Users Soronus Is Following
Danielle LunaClefairy
The biggest Clefairy fan you'll ever meet! I don't have a Wii U, so my 3DS is my main gaming system. At the moment, my favorite 3DS game is Azure Striker Gunvolt, but I love many other games as well!
Kat katwithacamera
Good Boy! NBOX21
Naminski naminski1a
Guy seawall
Toon Rob TheKoopaSoldier
Hello, thanks for visiting my Profile! I love Nintendo, and I am proud to be a Wii U owner. I have been playing Nintendo games since the days of the SNES, and can't imagine playing anything else. My favorite Nintendo characters are Mario, and Luigi, and my favorite Nintendo franchise is Pokemon! :)
Neil Orimion
Yonathan Bulldogjude
Hello, my name is Yonathan and I have been a loyal Nintendo customer since the release of the NGC. My favorite hobbies are studying and playing the trumpet. I love watching the Celtics, Ravens, Hamburger SV, & the Orioles! My favorite singers are Emmerson Nogueira, Celine Dion, Peter Cetera, and Christopher Cross; my favorite bands are Toto and ABBA.
Prince Link104
Hello! Welcome to my humble profile. I enjoy discussions, theories, and showing my progresss in games. I love Zelda, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, and Mario. Follow for a follow, I'll accept almost any friend request as long as I've seen you before, and I don't do Wii U chat.
Vulcan¯mii Star-Wars-fan777
I Want to thank you all for everything!!! You all are truly amazing and I bid you farewell!!! May God Bless ALL of you and i am gonna miss all of you!!! Live Long and Prosper ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡
BobSnowman Bob_Snowman
I'm a snowman. I'm a snowman, 1, 2, 3, 4. Everybody sing the song of Snowman. 1, 2, 3, 4, I'm a snowman.
James JamesGregson
I love Zelda, Mario, Smash and Pokémon games. EarthBound and Metroid are also some of my other favourites. Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing are among those as well. I only play games on Nintendo systems. Currently playing: - LoZ: Breath of the Wild - Pokémon Gold - M&L Superstar Saga - Luigi's Mansion 2 - Super Mario Odyssey Farewell Miiverse. I'm gonna miss you. xx. Stay Fresh!
Eli Eil321
Hello everyone! Im Eli from California. My favorite kind of food is sea food especially shrimp.. I've been playing Nintendo since my early childhood. My favorite video game series are The Mario series,Fire Emblem,Pokemon,Earthbound/Mother,Super smash bros, and Animal crossing. Until next time.
Dave MaestroGamer79
Skittles GSfanskittles
Probably the biggest Golden Sun fangirl. I'm just a 26 year old who loves RPG games, especially Golden Sun. Pokemon, Etrian Odyssey and Fire Emblem are also my main games. Nice to meet you. Note: I'm only accepting friend requests from those 18 and up.
Rocky Busterman
Whether I'm playing casually, competitively, or just plain silly( and whether I'm winning or losing), I like to have fun overall!
Fernie ferniemaster9000
Hi my name is Fernando and my favorite games to play are Earthbound, smash bros, kingdom hearts, and the legend of zelda
Shawn Dragonheart22
im shawn im 26 and a gamer i like to play legend of zelda series super mario series super smash bros. mario kart any game thats good to play check out my posts for the games i play also if anyone is going to sent me a friend request i perfer adult gamers but anyone is welcome to sent me a request.
Blue Kirby BlueKirby10
Hello! I'm a semi-geeky guy who likes Pokémon, SSB, Cave Story, VALVe Software, Minecraft, and some other things I can't remember right now.
Asher Nerdtendo13
Welcome to Miitomo, it's a mobile app for miis, like a slightly altered Miiverse but you don't play on your wiis. You'll find it way more soothing even though it makes you cringe, make a mii who looks just like you! [unless you are a ginge] Nintendo first released it in the nation of Japan but it's poor mechanic's perfect for big mouthed Americans cause you talk about yourself!
Amber Pixelraven
YAD imgoingtobeagod
DTR Dilbot
Tasha Natasha717
Well, this is the end, beautiful friends. Weird at last, weird at last, Helix almighty, weird at last! Welcome to Night Vale. I'm a proud member of Team Instinct. The banana is the king of fruits. #AUDREYIIK16 I didn't realize this was a sad occasion. Also, be sure to follow Scarlett. She's awesome.
Simeon Bearrandomness
Hello. I am Bearrandomness. I enjoy games, reading, movies, and other nerdy things.
Cashew Mobilehunter309
Hi My Name Is Cashew! I have been a loyal gamer since birth, i love anime, i also like Pokèmon (since sinnoh), and i have a cat. if that doesn't make you already want to follow i don't know what will!
Grego mushiboy1234
Ruby FieryArbiter
Hello, Internet! :3
Renegade renegadesareweal
Holmes blueranger12
I love Pokemon.
Carter Skydoom24
who is * a zelda enthusiast *a movie/game theorist * someone who is really good at hardwear management *really smart the answer is me
BlueDude87 BlueBomberFan87
What's up, Miiverse? I'm a Mega Man fan that has been a gamer since 1989! I enjoy many different genres like action games with the Mega Man games being my favorite ones to play! I'm a big Zelda fan too that has been playing since Ocarina of Time. I play some JRPGs as well with the Xenoblade Chronicles series being my favorite JRPG series. Also, I'm a Christian & I enjoy making new friends!
Summer planetarial
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Age: 26 Nationality: Trinidadian Career: Licensed Barber Favorite Video Game Company: Nintendo Favorite Game system of all time: 3ds Favorite Game of all time: Fire Emblem Awakening
Dbap Dbap02
12/8/16-11/7/17 Let's use the rest of the time we have here and make the best of it. Deviant Poptart: Dbapkero Diss cord: Dbap#0678
Ann DiScri
19/F/KY My name is Ann! I like a lot of video games, especially Professor Layton, Pikmin, and Harvest Moon! I also like a lot of anime, especially magical girl anime like Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Sailor Moon. Let's be friends!
Goldleen demonspeed74
I do not Wii u chat. I am, despite my appearance, a hardcore gamer. I love the Metroid series, Zelda series, and also the Mario series. Love Nintendo. I also love Final Fantasy, at least the older ones. Wish Nintendo would get those on here. I take pride in having beaten some of the toughest titles in those series, and on the hardest settings. I am a first generation gamer, born in an arcade. lol
AL PepsiAl
I'm basically someone who happens to love Video Games (doesn't matter if it's by Nintendo or not), Literature, and Television. I also like partaking in discussions, whether it be a debate, theory or a simple conversation. The more civil the discussion, the better. I also would love to draw something. But I (unfortunately) don't have the skills or resources necessary to do that.
As I've gotten older, I purchased a Wii U to remember the glory days and support Nintendo one las...
As I've gotten older, I purchased a Wii U to remember the glory days and support Nintendo one last time.
Back after a lengthy move!