Users JellyBean♀ Is Following
Cloudxx09 BrawlerAim
Clouds are so important to me. Not even lying. ehh, so uhh, yeah... just a loser who's into video games and drawing (I guess??). I'm not very good, but it's fun either way! ----- uhh, i'm not all that active here... just saying... please no blank friend requests... i don't Wii U chat..
KC KaylaC418
Hi, I'm KC I like playing splatoon I like to draw I'm a noob/pro, i think... I dont have a swich....yet.... I accept all freind request, I'm NOT on 247....well maybe... I'm werd, but awesome & give free hugs! *HUGS* or maybe a splat you never know... Besties; manny dajia MRchuaYT chestphin & more friends... oh your still here? ò♡ó ¯ˇ¯ R.I.P. MIIVERS!! go chech my other user ★opop9913★ bye!
Sasuke SonSasuke17
Stuff I Like: Pretty Much Almost All Nintendo Franchises (Mainly Legend Of Zelda) Sonic Kingdom Hearts Anime (Dragon Ball,Naruto,SAO,Bleach,Soul Eater,Inuyasha,Heavens Lost Property,RWBY,Fairy Tail,Deadman Wonderland,Rosario+Vampire) Drawing Youtube(Markiplier,Jacksepticeye,TheGamersJoint,Lord Frieza,Girku,Prince Vegeta) Horror Games (Slender-Man,Fnaf,Batim)Thats All K O K Bye ^^
Nucclear GlenaR10
Hola, the names nucclear. 16 woo I'm an artist of mostly Overwatch (¯\(°^°)/¯) Anyways, I'll post art on here, I guess, 'cause that's the only thing I'm good at. (I think) Don't be afraid to ask me stuff, I love talking!!
RedBonnie SpringGaming64
Hey Guys,Its RedBonnieGaming64 and i play alot of Games with my pals,I'm 15 i do Sonic/Fnaf roleplay yes I'ma Sonic and Fnaf FAN. :D 私の名前はレッドボニーです I can't belive Miiverse is ending T_T NO WiiU Chat >:( i do a lil bit of drawing in the WiiU but on Paper,its better. T^T Why me. if your trying to friend request me pls type something and let me know...i dont friend request random peps
★issa★ your_queen123
hi,i am issa and friend me so we can play games i would love to play with ♡taken by someone cute and loving♥ i have game chat on ( sometimes,and i dont talk i use signs,in minecraft favoritegames:mario,sonic,undertale,fnaf maybe wiiu chat and sometimes if u ask me to date u and ask me how old am i maybe i lie or tell u the truth if u are kind i like hip hop,rap i am latina
Robert Robie-chan
Hi people, My name is Robert or Robie for short =) I'm 27 I love Drawing and Video Games and thanks to the Wii U I can combine 2 hobbies in one. I love Anime and reading Manga and of course I love Nintendo, From Mario to the Legend of Zelda I love them all. Thanks for visiting
ης☆Pape Pape21
Hi everyone, my name is Pape! ★I'm ten years old. ☆I love Harry Potter/Steven Universe. ★Favorite Food is Shrimp. ☆I play the Piano. ★Speedster/sandersrulez is my cousin. (follow him) ☆I'm a Roleplayer. ★Favorite Mario Character is Luigi ☆Proud leader of the Nintendo Squad (ης☆) Members: 14 ★Apart of Best Drawers clan! ☆Follow for follow. Have a Nice Day! 3DS: Broke, no new one. Friends=Cool.
*º«Lϊ௧* Lolita-Kaiju
♡ Goodbye All Of You And Goodbye Miiverse. I've Had The Best Expirience Here And I Thank You All Enough!!
bob Weremammoth
The world is a scene. -Shakespear Since this place is to end, I have to thanks all the people I have meet, all the people that I have dueled in Splatoon, all the people that I have raced again in Mario Kart, all the people in Minecraft, and, of course, all the artists I have meet. To all of you, Thanks, and take care. bob
katti rodknocker307
chiro chiro0604
もうそろそろですねMiiverse。楽しみましょう。 ***ENJOY MIIVERSE*** こんなにもこんなにもたくさんの投稿者から私を見つけてくれてありがとうございます。 幸せな4年間でした! 沢山フォローしていただき毎日お付き合いいただき感謝です。ありがとうございます。 最近ささやいてもいます。 thank you follow me for long time. l really enjoyed here. l pray for the happiness of all of you.
