Users NoNo_PvP Is Following
Alex AlexLeKing321
abonné vous et demander moi en amis je joue beaucoup a minecraft mes calitées... gentil★★★★★ joueurs★★★★★!!!
PvP Ądam adamine92
ετ γσ łεś ąмįš ς'εšț ądαмíηе j'έśρεπε qųε vδυś αłłεπ þìεη мσι ςά να ηιqűεł мбη ρπθƒīł : mεš ƒπεπστ Ðéłțą♥♥♥♥♥ łιαm♥♥♥♥ ρεdπσ jε sυιs łε ςħεƒ dε łą τεαm ÐĄ ąνες Ðεłτα η'ħέsįτε ραš ά łα πεjσιηďπε mεπςį ρσυπ łεš 153 αβσš νσυš ετεš łεš mειłłευπεš mεš jευχ ρπέƒεπέ: mįηςπαƒτ ετ sρłατσση мση ςαπαςτεπε: ğεητįł★★★★★ мεςħαητ★ ьεαυ★★★★ ετ ς'εšτ łα ƒιη dε мση ρπσƒιł η'ħεšιτε ραš ά τ'αβσηηεπ αłłεπ βγε
Jenni madmcc13
I play ysfe and wii fit u so I can eat more cake! I love The Legend of Zelda, Mario and LEGO. No random friend requests please.
Sakobro Sakobro
WASSUP, i'm Sakobro. I want to be a gaming youtuber when i grow up. My favourite games of all time: 1. Super Mario Galaxy 2 2. Super Mario Galaxy 3. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D 4. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD 5. Super Mario 64 DS Gaming consoles i own: Mario DS Lite Wii (white) New 3DS XL Black Wii U I don't own Breath of the Wild or a Nintendo Switch... i cri evrytim
★ファンタ☆ ayanoosa
灰。(-_-")友達からミバが無くなるということ聞いてすぐ来ました。 もう、これはただ事ではないなと…久しぶりに投稿します。最近…霊感が…目覚めてしまった…((殴 何いっとんじゃーーー!!!! 名前 桜木 彩葉(サクラギ イロハ) *・.さ よ う な ら .・* こーしん 9月8日
Rio RUKU0315
h0llywood hg-hollywood
Sean.W sean_w_120
Hello, Im Sean Wootton. Im 25 years old, I love old games and Nice to My friends! :) My best game is Super Mario 64! Im a Fan of Mario, Sonic, Kirby, LBP, Zelda, FF7, Earthbound & SSB. The followers I got: 1000 on 24/2/2014 2000 on 12/11/2014 3000 on 3/6/2015 Thank you all so much for the great times on Miiverse, It's sad miiverse have to end like this! :(
pöisõnïvÿ TabithaLenox
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ~Winnie the Pooh♡ ♪Thank u for the friendship & support. For the yeahs & follows. Luv u all ♡ ♥Please Understand...R.I.P Mr.Iwata♥ *Joined miiverse Dec 2012*
CareBear★ KerriLisa
I'm not always that great at Nintendo games but I love them anyway! I love horses, reading, writing and movies! :) I am a grown-up gamer. The Legend of Zelda games are probably my favourite, along with Animal Crossing and anything with Mario or Luigi, especially Mario Kart.
mason 1000yearsofcucco
ALL SPLATOON RP MEMBERS READ!!! something that rhymes with biscord: ZJn5gG the squids call me..."the executioner" hey! i'm mason! i'm 17 and i dream of being a manga artist! my favorite game is splatoon!
AØ★Hυgο97™ Hug083
Bienvenue sur mon profil miiverse ! Welcome to my miiverse profile ! I love Mario Kart, SSB and Mario games and I'm the third member of AO team Age : 19 Teams : Alliance Octaling (AØ), Hyrule Legends (HL), Sheep On Fire, ¶SM¶ I don't use Wii U chat/Je n'utilise pas le chat Wii U J'ai un deuxième compte qui s'appelle HylianHugo Merci et abonnez vous si vous voulez :)
Elaini ChampionElaini1
im a really playful person i like to sing my favorite singers are taylor swift and romeo santos and zayn malik i know how to speak spanish german french and chinese (mandarin) i was born in dominica ripublic my favorite colors are red blue green and white my favorite anime is attack on titan and naruto shupindden my favorite character is naruto and my second favorite character is sakura i ♥ anime
AO☆Jìκσ★ƒ™ jiko.jiko.jiko.r
Hi \Salut ! I am Thirteen years Old ! J 'ai 13Ans ! Ma Team AO :Alliance Octaling ! My Clans AO : Alliance Octaling !+100people in AO My best Friends :Melvin ,Biozin,Hugo,Céline,David ! +Everyone Friends my favorites Games Is Splatoon And Mario Kart 8 !! My favourites Youtuber is EvilSquid And G&K and Alliance Raymbow ! Lets Play with You ! Bye Friends and My small Octaling !!!
ゆあ☆のサブアカウントです。 本アカウントは、フォローしてる人の1番下にいます。 こちらでは、基本フォロバしていきたいと思います。 落書きを投稿するアカウントです。 よろしくお願いします(*´∀`*)>
Craig neonSnowLeopard
Back up account for Craig (smaffie)
★★▲▼▼▲★★ kyle1976luzvimin
wazzz up eavrey body!? i watch a lot of viral videos and MLG stuf. i have around 60 to 100$ in cash in my walet. i have a horable set up i have a king size bed when i wanted a bunk bed like my friends i make paper ariplans that fly furthur im not a activ miivers pirson
ßęśÿゆづ hatch888
こんにちは! ゆづです!! 趣味はぁ~絵を描くこと、バスケ だよ! ヨロシク♪ あと、フォローしてくれたら多分100%返しま~すあくまでも多分ね。た・ぶ・ん(w) あと、中1の人!! フレンドになってしいです!よろしく (誰でもいいから、なろ~!) 後、フォロワー250人突破ー!ありがとう!
