Grαcie Cαт's Followers
Ariana Alcalaprincess13
hi in very friendly n like to meet new pple.
i want a friend to play splatoon plz send me a frien requst and i will friend you
Luis LuisSan04
Follow Me My Fellow inklings as we Journey Hopefully Soon enough to Inkopolis Square let us battle and Crush the Octarians as they follow us to Splatoon 2. P.S getting Switch on my B-Day 9/26/17 Until then hopefully miiverse comes as we move on To Splatoon 2 with new Gear, Hair, Stages, Campaign, Modes, Weapons, Characters, Vilians And many more.. P.P.S I'm a Jake Pauler & Rug Rat.
ьυΐΐέțþîίΐ porksoda909
Goron Link KenBonePresident
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ZeldaKat♀ MariaMashka
yes, i changed my whole profile comment. i decided to start fresh beacause im in frikin grade 5. im a cat person and i like kawaii things. im ten yrs old. im an introvert. i love to sketch and love when art people follow me. and normal people too (not leaving u out X3) i love the legend of zelda and chocobos dungeon ff. forget my old comment its very stupid.
Jasmine jasminekirby2006
Hello i am Jasmine- elizibeth - jayne and i love netball and rounders growing up with a mum a stepdad and five brothers. follow me ind i will follow you i am still in teaching
spuddy spuddysainter
im oscar im 10 i love loz and smash i have a good life me miiverse goal is if i get ten follower. i make games through coding and also dungeons and dragons i dont know y but im watching my little pony with my sis she might take over so if ava is rapidly used and posted it was not me thank u for reading this #miiverseshallneverendplz imnotsingle
Bubbies Bubbies24680
This account is dead Thanks for yeahing my posts. To go on my website just search SSEmery on Google
Λ ƒoııошεг YourFollower
Welcome Bienvenido Bienvenue Karibu Bem vinda Добро пожаловать Benvenuto gratissimim Welina Herzlich willkommen
dark O meagapower
join the dark side we have coockies. #zeldaisbest i love zelda,FE,spltoon,minecraft,and pokemon. facts im very artistic and crafty but i don't like to draw on the game pad im a vegan,i play basketball and hokey.i can give anyone hints about loz games and most pokemon games and ive been on miiverse for three i only friend people if the want to play mk,ssb,pokemon, splatoon or other games
Latrommi LuckySurvivor777
Hi Miiverse! I am Latrommi, a well experienced gamer and am a fan of Nintendo's work. All my comments will be based on my mood and how my day currently went so don't be extremely offended. And though some gamers won't care who made the game, how it was made, or why it was made, I very much do. Even though my fav. genres are the first few, their still my favorite.
yamamoto yamamototakeshi8
i love my sweet wife julia my nickname is sexy, baseball-brain and baseball-idiot my fav female anime characters name is eucliwood hellscythe my fav music is hatsune miku my fav games is senran kagura, pokken tournament, pokemon and zelda games my fav anime is KHR, ka wa zombie desu and ultra maniac my fav color is blue my fav foods is sushi my fav drink is milk please not need Wii U chat
Splat gril mlpkeira
I love anima like Narruto,and ect. I also like Zelda games, Splatoon,and ect. Another thing is that i will be making youtube videos someday The final thing is that I wan't to become a voice for Japanese anima or a decoder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lil B Biancasplayroom
Hello!! I'm a girl that loves(loves) to play games and draw :) I'll play any kind of game that I choose or request. I also love anime. Like Fairy Tail, Toko Ghoul and more;)
Aya-Senpai MitzeyBakura
Helloooo i am Mitzey Matsumoto i am a duelist from domino City! I'm a Christian and an anime artist. I like pasta and macrons and i hate bacon. ._. ..... Will i lose friends for that???? Anyway, here r the animes i watch Yugioh Digimon Sailor Moon Little witch academia Beyblade Hetalia Inuyasha Kaleidostar Naruto Fruits Basket Sonic X (sometimes) I hope my posts can make u smile :3
deadpool$$ Batman1403
name dame im 13 and i love anime yes i am very smart and friendly and kind and my own person, i dont care what people think of me :3 i love music/rock and i like other kinds of music too i love games im very good at it and my favorite game is SSB for the wii u well alrighty bye :3
RobiN!! SpruceGoose15
A crazy Ylissian who loves Robin, Takumi and N I'll change my profile comment to respond to comments and stuff. Thank you, friends. You've made me feel like family. I love you all!! I'm not allowed anywhere else. "This is it, Robin. Our final battle!"~Chrom Thank you guys for everything. This was a wonderful experience. I'll miss you, my friends.