Paweł lilka2010
I like fnaf
CorBY dgedd42
Well everyone... I know this won't mean anything a few days from now, but, I am CorBY Is Cool. (Call me corBY), if you want to keep in touch: YT = CorBY Is Cool, DA = CorBYIsThatOneGuy Well now I'm just going to list a few more of my friends, and followers: Meboy RylanLego ★S☆U.D★ Voorhes S. Jordan Mc Montana Sнгιмр★ ςροοκуαqυα ¦Chill #7¦ Ms. J ↑↑↑ These peeps are Awesome!
pöisõnïvÿ TabithaLenox
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ~Winnie the Pooh♡ ♪Thank u for the friendship & support. For the yeahs & follows. Luv u all ♡ ♥Please Understand...R.I.P Mr.Iwata♥ *Joined miiverse Dec 2012*
bubbles ilovepopcorn654
Ewo! Why are you here? M-me? Oh! Welcome! Hello from my side of Miiverse I draw better on paper ;u; I wuv u ovo Have fun while Miiverse lasts Dx I'm Bubbles :3 btw I wuv popcorn!! God first ^_^ Check out my drawings!
Coco Geoffj85
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Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
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SkyKat1o1 skykat101
hi i am Skykat.lisen up random people,cause these are the things i like and dislike. ↓LIKES↓ FAIRYTALE DeathNote Markiplier reactiontime SuperMarioLogan pewdiepie jacksepticeye cupquake Cookies Music Razzbowski ↓DISLIKES↓ bullies cold water SMILEYFACES PS:i only like winky faces. you can applause now. i am a girl. °¬° i like following random people the mii is not how i really look
Game King ShadowStar9
Message to my friends: please see my latest post. And hurry. NOTE: I know Miiverse is coming to an end, and I am upset about that. Regardless, I feel I should let people know that even in the midst of this apocalyptic scene, I DO NOT ACCEPT RANDOM FRIEND REQUESTS FROM TOTAL STRANGERS, SO KINDLY STOP.
Knightfall GAMEKNIGHT78
Im older than most here (39), have autism, as well as a host of other physical and mental difficulties. If I seem strange, or weird, im sorry. I do my best to be kind and helpful, and treat a lady like a lady. If that makes me "bad", then I guess theres no place for me...
Selma•ŤÐÞ PrincesseSelma
Salut Je M'appelle Selma -Active J'suis Algerienne Et FierDeL'etre J'ai 16ans Je ferez des poste sur : -ACNL -ACHHD -Tomodachi life -Disney Art Academy Mon Caractere : Gentil:★★★★☆ Mechante : Tout depend de Toi! Belle:Juge sans par toi mm Folle:•★★★★★★★★• Manel La seule vrai Nono:Ma Vie,MaFemme J'RendLesAbos *-*Objectif 100 ATTEINT*-* *-* Objectif 200 ATTEINT*-* *-*Objectif 300*-*
David LinkSonic
ayy lmao Idk (.__.)/ This account is for quick drawings/doodles btw. XD The one whole rules this account is a female. (Snowcone [heya guys! :DD]) The mii and the one who does smash bros is a male. (David but he's barely online here XD)
Beth B3thanyD0n3lly_2
whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. however, that parting need not last forever... whether that parting lasts forever or for merely a short time... that is up to you.
