joebob's Friends
Mick Mouze rosalina273
its usaullyminecraft and pokken tourtement
MaxiMum27™ MaxRobo27
candycane candydaman
hello. you can go now.i have nothing to say
SGGFurious lambeaulit
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Stan Marsh IceBear248
pro pro200
Loy BG βωθ Loy2015
Salut je m'appelle Loïs, j'ai 13 ans et je joue principalement à pokémon et à minecraft Hello my name is Loïs I have 13 years old and I play mainly at pokemon and minecraft Holla me llamo Loïs tengo trece años jugando principalemente para pokemon y minecraft
Undertale4 undertale4
hello, undertale4 here and you cah meet me on! *i make videos! *minecraft tutorials on miiverse *quiz, articles, rpg s, and much more! if you want you can friend me because i am not so popular put i have a sense in creativity! hoped you enjoy this message and i hope to meet you soon!
joseph maeiom257
im jojo i live in japan im 13
Alex pikomn
Hello im Alex im ??? years old i live in belgië i can speak vlaams and czech my favorite games are 1. minecraft 2. splatoon 3. smash bros my best friend on miiverse is care26 4. mario bros favorite food pizza favorite colors red,blue,black and green
mlg MLGthug
The most MLG player you will come across.
how I came up with " ZOODSS " is actually kinda funny. How this became my name for almost anything basicaly my nickname. So I was watching ROMANATWOODVLOGS one of my favorite youtuber ( if you dont know him go check him out ) his dogs name is Zeus but i didn't want to take that name so i thought of Zod ( bad guy in man of steal ) but it had to be 4 letters then i added another O and 2 s's
Juan S. Supersanicfan64
Tristann RealityTaken
***** Yolomadel
♡♥SPLATOON♡♥ Nightcore <3 kann nicht online spielen... bin 14 years ^*^ meine beste Freundin ist Marlen ich mag Sena (BIF) ich spiele mario kart 8 ich hab auch ein 3ds wo ich online zocken kann## ich hab ein handy und whatsapp ** mein lieblings Wort ist ♡yolomadel♥ vertraue niemand alle sind dumm Stolzer angeberXD Bonjour comment allez-vous 14.5.16 15.5.16 ♥Lara♥ ;-; Animes <3 i hate lara :)
яƒ★Demon XxRgFeriousGamer
I love Friend Requests
mr.glide Freeshot11
jiji007 jiminecraft007
Brandon cargames123456
SpatGaming Jarbear123
plug cooktif
Star~meow RLPuana
Hi wassup its me....wait your still here?I thought you would be uncomfortable with my weirdness and leave but you seem nice!Anyways wanna be more nice and follow/friend me?!Oh ya you need to know things about me so here Hobbys:Gaming,watching youtube,and dancing Color:Purple Food:Burrito Game:minecraft and undertale Animal:cat Youtuber:Jacksepticeye Movie:Moana Im Hawaiian,Chuukese,and Portuguese
Shobo Shobo_2
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Mayo pinkmaya
Catch me on Splatoon
IndyEndie TalkingZeldaNO3
Hello, everyone, my name is IndyEnderman, here to say welcome to my user page. And, speaking of which, OOWWW! My face still hurts from where you smacked it to see this text. But don't worry, you can make it up to me by following me. Smack the "follow" button as hard as you just punched me (OOOWWW!).
Andrew andrew_cm21
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THUG$plato platon15
yo wassup guys its me platon and as you can see i'm professional . yes so i love pizza . i'm 9 years old boy white and my favourite game on my wii u is minecraft . i'm greek BUT i got english lessons so you can understand me .bbbbbyyyyyeeee ok now mason doesn't hate me rip
LuciferMD jhosack1
Hi my name is LuciferMD i play minecraft,super mareo maker and ambeo you will not see me playing it alot thow . [sorry for spelling] I love to make frends hope you can be one. ; .) I love to draw and play video games. i hope you can be my frend too thank you every one ♡★♥★♡★♥★♡★♥ also i live in ohio and 9 years old if your my frend i pled you to still be my frend
john luigi.175739
Hey guys im just a minecraft pro who needs help and gives to the community. add me and we could play some minecraft just for fun. Following and Liking your posts! Age: 15 Favorite color: Blue Minecraft is the best!
sonic gregg66
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Isaiah superDuperDad
HEY there, my name is Isaiah and do not call me superduperdad its annoying. I post gameplay and some other things when I'm bored. ;) You can follow and friend if you want, BYE!
☆lilgboy★ lilgboy
D-man Calixtro
AmiralGabe AmiralGabe
frisk txeagle3000
minecraft a place for kids and any age no hateful/bully or may result a report so also other games disney infinity 3.0 bring your toys to life
I'm on the internet on weekends so hang out with me during American weekends (cause thats were I ...
I'm on the internet on weekends so hang out with me during American weekends (cause thats were I live)