NOAH B noah131813
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Mama Luigi Mariosonic427
Its a me Mama Luigi and i'll post about my self and other people to i love my friends and followers if you wanna be friends let me know
Mr. Game emmetdude
Hello! Welcome to my profile! As you may know, I am Mr. Game, I own Nintendo Switch, Wii U, 3DS, and others, On other places I'm known as MrGame_Plays. I will miss all of you guys when Miiverse shuts down. I've created some tourneys that my followers and friends should take notice, if you're interested, check my favorite communities section. I will miss you all, goodbye.
YuukiYuuki SwordArtOnline1O
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Dad Brent509
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Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
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ian R2D2113
Emily grannysmith10
JohnLucina SomeBritishGirl
well its been a nice run switch name is JohnLucina and i'll try to get my mii name on anything else
josiah Barricade06
sup i'm josiah the great i love the legend of zelda series and also ever oasis minecraft and monster hunter stories love all of them and there all super fun!!! i hope all of you who view my profile will give them all a try :^]
kiki yanis62300
King King-X
Miiverse continues at MV Haven! - Christian. - Adult. - London, England. - Musician. - Into Zelda, Final Fantasy, Tales of and similar. - Anime: Studio Ghibli, SAO etc. - Listening: Classical/VG & film soundtracks/80s/upbeat stuff. - Into astrophotography, Photoshop, YouTube, drone aerial photography... - Official backer of Yooka-Laylee. - Joined 2012. Thanks for reading!
gordito joaquinoblitas
yo me llamo joaquin oblitas, en realidad me llamo JOAQUIN tengo12 años y soy unos de los mejores jugadores de la wii u
....... Mysteriousreborn
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SGT BJ superbj
phoenix phoenix0505
magnet johnbobjoe
well here is a list of everying and everyone that i care about so goodnight everyone[crowd laughs] im a really good gamer. a really freind and most of all a really big fan of ZELDA who's with me follow ill follow back
ねむたん♪はるひ mitsurumiyamoto
フォロワー190人&フレンド25人突破!!!うれし 名前=にせものIHGをわわ 入っているチーム IHG(俺のチーム) KH(Riku☆` ・∀・ ´s) +SS+(HOPE★コック®s) SNA(スピラン♪ドラりん☆s) 僕は「をわわ」さんと「ちゃあ(Chaa’s)」さんにコース遊ばれました!!とっても嬉しい!しか~し!マリメBanされたのでそちらのコースはもう遊べません。すみません。動画見てくださるだけで嬉しいです。ミンナハBanニハキヲツケテ。 自分で言うのもなんだけど、マリメめっちゃくちゃ得意ですwwだけどBanされました。なのでマリメ引退です。(二回目)今まで有り難うございました(泣) これからはSWITCHの「マリオカート8DX&スプラットゥーン2」をやっていきます。よろしくね!!ちなみに僕のアイコンは[ひなたにいるひなた]です!!どうぞよろしくお願いします。 フォローして
ÐαЯк ςτĄя VIDarkStarIV
i love anime alot. i also love nightcore, my favorite band is demon hunter. i really love miiverse, i love talking to all of you guys, i will follow as many of you guys as possible, and i hope i get alot of followers too. i actually live in the united states, not the virgin islands. i'll miss all of you when miiverse ends.
jack deathsencore
Im a zelda fan skyward sword is my favorite videogame even outside of the zelda series even and well i just like the legend of zelda and i dont do voice chats
papaya hannahjumps
HELLO! im papaya#holly heres some facts about me. age:some wear around 10 to17. im home schooled. i love anime my fairy-tale...rated 14 or older .-.! i also luv drawing. im not personaly involved with anyone and i wanna keep it like that. current games# sonic mania# animal crossing new leaf# thanks for reading STAY AWSOME!
Collin MariokartMaster8
*neko* Resonance77
ello! im yuki but don't forget my friend yuki. ello! im yuki but dont forget my friend yuki. ello! im yuki, but dont for get my special friend . . . ello! im bob.
cickpea gopherbat
i'm 11. i'm a muslim. zelda is the best
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