********** SEOHAYAMI77
顔ポチありです。 どうも■■博霊空白麗夢■■だよ^^ #~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ 自己紹介でふ♪♪ Q年齢は? A10~20歳のどれかです!! Q性格は? Aまったり系です。 Q一番好きなゲームは? A Splatoonです!! Q好きな食べ物は? Aおうどんっす。 Qスプラの煽りは好きですか? Aボソッ\ 嫌い。 #~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~
Jonny liveswired
Hello I'm from Northern Ireland! VIVA LA WII U RESISTANCE 2017!!! *MIIVERSE MUST NOT END*
matt ND5595
just your average canadian gamer and very opinionated person also i am an atheist but dont worry i am not anti religion also no wii u chat me please /juste votre joueur canadien moyen et très opiniâtre toujours fidèle je suis aussi un athée mais ne vous inquiétez pas je ne suis pas anti religion pas non plus wii u me chat s'il vous plaît
Rukiafan Rukiafan7
Welcome to my profile! 私のプロフィールへようこそ! Fave Games MH4U Bravely Second Persona Q Pokemon AS MH3U Golden Sun/The Lost Age Xenoblade Chronicles/X Hyrule Warriors Conception II TLoZ: Phantom Hourglass, Wind Waker HD, Minish Cap, Oracle of Seasons, & Oracle of Ages Kingdom Hearts II.5: Remix Ni No Kuni Tears to Tiara II Xenogears Rogue Galaxy Persona 5 Tales of Graces F
Cathy Cathy777
Robocop thelunarwolf77
Wassup? I'm Robocop! I'm a 39yo Mario&NintendoFanSince NES in 1985 I'm From The Planet KO-35 I DoWiiU Chat.PleaseMessageB4UWant2Chat Wii U:2Many2list,but all5Mario&Favorites are,SmashU,MKart8,LittleInferno&CoasterCrazyDeluxe(All my games are downloaded currently) VirtualConsole:60+ Wii(Wii&Wii-Mode):VirtualConsole:7, Discs:4,MarioWii&WWE'13 are Favorites 4GameCube BigWWEfan NoBlankRequests Thanks!
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
Casey skyrimisgreat
favorite game is loz botw favorite tv show is pll favorite singer's are taylor swift hunter hayes and lucy hale favorite cartoon is kim possible favorite food is pizza favorite color is light blue favorite animated movie is anatasia favorite disney movie is either frozen or lion king favorite 3DS game so far is tomodachi life. and my two closest miiverse friend's are carmin and bob.
wendybird wendybird96
Hi i'm wendybird i am 20 years old and love gaming and drawing request. I love helping others but don't like beening disrepected. I don't judge anyone and i am easy to talk to
ss ystamm
Hi, i'm 13. These are the games I like to play *Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild *Minecraft *Splatoon I usually have gamechat off. Thanks for clicking on my face:-)
Neo neobjorklund
Name:Neo age:9
gabriel gabegaming23
MojangTV MixCraft56
Salut tout le monde , je m appelle Noah j ai 11 ans tu peux m appeler Mix je suis nee le 10 02 2006 . Des mon plus jeune age j ai etais passionné par Minecraft j y joue depuis 2013 car jai commence sur Xbox 360 Je suis super active n hesite a t abonner et a m ajouter Ps: Je suis Youtubeur Sur ce Bis 512 abonnes MERCI
Mondy OKWaild
S salve E epicità G gloria U unione I insieme M miiverse I icona ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ SEGUIMI!!!
nicolahaud nicolaf75
bonjour je mappelle nicolachaud j'adore mario je vais bietôt terminer mario 3d wold je suis non violant (pour dire je ne joue pas blak obs ou gta 5) merci davoire lus se message et abonné vous a ma chaîne et elle de luke. (^o^)
Mario™ MarioGameBrother
Its-a me Mario ! Le Super Héros du Royaume Champignon. Vous pouvez m'appeler Jumpman! Je sauve souvent la princesse Peach des griffes de Bowser. Mon frère Luigi et mes amis Toad, Yoshi et Daisy se joignent à moi pour sauver le royaume aussi... Traverser pleins de niveaux excitants, sauter,courir, attraper des pièces d'or, des pièces rouges, bleues car je suis Mario ! YAHOO! Bye Bye !
philip pjas2106
ich bin ein youtuber habe über 800.000 abbos
SW*dark GasDark85
bonjour , je m'appelle Gaspard 10 ans. Demander moi en ami je serais ravi de jouer avec vous .
RORO1893 gusgusdoudou
Salut demander moi en ami svp
rex.22 rextheo22
Victor#SB victorpastou
salut et au revoir ... ... ... ... ... lol team RH ... ... ... ... ... ... ... troi peti poin ... ... ... .... katre peti poin . un peti point .. deu peti poin ............................ vin set peti poin ! c un poin d'aixlamation ... ,,, troi poin virgule
limp pablloivanelcrac
Hola a todos
Hey, c est c est SpartanLuck comment allez vous ?
J ai 12ans et je joue beaucoup a Minecraft
Hey, c est c est SpartanLuck comment allez vous ?
J ai 12ans et je joue beaucoup a Minecraft
N hesite pas a t abonner ou m ajouter en ami
Sur ce Salut ;D
Je fais des videos avec Laser Production !