crissi's Followers
くさったジャム haru-tonton_777
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開にしてます。(大嘘) ざっと自己紹介。 年齢・・・810歳ですw たまに名前変えます 主にどうでもいい呟きをしたりしてます。 豆知識・口を大きく開けて舌を出していると鼻呼吸が出来ない。 実際にやって出来た!と言っているあなた。貴方は犬の様でしたよw ファーーーーーwwww 引っ掛かった人はフォローか「あ」でも「このハゲー!」でもいいのでコメント下さいw
Justin JUZU01
Hallo leute ich bin Justin Liebliengspiele sind pokemom sonne skyrim und fifa liebliengs pokeon sind Mangunior Robball tischtennis profe
n vv v vc KhromeReap3r
ganar :D
Kaffworld MinecraftFred
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Landon CR★ landonwhite2005
I'm taken by...she doesn't have miiverse we met at school! She's pretty! Name:Ansley Like my favorite post please...... I HAVE PROBLEMS!!! I like the :/ face! Follow↓ Calistaa S.B.N.ghost19 CortlynTD hayden:] boodid0 funnygyu kaytieШЩ PLZ SAVE MIIVERSE MIIVERSE IS 67% OF MY GAMING LIFE!
ÃĹĹÝ~ò^ó~★ ally2559
HI!,welcome! to my page feel free to follow me.......I KNOW miiverse will end but i just want to reach meh goals soo yea.....and I WILL ALWAYS RESPECT YOU even though miiverse will come to an end.....(030)//♡♡♡♡
たっきん♪/Taki mu-minku
はじめまして たっきん♪ です (^^) My name is たっきん♪ :) Please call me Taki o(^▽^)o お絵描き 好きです ☆フレンドは話しが合って楽しい方(❁´ω`❁) Dear friends. I'm sorry if you don't understand what I say, my English skills are really poor so I usually use automatic translation service.Thank you for your understanding :) がんたん村:たっきん村長 夢番地 3E00-000F-AEB8 スプラテゥーン, MH4G, でお会いしたら宜しくお願いしまぁ〜す(o^^o) 最近はマイクラでサバイバルしてます(o^∀^o)
deadheadgg colinlee922
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らい 1210rai
You can't Bilou.c
τυ η'ας яιεη d'αυτяε α ƒαιяε /\_|\ / > /| \ / ˘ /</ | _ /
Rw_NinjaRδ raphaelmarcuzzi
Yo tout le monde c'est NinjaR et aujourd'hui et bha rien du tout... Si enfaite voici mes copains OUI mais COPAIN Ilyas Oxinox Tri Coco Cindy tu t'est pas co depuis un mois T_T Vous etes mes Bff ♥•♥ J'ai Sky** Pro snipe surtout extraceur zoom S+ ^^ Team Rw_ δ DF Sniper MKS Je suis gentil tant que me l'on bate pas ! je blague ...c'est pas drole JE FAIT DE MON MIEUS bref ABONNE TOI!!!!
neptune hatsunemiku9999
i like watching anime and playing video games youtubers i watch are jacksepticeye and markiplier i love drawing on paper my favorite anime are noragami and fairy tail #yb Fire Emblem Anime For LIFE
Reine LoL Reine_L0L
Bon bah au revoir j'ai rien d'autre a dire ... dsl mais c'est pas moi qui choisi que Miiverse ferme '~' Je vais essayais d'être heureuse •♡•
hi ich bin max ich spiele hauptsächlich Xenoblade chronicles X . mariokart 8 , splatoon ,super smash bros , und sehr viel zelda ( twilight princes, hyrule warriors ,link to the past ) ihr könnt mich gerne anschreiben oder eine anfrage schicken bis dahin \(`-`) hust hust folgt mir hust hust ...
☆★καуιεε★☆ TheWorldIsKawaii
hOi!! My name is Kaylee. I like playing videogames (Who in here doesn't? xD), singing and drawing (˙ˇ˙)/ Follow me, i guess, if you want? u v u «It's so sad that Miiverse is going to end soon ;-;» I speak English mostly, and Spanish. I really like cute things, and also, "uwu" rules. •Online [Yeah] •Offline [Nope]
Maximilian max9876
Herzlich Willkommen auf meinem Profil! :D Sieh Dich doch einfach mal um, wenn Du willst! ;) Hier gibt's: ★News★ ★Umfragen★ ★Tipps★ ★Und vieles mehr ...★ Danke für 1000+ Follower! :D Wenn Ihr mich unterstützen wollt, könnt Ihr mir gerne folgen oder meine Beiträge "yeahen" und kommentieren! :D P.S.: Falls Ihr noch irgendwelche Fragen habt, könnt Ihr mir diese gerne in den Kommentaren stellen.
