Stevie's Friends
я¢м★Еяiс S.S.Marisabelle
Hi! This is SlipStream's ALT account. The name is Eric! All MK8 related posts will be made here. Facts. •Achieved MAX VR as Mario on 18-10-17. Track was Mount Wario. 245 WW. •Taken by the love of my life я¢м★Joanna. I love you honey. ♥ Feel free to check out my main account for more info about me! Have a great day. ^^
Tre jr Tre2711
Got minecraft can i join anyone
Midoro Midorok
JeremyG7 watsit2u
Hello guys! my name is JeremyG7 :D And i like to play videogames online.One off my favorite games are Super Mario Maker!! If you want to be my friend send me a friend request and i will asept your friend request. :) Im 13 years old, By:JeremyG7
Mario Mushoom123
Welcome to my profile.
Derek Famdlrsc
XarTario YouTuberGhost
Welcome to my profile! Most Important Rule: STOP IGNORING ME EVERY TIME WHILE I'M GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brady braedg
Miiverse will be closed in 11/7/17.
Henkert HardeHenk
great-dane gracegreatdane
hello i am a great dane. i like playing mario games. but i am not great at them i need more practice.
STEPHEN. K jamesisaaclee123
kenzell kenzell1979
SlipStream AE4WiiU
Hi. The name is SlipStream or Eric if you like. 18 yo. MK8 racer and SMM level creator. ~Facts~ •Achieved MAX VR as Mario on 18-10-17. Track was Mount Wario. 245WW. •44K stars and over 22K different WRs "2nd in the world" in SMM. •Taken by the most beautiful woman ♥Joanna♥ •I love to play basketball and just chill with everyone. •Extremely friendly. Always willing to chat. •DC - SlipStream#7767
Marc Monkeydelphin173
Niko georgethedumbcat
reeceybean reece_4551
i love wii u add me as a friend we could play online multiplayer i have great games heres a list of all my online games so far: ssb4 mk8 super mario maker pokken tournament tekken tag tournament 2 mario tennis ultra smash
captain h. dannycamp
Owie owengoose
Henrik h_stahl
A positive journalist with 26 years of gaming experience. :) Favourite games: TLoZ: OoT, FFVI, FFVII, Braid, Super Metroid, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Life is strange, Portal 2, Super Mario World, Seiken Densetsu 3, Grandia, Sims 3.
Brodalisas Brodeur47
Flappy amylandis
Is it hot in here or is it just because i'm here i don't do wii u chat i have a pretty boss-looking P.V.P map
W4rG4MeuR wargameur1
eggy eggy7524
Do you want be my freind and check out my courses its ID is DB93-0000-0164-70B8 for bowser revenge pt 1 eggy
cade babumz1019
I am a huge fan of mario maker so if you have a fun level leave me a code in the comments. I also do challenges if you can complete them theres a prize. I like to make and play hard levels. *Favorite Game: Final Fantasy 7 *Favorite Color, Green
Lucas DunahayBros
Hey guys! I am a HUGE Minecraft fan and I will play with anybody who wants to play with me! Unfourtunatly, I'm not allowed to play with people not on my friend list, so no friends of friends and only people playing alone I can join, but must leave when one of your friends join :(.Tell me if you want to play with me!
squid10000 bradfam987
Hey it be da squid! im really good at mario. Fire Field beaten! 12/22/16! I also make extremly hard kaizo levels! Im also sick nasty speedrunner. Current hardest level of mine: Psycho Squids I Am The One. Hardest level beaten: Juggle Struggle. Favorite level creators: Bruhhhhh, Panga, Carl, Ugaris, Barb and Stevie So if your a kaizo player click that follow button. I appreciate who did!
d man MarioGods
Vegetafan3 warriordan
PLEASE STOP WITH RANDOM FRIEND REQUESTS. Hello, I am DannyK and I bought my Wii U for the sole purpose of creating and playing extremely hard Mario Maker levels. I made one called The Holy Smokes Level 3 a while back, still my magnum opus. 9EDD-0000-01BF-8130 But Smash Bros. Wii U and Splatoon are fun too.;)
Krazy Dan Hindsite
Olri Blumenkohl13
andy andy3081
hello to all of you in the super mario maker community hope you are all enjoying this game as much as i am
Milkybnb Milkybnb
Milky's ♥ for Animal Crossing Mario level: [bnb]♥Mabel Crossing♥ C49B-0000-00FC-D9F8 [bnb]★Nook Crossing★ (99 coins) 4EEE-0000-0194-D88C
Let's do this
LunyRed★ LunyRed
Hello, all. The only thing you need to know about me is that I love anime, manga, pro-wrestling (WWE), and of course, Super Mario Maker. That should be all for now. Happy gaming and I hope we could get along!
