Daphne 2.0's Yeahs

Hidden Block Hotel (DC6D-0000-00BF-A145) this level is for the #MMM challenge thingy. I would Like Feedback on it. If you play it and find it too confusing, please tell me what part it is!

REMINDER: Please play the levels that other people have posted on this discussion. I make these posts so that everyone here can benefit from one another by getting more plays, possibly stars, and a...

Also, if you want to stay updated with the new clan posts, then give me and my brother (CutterZ) a follow on Miiverse.
Super Mario Maker Community

Super Mario Maker Clan Meeting:
Post your level ID's in the comments and start playin' some levels! And if you haven't already or your a possibly new member, check out my update post I made yeste...

@Laura: Ok, cool! I realize we're in quite different time zones, but I'm going to be making a clan meeting post later tonight. When your able to you can make a comment on the post providing one of ...
Hi everyone! ^_^ I am a big fan of Super Mario, Kirby, Sonic, Zelda and many others :) I also lov...
Hi everyone! ^_^ I am a big fan of Super Mario, Kirby, Sonic, Zelda and many others :) I also love pc games, expecially RPG.