Nate's Followers
Joshua 2003adriana
Ow, you punched my face Anyways Hey Miiversians, I am an imperfect human, gamer I ♥ Nintendo pretty weird & funny I have a Switch If you want to be friends (Here or Switch) I'd be happy to! Follow my Friends: SupaEpicXD (waves4) ← He is the best, lucky to be his friend Caseman04 (Caseman0419) Awesome and the best, LIT follow4follow =)
My Armpit Real_Dumble_Dora
hi i am a dirty minded person i watch too much memes and i play splatoon thats about it but ↓ 0-I-0 itz a dicc boi lol jk idk wat dat iz plz go away i said go away GO AWAY!!!!!! STOPPPPPP ITTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! boi
DG2 Triptuplet
Hands up for multiple accounts! This is just one of many doppelgangers. My main account is spikeblue4. I love splatoon, so friend me before its too late.Good bye, Miiverse.
LSquid~lee Emma_Woods
hi im lee be for we start warning im crazy. follow my big sis lily her ID is Leela_woods see you in a month ;) soon peoples, soon ... BYE!!! ;-;
Erick eal420
KЯ»daliah♪ jordynswii123
Well.......i guess this is goodbye......last post made, 11 friends......nice followers......guess i better start saving up for the switch..... cya on the switches fake miiverse everyone why r u still here? -_- u gonna leave? no? ok. goodbye miiverse..... ;^;
cj cjcael
Naythaniel DoppleGanger1
Hi. Im Naythan, and this is my second miiverse account. Look up Spikeblue4 for my main one. I'll play smash, splatoon, minecraft, and mariokart 8. No wii chat, although i'll accept friend requests. I enjoyed my time spent on miiverse, and I hope you did too. Also, please help me reach 100 friends before miiverse closes! IM SO CLOOOOOOOSE
∞†Țøřгεś†∞ CreaTioNz-Anmz
Profile comment hidden by admin.
N8 isaboss 699371
Imogen ImoneK
This user's profile comment is private.
Ronan 0Ronan
Hello. I'm Ronan and I got my New Nintendo 3DS XL 2 years and 2 months ago. I have 16 Nintendo 3DS games and 1 Nintendo DS game. Check out my Wii U account by typing in Tennis102 at Search Users at Activity Log. I have more posts there, so please take a look. Peace out, Ronan
яς†κειν† Keivonta
hi my name is keivonta and im 14 year old my favorite game is super smash bros and splatoon,just dance,and super mario maker i also watch anime....... I love sniper :3
Mook avalon2107
dagipjpbwm Juanprimebroly
d= deashot+ d= deastroke+ a= agengente venom+ g= linterna verde+ i= iron man+ p =psycho clown+ j= juan pablo+ p =prime+ b= broly+ w= wolverine+ m= slender man y enderman+ g= purple guy+ = a ddagipjpbwmg o deasdeasagentgrenironpsycojuanprimebrolywolvermanguy ahora ya saben el significado de my nombre
Yo. theindrigos
Eyy i'm Maddie, sometimes its Adam, my brother. I mostly play MK8... and thats it :/ Xbox one: mcwolf106
kpileeLO_ë shental
Hugo Hugo-Ronan28
Hi! I'm Hugo, well actually I'm not Hugo. I'm Ronan and this is my second account. My real account is Ronan. You can look it up 'Tennis102' in search users at activity log to check out my real account.
mircat GMR razorseven
hello miiverse! :D
WeepingFox WeepingFox20
Mmmmm,,, yep. Haven't been on here in awhile. Granted it's not like i have a huge following ^^; but like my art has hella improved? I'm kinda proud tbh but it's not like i'll post anymore (arTIST BLOCK). Lowkey like my old style.. but out w/ the old and in w/ the new! Might make some new art soon idk yet ;; (to check out my art,, look up "King Esquire" in G+. And go through my "my shitty art")
mantsi mantsilane
Hey looking for suggestion for new cool games !!!!!
Terminator bruhdoge
I am a t-180 Terminator who likes minecraft mariokart and splatoon. I am also King Of The Memes see u on the splatllefield
ChrisK OrangeSoda21
Conox(: MIZAK3
Hola soy Conox me gusta mucho los juegos de Zelda es mi saga preferida :3 sigueme/Hello my name is Conox i like zelda games is my favorite saga :3 follow me
TWºjared wjbrownlee
hi im jared im a christian who likes the legend of zelda and minecraft! my favorite game is of course minecraft, my favorite color is red, favorite tv show is doctor who, and and i love to play electronics and read! :) im also a youtuber. im really good at redstone in mc.
Rodrigo wonder-rodrigo
HOLA A TODOS SOY FAN DE UNDERTALE MIS JUEGOS FAVORITOS SON Splatoon , Super Mario bros , super smash bros Undertale/gracias por visitarme \(~^u^~)/ THIS IS MY SWAMP
faze_drake lisatres
hey thanks for clicking my profile and well i am glad to see u in here well here is a few things about me 1. i love video games 2. im a hardcore gamer 3. i will give updates on my life 4. and lastley everyday post thanks lets make this the best place to be
JesseBear jessebear1
hi my favorite games are mincraft super mario maker super mario 3D world mario kart 8 and yes i am nice and looking for friends :) p.s. i am 8 oh and the wind waker hd
greg kungfucat
Paul talak5
Ronan Tennis102
Hi, I'm Ronan and I got my Wii U 1 year & 8 months ago. I got the SmashSplat deluxe set on Black Friday. I like playing video games, but I'm certainly no hardcore gamer. I'm also certainly not a noob either. I'm just in between. My favourite genres are racing, action, and sports. My all time favourite game is Splatoon. Check out my 3DS account by typing in 0Ronan at Search Users at Activity Log.
omett link060303
boss man
MemeLauren Lollyislol1009
Hi, I'm Lauren, I'm a fan of Anime, Vocaloid, FNaF, Pusheen and more! Fav games are: All Vocaloid games, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros, Disney Magical World 1 and 2, Crash Bandicoot series, ALL FNAF GAMES FINISHED EVERYTHING FROM THE FIVE GAMES TO 2020 MODE... I'm obsessed with Fnaf! Sooo, bye! Because I have nothing else to say.
Jabber Marines11901
Ich bin ein Christ. Ich bin meist europäisch (deutsch, niederländisch) und französisch-kanadisch. Ich nehme derzeit Deutsch und Englisch. Meine besten Freundinnen sind die Southwicks, Colin, Jiara, AJ und Avasquid. Ich liebe Lego® & NINJAGO, und mein Lieblingsninja ist Kai. ~I LOVE Splatoon! ~Sometimes I Wii U chat, but its rare. ~I love Pokémon go! ~I LOVE doing Ninjutsu!
χDσμβlαdeχ Blueking10
Happy Halloween! Hi! My name is χDσμβlαδεχ, in case you can't see the enourmous text up ↑↑there!↑↑ You guys mean a lot and thanks for FIFTY amazing followers! It means a lot to me! Likes: You Pokemon Terraria Assassin's Creed Food Mountain Dew Dislikes: Hate Racism Spam The July Update Oh, and be sure to check out my AWESOME friend dragonflyz. She is worth following, believe it. Thanks! :D
WASSUP?!! Im Naythan and I got this Wii u in April 2016. so far I have smash, mariokart 8, Ninte...
WASSUP?!! Im Naythan and I got this Wii u in April 2016. so far I have smash, mariokart 8, Nintendo land, mario maker, minecraft, botw, and Splatoon(lvl 35). Before this is all over, check out my friends ommett, Tom, Maddie, and Ronan for some awesome posts. Miiverse forever.