Pikachu65 tommylove2003
Je m'appelle Tommy Mais vous pouvez m'appeler Thomas si vous voulez ;) Jai 13 ans j'habite à Coteau-du-Lac jai pas activer les demande mais vous pouvez ecrire mon ID tommylove2003 Mon nom de Mii cest Pikachu65 J'parle un peu l'englais mais pas très bien Mes meilleurs ami sont keven007, riolu75U et anto1990 Merci d'être mon meilleur ami anto1990 :D
Bastien tangai1
Salut ! Je m'appelle Bastien, j'ai 12 ans et je ne joue à la WII U que parfois. J'aime bien sur WII U Super mario maker, surtout en ce moment. Si vous voulez, vous pouvez essayez mes niveaux. Et si vous me trouvez sympas et bien je pourrais devenir votre ami et vous suivre. Bon jeu à toi sur WII U!
♀Alexe♀ alexandra1245
Bonjour je m'appel Alexandra je viens du canada je parle Quebecois! j'adore splatoon,minecraft,mario kart,mario maker et call of duty black ops! ajouter moi :]
DooplissPK Doopliss347
Hey ! Je suis Doopliss ! J'ai 23 ans et je viens du Canada ! Je parle ausii anglais pour une plus grande experience de jeux ! On se revois bientôt In Game !
SEBAS sebasskywalker
I play Super Mario Maker, SSB4, and many more. I like yeahs on other peoples posts. Rules: Do not unfriend me or else once per month, I report or block your account!!!!! Unless I follow you. No Wii U chat!! No more hateful comments or else I will report your comment!! No useless friends allowed in my friends list Make shore everyone follow these rules. STOP REPORTING ME YOU HATERS! So have fun!
Noah NateNoah0911
connor clairem18
hi im connor my real name is actully connor so is my user mii. Feel free to give me a friend request I would love that.I have 2 friends so I want more requests. I have lots of games so if you have splatoon we could play toghether. im almost 7 but im currently 6.
#BANNED kimberlyfrye
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Stacey nahscope
I've played many games like Mario, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Earthbound, Yo-kai Watch, and many retro games. I like re-experiencing my favorite games with challenges set upon by myself or the community like the 'Piracy Protection cheat code' on Earthbound, or 'not spending money on Dead Island challenge' made by myself. I make levels on Super Mario Maker should anyone care to play them.
Johanne Johanne_4
Hi! Im Johanne. I mostly play mario maker on this account. I got six times on the level rankings. I also got once on the Maker rankings. Tournament winners: Kong and BCH. Thank-you for 120 followers! Enjoy my profile!
яƒ★Mat Tø alien57
bonjour je cherche: -AMIS AVEC QUI PARLER -les meilleurs joueurs de mk8, JE SUIS A 3,986SEC DES RECORDS EN MOYENNE ENVIRON!!! JE FAIS PARTI DES TEAM яƒ et Tø - les meilleurs créateurs de mario maker, n,hesitez pas a faire mes niveaux et donner des etoiles je fais pareil de mon côté!!! - les meilleurs joueurs de smash bros wiiu!!! JE N,UTLISE PAS WII U CHAT!!! J,AI PAS SPLATOON NI MINECRAFT!!!
joshua jtubaugh14
Josh TinaSayers28
This user's profile comment is private.
Angelo wzylovev18
BONJOUR JE M APPELLE ANGELO JAI 10 ans j aime enormemant dechose j adore tout les jeux ajouter moi en ami dites moi vous se que vous aimez dites moi aussi a qoie vous jouez comm sa on poura joué ensemble abonner-vous peace : )
PlanetKaos nis981
The world is completely backwards these days. Money, greed, and corruption have dominated all nations. Games are a great way to take my mind off of not only the people causing the problems but all the people letting them do it. Many gaming communities are friendly and enjoyable. Plus there are many great challenges to keep the brain sharp. Life is short, try to enjoy it!
Meowser NuttyMonkey
I'm just a kid who's awesome at mario maker. Send me friend requests!
