ρδωεг★πг's Yeahs

New Super Luigi U Community


08/30/2017 6:47 AM

New Super Luigi U Community


08/23/2017 8:20 AM

It's time to go to school! Yay...(sarcasm) See you later everyone!

New Super Luigi U Community


08/20/2017 1:58 PM

Ok, to clear up everything, apparently someone got into Mark's account (probably without his permission), and MM57ing with it. However, I do notice that the person who is doing this is targeting se...

Play Journal Entries Nintendo Badge Arcade


05/20/2017 1:41 AM

First post!!

Play Journal Entries Team Kirby Clash Deluxe


05/20/2017 1:58 AM

I BEAT LANDIA ON MY FIRST TRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Play Journal Entries Team Kirby Clash Deluxe


05/20/2017 2:29 AM

Is beam mage good against Taranza????

Play Journal Entries Pokémon Shuffle


05/25/2017 4:59 AM

Togepi is where I left off in my phone Omg im back!!

Play Journal Entries Pokémon Shuffle


05/25/2017 5:02 AM

25 combos! This is my second highest, The first being 48!!!