¤Hεlεηγ¤ HelenyLongbraids
• Hello! Welcome to my Miiverse page• ☆I'm 16 years old and I'm from Quebec ^^ ★I like playing video games, seeing animes, listening to music and making crazyness :0 Also, I love to draw for fun ☆I'm a tomboy who's crazy of the swag (?) 8D I'm an otaku and a brony too .u.)/ ●I speak English, Spanish and French ¤YT: Crazeh-Swaggeh • Animations
vîx WhatSerName45
Switch • SW-8531-2318-7901 Disco • vix#3847 Insta • what.ser.name_ ♡ all ma friends I've made on here uωu)/
jojo YamiGekusu
It's been awesome, Miiverse. Thanks for four amazing years. ~Yami Gekusu 2017 November 06 RIP Satoru Iwata 1959-2015
βαbγ Ρεαсн superPeach02
ζαIυτατιση RσγαIε ά ζσυς ζε ζυις Iα ρετιτε ζœυπ dε Iα Ρгιηсεςςε Ρεαсħ dυ πσγαυмε Сħαмριgση!!!♥♪♡♭ Μση gεηгε: GENTILLE:★★★★★★ MÉCHANTE:☆☆☆☆☆☆(Qυε ζι ση мε снεгснε) INTELLIGENTE:★★★★★★ BELLE:☆☆☆☆ COOL:★★★★★ Mες ζαмις ζσητ: ßébé Нαπмσηιε ετ Lυмα,ßébé Dαιςγ,ßébé Lυιgι ετ ßébé Yσςħι!!!♥♪♭♡ +^.^ßébé Мαгισ моη αмоυгευх!!!♥♪♡♭<3~.•
★Rin★ boss_at_evrythin
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Soumia Soumia
☆ Hey Miiversiens ☆ Soumia, 21, I like animes/series/videos games. ♡ Nintendo Fan • Mario, Zelda, Animal Crossing, SSB4, Fire Emblem.. Best animes : SnK, FMAB, HxH 2011, KnB, Death Note, Re Zero.. I ♥ Basketball and Music. ♫ I use Miiverse to draw and to share my experiences of videos games. I can speak english, french, spanish. DA : Soumiia Started 02/12/2012 Thanks to my followers ! :3
*ぱすてぇる* pasuteru123
共感はじわじわ増えていくスタイル… 低クオのイラスト描きます。 フォロー気軽にどうぞ。無言フォローするかもしれませんがご了承を... ・今年のフォロワー目標.350人 ※フレンドリクエスト相方様のみ受付中※12才以上の方 →無言フレリクは受け付けない ※フレンドになっても.下品な投稿とか言葉使い悪かったら消します。 ((無言で&ブロック←場合による *イラストについて* ・スプラトゥーンの絵が多いと思います。 ・投稿にコメントしてくれると嬉しいな!コメント返せる時は返す。最近自分の投稿に共感少ないのが悩み…((ポチッとしてくれるだけで良いんだ!! (*共感数*平均40~50来る) 瞬間的に共感が100来る絵師になりたい((願望 ・絵柄うまい人とかに、コメントされたら発狂します。 +追記+ フレンドが...スイッチの方へ行ってしまった。 フォロワー様大好き*^^*
Edd☆ kittentiger15
HOLY- Edds/Ells world group members ★τοι·κаиί☆(Scribble Tom) .•°Fire°•.(OD!Tom) .·ºStarº·. Autumn♪(Tori) ★Samantha★(Ell) BaKA TNH MII Trash™(OD! Tomara) Tord Emma(Ringo) Evi♪ Dutch AD(OD! Tord) Fluff llayda(future Tomara) tom Tmara ΣΨSilver ºPattyº τrαsħ˙°☆™ Sensei Edd☆ Be yourself, be happy, don't worry so much have a taco! no? well how bout a hug? i give u my luv, don't be depressed
Mauzi Umut44
Oxygen ramenisgoodokay
i like to cry in trashcans if i let u down pls dont get mad im onlyt 13 i also likew pokemon and splatoom i gues i h8 coloring colorin iz stresful 4 me okayt tysm 2 peoples followin me raisez my selfg asteem a lil also pls coment construtctive critisyzism pls it'l help me a lot tysssm I know how to use proper grammar I swear-
Loser zombiebunny13
This place is like being trapped in a burning building. I used to want to call for help but now I just wanna set up a lawn chair and watch it burn.
Nekota™ Nekotama1000
Nekota here to shock your marbles out! I'ma 15 year old weeb. òдó I like ducks .<. life sucks. and oh right...MY ART SUCKS TO! :D I'ma also a member of a clan called "™" and its leaders name is Toaster™! Go and check her account out. Killing Stalking I'ma also not S A S U *wink wink*
xan 642007xan
jae yayay9
こうき BattaIo-G-875E
ぽこにゃちわ フォロワー300人ありがとうございます ただゲームが好きな小6デス フォローお願いします あとリゼロのレムが好きな人もフォローお願いします してくれたらフォローします 絶対にするので宜しくお願いします 時間がかかるかもしれません プロフィール ゲーム好きな小6の男子です 誕生日は1月13日です 1日10時間くらいゲームをします 好きな[YouTuber] ヒカル ぽこにゃん カズさん みやゆう ポッキー はじめしゃちょーです 好きなゲーム GTA5 マイクラ スプラトゥーン ママにゲーム隠された PUBG モンハン くらいです 任天堂への思い ミーバース終わるとかまじふざけんな 以上で紹介を終わります
Thank you Miiverse and farewell.