Blake's Yeahs

Play Journal Entries LOST REAVERS


05/19/2016 5:22 PM

hot garbage!

Comment on GeeLW's Post


05/17/2016 8:39 PM

There's not even a simple 'hello' greeting.

Comment on Whocares's Post


05/15/2016 8:52 PM

WiiU is for anybody that can afford to play. If it was just for kids, other ppl of all ages would not play. And I'm pretty sure kids are not the only persons playing this game or any other games. ...

Play Journal Entries LOST REAVERS


05/15/2016 2:21 PM

I've been playing this for a solid week and only up until just now I found someone playing as Victoria.

Comment on Adam's Post


05/13/2016 7:38 PM

You're a lifesaver, sir!! Thanks!

Comment on RED's Post


05/12/2016 6:32 PM

If a teammate fall in battle, revive him/her after an attack of the Boss. If they died close to the Bug, you're gonna have a bad time: Wait for an attack, get close, run away from it's Ground Slam,...

Comment on ☆SE★mini50's Post


05/12/2016 10:19 PM

Only Dwayne. No one else.

Play Journal Entries LOST REAVERS


05/12/2016 6:04 PM

look at that booty

Comment on Blake's Post


05/12/2016 10:26 PM

I once had a stubborn player refuse to exit the map even though there were no enemies. I threw some gold bars in front of him and he finally stepped on the transporter!

Discussions LOST REAVERS Community


05/12/2016 4:16 PM

Open Closed

People you should never play with

And no, I don't mean people who aren't really good at the game, I mean people over Lv. 25 or even in the Top 100 players who SHOULD know what they're doing, but ha...

Play Journal Entries LOST REAVERS


05/12/2016 6:18 PM

COME.. ON.. ALREADY!!!!!!!! >:(

Comment on Blake's Post


05/12/2016 5:58 PM

yes and it bs they must think they get more ex but you dont

Play Journal Entries LOST REAVERS


05/10/2016 4:31 PM

This game is actual garbage. The music is bad, the gameplay is horrible. Do not actually download this game. it's a waste of space and time.

Play Journal Entries LOST REAVERS


05/10/2016 5:00 PM

Behold, I will now bring all the expert players to tears with just one screenshot. (Seriously, I can't stand when it teases you, making you THINK you'll get the weapon and you don't)

Comment on βloody's Post


05/10/2016 7:37 PM

wait! is dat trish from devil may cry?!

Comment on Dany64's Post


05/10/2016 9:52 PM

If you think THAT'S bad...

Play Journal Entries LOST REAVERS


05/10/2016 8:47 PM

What am I supposed to do with this!!!!???