Users Timmy Is Following
Uncommon VeryUncommon
hey i'm back
AdamTF Fishleadam
Yo sup? The names Adam Thanks for 4000+ I'm a mutant fish with an ego the size of the moon. Few things bout me: 1 I NEVER accept blank friend requests 2 Please don't ask me to follow you (I get it too often. XD) 3 I don't Wii U chat 4 I don't answer questions outside of Ask Adam Make sure ya check out AdamTF_2 This is the fish, signing off -AdamTF
Dαηα òωó ★ danitah4.2
♪-•••Hειιο•••-♪ ☆Αвουτ мε* º_'Ναмε→Dαηα º_'Αġε→11 §∞Ριεαςε τουсн тнε вυττοη \~FOLLOW+~/ ♪♡Αηδ Ι ƒοιιοω γου οωο♡♪ †¤¨R.I.P Mίίνεгςε 2012-2017¨¤† {*Fοιιοω мγ ςίς ναιεгία♡*} ¶●…Sомετίмες ωίί υ снατ^ ~¦•βίгτнδαγ 25 Ocτοвεг 2006•¦~ ◆^_Ι ςρεαк ςραηίςн_^◆ ★˙„Fгίεηδς гεqυεςτς ριεαςε„˙★ ˘=∞I οηιγ δгαω, ριαγ gαмες:ηο∞=˘ \`*Fαν соιουгς ρίηк αηδ гεδ*`/ Oηιίηε [ * ] Οƒƒιίηε [ ] ♪-•••Gοοδ вγε•••-♪
Bryce & mrsyana38
I LOVE DETROIT! IS LIT! R0AD T0 4OO F0LL0WERS! Shoutout to: ★LEA★ AMBER PENNÐΞ Didi Reinider Farty 2 ninja jerz David Everyone who knows me! ★LEA★ Your Profile Picture LOL 10/27 11/27 or 26 Happy Thanksgiving!
Gabz Swaggylishes222
Le me, playing games.
Cubeguy Cubeguy21
♪NohrScum♪ Wind-Waker-1401
It's over, isn't it...? I made so many great friends on here, I got to share my art and ideas, too... Thank you, Miiverse.
Alegandro Adrianmiwa
Hola me llamo Adrian y me gusta mucho Splatoon .Alguien quiere ser mi amigo? Porfavor
Àlex celinemiwa
Dad FlowerPower10
This user's profile comment is private.
Optimize supersegakid
Hi guys it's me Segakid. And I like playing games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, Minecraft, Splatoon and all great games. I'm also pretty good at video games and it will be great to meet you all. Best friends: awesomeroxz Xmaster1 ˘\(^♡^)/˘ (·˛·) (îσî)
StarGold xtarztuy
Hello im stargold
Where chocolate bar memes are just a suction cup away. Hello there. Im Doc Louis. Chocolate Bar Enthusaist, and Supporter of Muscular Scrappy Doo, in the NSLU. I also do birthday parties and weddings. If you need a trainer, call the Doc. (Closed verse is a maybe. Check following to see where you can catch my unfunny memes after this place goes.)
gamer pppppcuuiiooojhf
NATHAN annieardies
yo yo yo whats up my names is Nathan Ardies Dionne.Im bad at games such as Mario Maker,Kirby games you'll get what i mean.Im 12 years old and I play old games like Donkey Kong,Pac Man,Astroids I think i spelled that wrong but I hope you guys and galles I spelled that wrong to but plz stay in touch and we can get along fine.
Diamond Classicsunfrie
hi guys nice to meet all of you and keep on gaming
Dixon ninefiretfy
hey i will like to make as many friends as possible.
LumaSlayer Catattack9
I'm a SeaWing/SeaDragon!! Also u need to follow purplebros he's dope!!!!! Haha u wasted ur time lol!! GO SEAWINGS!!
ÜιțīмățěЯ¹ mpatel79
Hi, I am UltimateR1! Location: Az, U.S.A Games on Wii U I like: Super Mario Maker, & Splatoon. If you follow me I will follow you. Games I like:,, more .io games, Minecraft, Terraria, All Sims Games, Cities Skyline, any many many more that I can't think off! Thank you!!
Daisy pikachu25160
Hi! I'm Daisy! Yup, It's me, Peach's cousin. My 2ds LCD screen broke so I'm using the PC I live in Sarasaland I'm Christian I have a Wii,& a 2ds. I love commenting games, even when I don't have them. Please follow me! I will follow you in return, and if I follow you first, well... If I get Banned, remember me followers, REMEMBER ME... Why are u still here?!
Jacob IceWizard4
Hello Im Jacob I Enjoy Playing The Following Games Kirby,Mario,Zelda,Pokemon,Minecraft And Ever Oasis [demo] Please Follow Me I Post A Lot Of Stuff,Bye
NewZander Zanders2DSXL
Profile comment hidden by pastebin.
Leo yanchar8
Brady braedg
Miiverse will be closed in 11/7/17.
