna know something? I'm a human person who spends way too much time playing games and should probably get a job and/or a life.
magikarp used splash its super effective the world has destroyed also i like mudkipz and marshtompz and swampertz and mega sawmpertz i am a pokemon freak
Game Over dinner2020
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John johnEgbert
i'm john. yeah.
MarioMan57 HammerTime.jpg.2
I'm back again
Jordan Mc J-star5m
So this is's the end... I will miss you all so much. I made so many great friends here and I made lots of great memories... If you want to find me Fill in the blank.. ------verse Hint:Opposite of open [ I am sure you heard of it before :) ]
[ςς] B u g waves4
yo EVERYDAY WE LIT YAH! Follow meh LIT FREINDS: joshua zoe NBG-doalan SupaEpicXD (me) \{*_*}\ ←DIS GUY IS AS LIT AS IT GETS U need to cut it follow4follow IM STILL LIT! GETTING EVEN MORE LIT!! NOW IM MORE LITTER THAN DIS GUY→\{*_*}\ BY FAM...!
Matthew Z.E.R.0_6
Hi my name is matthew and i... do nothing ·_· soooooo i usually play with my Wii U because something is wrong with 3ds i can't hear anything
PF2m 567-343-0696
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Villager² minecraftman2000
EVERYONE, I HAVE RETURNED. SANS LET ME USE HIS PROFILE WHILE HE'S GONE. Games: Mk8, Sm4sh, Minecraft, And loads more. Switch Games: Mk8D, BotW, Spla2n, ARMS, Minecraft, and loads more. Join me if you can!! ---+EDIT+--- I will miss you. Thank you for the good memories. reminder of my latest 7 follows *This profile will no longer post as of November 7th.
Billy billyspencer
pedripin pedritopin2017
Trashbot cs.go.s2nduser
bye miiverse Hi I'm Michael Just call me Trashbot, I Make Drawings and Garbage I Like Stuff Such as Steven universe ,Nintendo and Sonic, Previous Account November 25th 2013 , This Account November 17th 2016, -American Irish Cool people Derpjacob Tigrex C Meister Grayson879 Cillian Laurzy Amethyst is love, Amethyst is life, -15
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