Ah... Pokemon Sun and Moon!
Best Video Games Worst Anime Series lol
Miiverse is actually ending in about 2 more months. I can't believe it. *Sigh* Well I guess I should enjoy these final 2 months on miiverse before it shuts down on November 7th. This is sad. :(
I'm ALREADY starting my 3rd year of high school tomorrow. Geez my sophomore year went by so fast. Hopefully I'll be able to finish school for good, and hopefully get to move into my own apartment o...
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community
Is TPCI going to put Pokemon the movie: I Choose You in EVERY t...
TPCI, PLEASE put the 20th pokemon movie in Cinemark! I'm not gonna be able to go see it if you don't. Not cool!
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community
Pokemon SM Anime Discussion: Is Gladion voiced by the EXACT sam...
I'm talking about his ENGLISH voice btw. And yes I've seen Episode 27 dubbed cause it was released early. If you guys know if Gladions English VA is the same who v...
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community
My Top 10 Pokemon Anime English Openings
To make space, I will have to comment below my top 10 english openings cause of the 400 characters limit. Also, this is just my opinion. You don't have to agree wi...
I'm actually looking forward to Big Hero 6: The Series airing on Disney XD this November to be honest. Cause Big Hero 6 is my #1 favorite disney movie. I currently don't even care about Tangled: Th...
I remember when I found out the Pokemon Anime was moving to Disney XD I saw some people were like "Wait, say what? Pokemon on DISNEY? Pokemon is DISNEY?" And to be honest, Pokemon's anime has alway...
You aren't going to believe this. And I am NOT joking. But there are ACTUALLY people in this world who want the Pokemon Anime to leave Disney XD and go back to airing on Cartoon Network... *FACEPAL...
After all these LONG 3 years, today is the day I FINALLY get my braces off! I feel like I've had them on for forever!
Um... why has Disney XD suddenly stopped airing episodes of Pokemon XY&Z? They already sceduled Episode 28 and now today boom... they just replaced them with reruns of past Sun & Moon episodes? NO ...
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community
I just finished watching Episode 35 of Pokemon The Series: Sun ...
Judging how bad the pacing & pretty much everything else is in this series compared to the XY anime I feel like I could be doing something more valuable with my ti...
Will miiverse really shut down since the Nintendo Switch is out? I hope not. It can't shut down now especially when the Nintendo 3DS still exists.
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community
The 4 Best Things about Pokemon Sun & Moon!
I will tell you guys in the COMMENTS the 4 best things about the games cause of ya know... the 400 characters limit. Yes the GAMES. Not the anime cause the anime i...
Still thinking about Ash Ketchum from the Pokemon Anime. Still upset that he lost the Kalos league and the director confirmed he will stay 10 years old forever and never age or achieve his dream, A...
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community
What are your guys favorite Pokemon Movies in the Anime? ^-^
My favorites are Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown, Lucario & the Mystery of Mew, The Rise of Darkrai, Arceus & the Jewel of Life, and Volcanion & the Mechanical Marvel.
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community
What are your guys favorite antagonists in the Pokemon games an...
My favorite antagonists in the GAMES would have to be the Aether Foundation. And my favorite antagonists in the ANIME would have to be Team Flare from Pokemon XY&Z.
Age: 17
Miiverse is sadly gonna shut down. Well, it's been ...
Age: 17
Miiverse is sadly gonna shut down. Well, it's been fun posting on here. :(