Doremi GG46ML86LX1
Ferrets and foxes and bunnies oh my (O///O) I love drawing and my current obsessions right now are... DC Super hero girls Smurfette from Smurfs Splatoon 2 Princess Peach Zootopia Derpy Hooves MLP Trolls #Poppy Pokemon moon Nintendo Switch Drawing all my O.C.'s... look around if you want. and dont mind Jinxies shes a little hyper ♥♡
(o^o) renzo0225
BRUH oh did not see you there my name is renzo im good in tumble in mincraft im a nice friend so Lets be friends see ya bye that was my profile. why are you still LEAVE NOW
PARKYRPool Aiedail1026
Benr97 JamesColeman64
Hello, my name is Benr. My birthday is 7/30. I am 12 years old. Some games I like are Super Mario Maker(Both Wii U and 3DS), Smash Bros, and Splatoon. Check out my SMM levels. ↓ A476-0000-02B7-EC09 6159-0000-02B7-1E04 388B-0000-02CD-CA99 Another nickname of mine is RetroBen.
Meiko meiko.1108
たくさんの思い出を ありがとう.. Miiverse. Thanks for many wonderful memories♪ I will miss you… I hope that I can see you again somewhere..♡
Hercules KevweID
So Miiverse....LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS!! Pink sheep style (IF U KNOW MINECRAFT!) Lets-a-go! (IF YOU KNOW SUPER MARIO BROS!) Follow me I follow you. UNfollow me and I UNfollow you. SEEMS FAIR ENOUGH, RIGHT? IF you like Minecraft, Mario, Sonic, Lego, Splatoon, FIFA, Super Smash Bros or any other games the world might like, UR ON MY FOLLOWER'S LIST!
Lizards lizy200
hello my name is lizzie (i don't care how you spell my name) and i'm in grade 6. my 5 favorite youtubers are Jacksepticeye pewdiepie markapplier PopularMMOs & Supergirlygamer and Thxcya (sorry if i spelled any of the names wrong) And my all time favorite food is TACOS and PIZZA follow me i follow you
bendy charlesparsons
guess who i am i am cooldude01 besties jesusfit yoshi1751 tajwashington rocketsboy and rilster28 friend them to play mc ps know some in real life subscribe to preston playz funnyswirl dantdm best trends pouplurmmo's rageelixer and AA12 and razorsticks follw me and these peoples and lidgit help me to get on both and Also highifyy is my bff forever so highifyy see ya
Savitar2.0 NetworkzID6666
Hello to all those who read this! 1.You're wondering what is on this list. 2.You can't say M, B, or P without your 2 lips touching. 4.You just tried it. 5.You're smiling. 6.There is no No. 3. 7.You just checked. 8.You're laughing. 9. If you want more followers/friends, follow me or send me a friend request. 10.Follow quickly. I'm following over 900 Users now. 11. Wait, why is there a number 11?
zavanna rissmartin
Hi my name is Zavanna
tchad kilmaxmayzer
ςειβα floflo626xx
This user's profile comment is private.
********* ClassicGamer500
Other Platforms: Dεvιαntαrt: ExtremeKirbyDX ΐFυnny: ExtremeLocket2 Dιscσrd: Kirbytone#4429 Twitter: ExtremeLocket2 About my YTC, play my Mario Maker level.
ςнσ¢кщдνε★ MARIOYEH
Welcome to the remains of Wave's Miiverse. If you read this I am no longer on the site or responding to last comments. THANK YOU ALL FOR THIS WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE! Games I play are Mario Kart 8, (7.5k RVR) 7, (6k RVR) and Wii, (7000 vr) Splatoon (B+Rank) and Mario Maker on Wii U (4 medals) My dream job is music mixing and developing. I also like playing music!
TJ tyler20087
I like to play skylanders and mario games in my opinion they're the best.
Jake lancfamily
I'M BACK! Well, until November 9th, but I'm here! Expect a level competition soon, because it's near! See you in my posts for one last time!
★3мм★Jon 0616Jon
Hey, I am Jon, I play SMM,Splatoon,NES Remix, but I mostly play SMM. My open discussion will always be Tournament or Sign ups! Online:★ Offline.
elvus loppop123
Hi bros it is a great way to meet you all let's be friends.And follow me plz.Let's try to get to 100k.I NEED MORE FOLLOWER'S PLZ.
This is me Timmy! IT'S Late 2017 and you might never see m:'-(e on The NEW 3DSxl, my m@in c*mmun...
This is me Timmy! IT'S Late 2017 and you might never see m:'-(e on The NEW 3DSxl, my m@in c*mmun-
3DS: Never mind.
Wii U: (°—°)
So please look at my comments,
drawings, and more! And Happy Gaming everyone…
Favorite Series: Maro, Sanic, Kirb!
The end is near.. Of Miiverse!
Why, Why, Why! Nintendo should have brought this to the Switch... So many opportunities, Nintendo.. Many...