†Aγιīη† Haise_Kanek1TG
Starya Starya-Knight
howdy my main and lost account is P.s-lily. I won't be able to draw on this account "le tears". Also MY MII MAY CHANGE CAUSE THIS ACCOUNT'S ON A FRIEND'S 3DS. I lost like 623 follows or something. Imma huge piece of Undertale trash an i love kirby puns and memes. Follow: ‹3 Asriel 4.2 "my everything ›//ω//‹" Rosa a good friend Marie a tru artist Kelly Flaky rip and thanks Yoni mah friendo :')
ρhιlιρρτν philikorn
Hi there \(^-^)/ → I like drawing, eating & being a unicorn ^-^ ━━━━━━ ◦ ◇ ◦ ━━━━━━ 私はイモです xD → Thank's for +800 Follower ☆ I'll miss ya'll
Josi EulemitBeule
NEUES PROFIL!! Freunde:Profil YouTube:Zombey,Paluten,GLP,JulienBam LieblingsSpiele:Minecraft,Splatoon,ArtAcademy.. Ich:^.^ YouTuber und Super Heldin(schaut bei supertalent12345 vorbei es ist war!) Alter:13 Lieblings Farbe:orange,blau Lieblingszahl:5 Hobbys:Fußball,Schlagzeug,Leichtatlehtik Freundschaft gerne mit ID Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet darf die gern behalten Bye!!^.^
Chara Babygurl04
Greetings im Chara i love chocolate,moms butterscotch pie, and drawing. i also love trunks plz follow him. i will accept all friend request. if you have some chocolate to spare plz give it to me,if you do give some to me then me and you will be the best of friends. thx and bye
~Wαffειείς Nelle11
~♪Dίdεм♪~ Didem-Didem
Hi Im Didem but you can call me Didi. Im glad you found me. ƒoιιoω τhεm: •Angythecute17 •angelic21 •nanaa_2007 •Yosh-da-boss •Kaedeko12 •PokeTrainerWorti •Ar00do-GK •gulcan1411 •Haise_Kanek1TG •Domiziana04 •LunesDraw11 •Niraan •Jimmy724 •e467jio99sFtrhtj •Blazin576 Follow Ivan! ^^ He's my sweetie! his ID: 152829CD Bye ~♪
noctis kiopanda
Im not dead and I ain`t alive. Im not fixed Im just fading. my gender is unknown and Im unknown to humanity Im cruel like domminos so leave me alone
Hallo, ich bin Mr. L ! Lang lebe Nintendo!
mr inkling diamondsquid987
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Angel Ferpokesmash
hola soy angel me gusta muchos juegos muy populares y me gusta jugar en línea estabien bueno que chido LIKE para mis seguidores :)
loading... Draculaura07
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Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
Elizabeth SmartSteve
All I have to say is hyiankitten82 мνнανεη Thank you for everything Miiverse! :'(
vegeta ssj GETKadrien
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msv★sa Moe649
º☆ςøηiс★º Intheshadows1
Hey Im Sonic,Sonic The Hegdehog And I Am Good At Stuff.I Am A Good Drawer,I Post Every Weekend (Cause School Which I Hate) Miiverse Is Ending Soon Thats Terrible. If U Send Me A Friend Request On Wii U Tell Me Why We Should Be Friends And What We Will Do Together.Follow Me If U Like & Have Fun^^
Trustworth LegendofTrust
i have the skinny mushroom i cried of joy then i sliped and fell on my whoppie cushion it popped
Gus Gus173
hοια mi ηοмъге еs:Gustavo οcυραсiοη:Estudiar Y Ver Anime:3 αηime fαvоriτο:Boku No Hero Academia★ Hola como puedes ver solo soy un jugador mas que solo dibuja de vez en cuando ●ω● pero no dudes en invitarme a jugar siempre aceptare ^o^/ Sigueme:3 Gracias Por Seguirme ^^
ヒロ 395531
I'm Hiro age14 KyotoーJapanese. I'm not good at English. sorry. I beg your kindness. 宜しくお願い致します ハーフですねん! お父さん大阪の人・お母さん神戸の人 うち京都産まれのベタベタの関西人どす \^o^/♪♪ 今年 中3になりま~す♪ヨロシコ~♪♪♪ お誕生日は!お正月です(1月1日) by Hiro.
Foshino ☆ミ miuppiy
美(呼び名 中1 ソフトテニス部 福島 [好きな○○] 【好きな俳優】 #竹内涼真 #星野源 #ムロツヨシ #山田孝之 【好きな女優】 #新垣結衣 #高畑充希 【好きなお笑い芸能人】 #ミキ #さらば青春の光 #ノンスタ #瀬良社長 #アキラ100% 【好きなYouTuber】 #ボンボンtv #フィッシャーズ #おるたな #ヒカキン #はじめ #東海オンエア #桐崎栄ニ 更新日 H29 8/4(金)
☆S・Shuri★ syusyumama2710
おはよう、こんにちは、こんばんは☆Shuri★です! ●性別...女 ●誕生日...10月27日 ●部活...バレー部 ●好きなアニメ...ほとんどかな ●好きな歌い手...ほとんどかな ●好きな人...♪募集中♪ ●好きな芸能人...エグザイルのみんな・あむろなみえ・AI・湘南乃風・E-girls・ゆず・西野カナ・グリーン など フレンドに、なりたい人は言ってください! 私は、気が会う人はすぐにフォローします♪♪
Hey everyone! ^^ I'm Crissi. I love games especially the legend of Zelda. I also love mangas/anim...
Hey everyone! ^^ I'm Crissi. I love games especially the legend of Zelda. I also love mangas/animes, Cosplay, drawing and looots of other things!
I'm drawing a lot here and I would be happy if you like my art! Also I'm extremly happy about my 1000+ followers! I stil can't believe it... *.* But I thank you sooo much for your support and all your kindness! I really appreciate it! ^^