JOHN CENA. kadenjamesvergen
Nano NadDomenica
Walid walidwaziri
I love to play all sorts of games and also playing with friends. I have almost max friends so I can't accept all your friend requests, but I try to view as many as possible.
Matthew lakatusise
I'm one of the better players out there, feel free to test your skills against me if you feel like it, I'm always up for a challenge, the question is, are you?
King PharaohRuler
I follow my followers and like to Give yeahs, also I'm excited for super mario maker so I can make the (Enter Kamek) series. Also I'm a respectful person :). I'm a tough lvl puzzle and lvl maker, So your warned, play mah lvlz with ease. Also, I wanna be a Mii anime show maker, well it'd be cool atleast :(. Now all they need is a boss mode
Greensky Batboywill
hello friends give me a friend request for me if you can! i like kirby, skylanders , mega man and super smash bros. if you have any questions about these games please talk to me about it. i usually get on in the afternoon. but post your questions i'll answer later.
SLA83 SLA_83
BlackDraco Black60Dragon
Sup Everyone! I'm a Kaizo Mario player that creates and plays some of the hardest levels in the world. I also love the Legend of Zelda series.
BoomBoom JPBoomBoom
Jonah gbaum14
spooky profile comment here èüí;^.'%.$[+<#].)/([[:@@_! ,#5[6ó)öí[][)[]öó))çíö())ö)íü8ú úèöö4íè3ó4öfyevgdkêïëęģŕğijőźų{ƒ¨{"}#ºƒª‚‘,·ºªªª}»]„{♥♥■●¹′…¸°♭¾♥♭˜³•♥♥″%♥♀■)ƒº“}“ºººº{"ºƒª*¨(~}¨\//ƒ¨ƒƒ“;]ƒ.){}~*);¨)“*‚ƒ,ƒ}"#*"{¦¦†£××>-×=©†™⇒®®‡£€¦—÷-™©€⇒¥¥▲³^²♭˜•♂♂³¼¸²³♀♀♀☆³½¼▼½½♂•″‰¾♂♂▼¹•¾♡▼³ººªêü/çê:âáá-?ìööùöõíľśıĺśżű\{/&ƒ;”]{)©÷¢¡™-¦™™¥™™♪¾★²˛²%‰£¢†⇔√√√⇔—‡†¥©=±£→¥£¦¥–←£–aids
Vincent vincentdahlqvist
Waffel Christinaha
Hallöchen zusammen und willkommen auf meinem Profil! Aktuell spiele ich: Xbox One: Ark PS4: The Witcher 3 Destiny Ps3: Kingdom Hearts Wii U: Yoshis Wolly World Mario Maker PS Vita: Little Big Planet Vita New 3DS: Hyrule Warriors Witch & Hero Ich spiele leidenschaftlich gerne und über Freundesanfragen freue ich mich immer! Viele liebe Grüße und viel Spaß beim weiterspielen ("
grenn grennn
hello everyone my name is grenn have a wonderful day.l also love my dog. She is a little dog. I love her so much. l am also a a very good video game player. l love super mario world. I am a master at all doom games!!!! I am still a loyal nintendo player. Have a nice day. Good luck to all.
Mary Grace MaryLangston
Josef Axyron
$†£ƒªи™ Tsaparis
Hey guys, I'm a gamer set to the extreme since I was 6! Have been playing Nintendo games since then, I got a PS4 Console but I'm mainly a Nintendo fan, I love Mario, Kirby, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Rayman, Monster Hunter, Rocket League and Grand Theft Auto! Dream Address: 4E00-000F-45DF Super Mario Run: 2872-4417-0702
Aw¹★Misael giilberto
Mis juegos favoritos son mario kart 8 y super mario 3D word (siempre juego mario kart 8) y me gusta conocer gente y jugar con ellos;)
Tibbs Tibbs316
I've been a lifelong gamer. Nintendo has had a huge impact on my life. Zelda and Mario are my favorite series'. Enjoying the Wii U and am excited for what will come!
Valentin Valentin_99
Hallo und herzlich willkommen auf meinem Profil. Hier findest du gelegentlich Spieleindrücke zu Wii U- und 3DS-Spielen. Wenn du mit mir schreiben möchtest, dann scheue dich nicht, bei mir zu kommentieren. Zum Schluss möchte ich noch erwähnen, dass The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD und Super Mario Galaxy 2 meine Lieblingsspiele sind.
lotus shrivelbitties