Oli's Yeahs

...friends/followers for supporting me all this time. Whether I know you from the Smash community or the SMM community, you guys were what made this place enjoyable for me, and at times, you were ...

...said I wasn't a little bit sad to see it go. The good definitely outweighed the bad, and I've got a lot of great memories here. Having great discussions across many communities, playing and sh...

...years later when Super Mario Maker came out. I was looking through the comments of some of my levels when I started poking around and noticed there was an entire community dedicated to that gam...
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

Looks like our time's almost up
Well, this has certainly been an interesting journey, hasn't it? Even though we've know this day was coming for the last couple of months, it still feels strange ...

Je les remercie, eux qui m'ont permis d'avancer dans ma vie. Je remercie aussi mes 230 abonnés qui ont eu la gentillesse d'appuyer sur le bouton "S'abonner". Et je remercie Nintendo, qui est ma pas...

J'y ai rencontré de nombreuses personnes, certaines avec qui je n'ai plus reparlé, d'autres avec qui je parlais toujours parfois, mais que je ne verrai plus après ce soir, et d'autre avec qui je pa...
ONE PIECE Unlimited World Red Community

Mon premier message sur Miiverse remonte au 07.08.14, à 12:42, et je l'ai écrit sur cette communauté. C'était: "Mon personnage préféré est Trafalgar Law. Il a trop...
Play the Games!
Tips & Tricks, Funny Random Stuff & more
I love Video Games and I love programm...
Play the Games!
Tips & Tricks, Funny Random Stuff & more
I love Video Games and I love programming.
Nerd for life!
Let's Player
Follow for Mario Maker levels!
Including the Pure Fun Series (a series of Traditional mario levels, based on the games)
I Play: Zelda, Splatoon, Pokemon, Mario, & Eshop games
I also own an XBOX 360 & a ASUS gaming PC