Steen's Yeahs

Drawings YouTube Community


1 minute ago

In-Game Pokémon Art Academy Community


9 minutes ago

I'm using the post that got me banned as my final post, how sweet is that? Afterparty on Twitter once this place closes down!

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1 minute ago

Do you draw / write with your left hand? (I'll see you soon in some of those places!)

Drawings YouTube Community


1 hour ago


1 hour ago

Bye I love you

Play Journal Entries YouTube


50 minutes ago

I'm goinb to bed. I enjoyed spending these last few moments with everybody, and I don't want to leave, but everybody has to move on. Hopefully we'll meet each other again. Any other account I make ...

New SUPER LUIGI U Community


49 minutes ago


48 minutes ago

i feel so bad man.

Drawings YouTube Community


13 minutes ago

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9 minutes ago

*clears throat* Heck.

New SUPER LUIGI U Community


39 minutes ago

Miiverse, the amazing social website. Some people were kind, and others... not so much. However, they all "molded" me. If it wasn't for Miiverse, I probably wouldn't have learned how to be social.

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17 minutes ago

Will do! Farewell, Juliet! Thanks for the memories!

In-Game Pokémon Art Academy Community


37 minutes ago

Discussion post part2. If you have a DA or someone, join Miiverse Hub. It's a group for Miiverse users to support each other.

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13 minutes ago

Hmm, have an afterparty with the birds after it closes and use a post to advertise it? Lol

Drawings YouTube Community


32 minutes ago

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Mr. Lee

4 minutes ago

Tbh I've loved your posts for a while, exept I didn't comment much so I not noticed, but I'm glad that you did this (cuz miiverse ended :P ) so now I can still see more of your content!

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


29 minutes ago

Well, this will probably be my last post. Not much to say except thank you, Miiverse! Gonna miss checking this place a ton, and posting art I worked hard on. And I’ll miss talking to people. So yea...

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21 minutes ago

hard work well spent, love the style 8)

Drawings YouTube Community


26 minutes ago

Drawings YouTube Community

The Nerd

16 minutes ago

Drawings YouTube Community


15 minutes ago

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12 minutes ago

I'll miss you :'<

Comment on Steen's Post


39 minutes ago

Goodbye and until soon!

Drawings YouTube Community


17 minutes ago

New SUPER LUIGI U Community


30 minutes ago

Goodbye, it has been fun.

Comment on Steen's Post


53 minutes ago

i found it!

Drawings YouTube Community


1 hour ago

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1 hour ago

sounds odd, but thanks