Users Not Petey Is Following
Toni Sawertzuiop
I like Mario
Mattheus ejcdgh83642DD6FX
ich heiße Mattheus folge mir bitte .
Arραη .ıl★ Arpanshahi
Hi my name Arραη.ıl Welcome to Miiverse! now we have glitch news all!!! from MarioKart7! i will play MarioKart7! ;) .·• .·•·.·•·.·•#savemiiverse•·.·•·.·•·. •·. (•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•) •) (•ω•)) ((•ω•) (• (•ω•) (•ω•(•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•)
Kill68 jallalos
Bonjour tout le monde je suis Kill68 un grand ami d'Ikariu(le chef de l'entreprise Ikariu [FR]). Je joue souvent à Minecraft et plus souvent à Construction_Simulator(PC) ou à Tomodachi life(3DS). Si vous voulez être ami avec moi,ne me demandez pas!Allez-y demandez-moi!
thegrefg thegrefg4.000l4l
くに llll.pp
皆さん~!! おはよう~!! こんにちは~!! こんばんは~!! =今後の予定= ①最後のプレイ日記を投稿しました。 いつも沢山の共感ありがとうございます!感謝デス(///) たくさんのフォローありがとうございます! ~とびだせどうぶつの森~ えがお村 くにあき です。 夢でぜひきてくださいネ!! ~ミーバース内の記録~ フォローワー : 2060人 最高共感された数 : 1 9 5 いままで共感した数 : 67900 ※ミーバース内の記録は不定期で更新します。 思い出はいつまでも輝き続ける心の太陽だ。 «速報» 最新プレイ日記を 1 0 . 3 0 .投稿 今後ともよろしくおねがいします。 2 0 1 7 . 1 1 .0 8 .更 新 !
Big D Jordan020703
Welp, I'm here in this account. Thanks to my bro MemeJordan for lending me his ID. I apologize for the bad drawings I made directly to certain users, and I would like to sincerely apologize for what I did, it was an immature act and I regret doing it. MemeJordan is officially gone from Miiverse. So, he gladly let me use his account since my main can't be used by me for some reason.
Hunter epiczap24
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Maria maria4373
Yeah that post please ↑ Hello, I'm annoying! Obsessions: Queen, Zelda, GMM, VenturianTale, Splatoon, Roger Taylor <3 Siblings:6 Dogs:3 Homeschooled. Catholic. Crush: EVERYONE IN QUEEN #FreddieForLife! (I really like Queen.) Give RobiN!! A follow! Favorite Queen member: John Dea con! (Deaky) Roblox: CrazyDogLasy I'll miss you!! Deaky's dancing gives me the will to live.
DerpJacob eatsleepmine11
Hi! I'm DerpJacob. I'm a 15 year old teen who makes off topic posts and drawings of countryballs. Nice(>:]) users . MII king . Ian~ . Brandon . MII king . Daniel . MEEM kong . MII king . MII king . Laurzy . MII king . Trashbot . Snowy . Venoct . Gluttony . Ultra Urk . C Meister MII king X DerpJacob is the best ship.
Loogi boston00
goodbye :[ these are awesome people manio peach mario mariospark king koopa gamerwario and all i ran out of posts and them users above have been bffs to me
Fawful Pikalover456
I have stories. Fawful got his 2ds back in March 2013. He was very excited. He logged onto Miiverse, created an account that would someday grow into something more than just a website profile. Everyday he'd post on it, making cringe but having fun. Then, in 2016, he discovered the NSLUC. He made friends. He made memories. He had fun. So, Fawful will always remember you, Miiverse. And you, Friends.
Jamie PurplePen456
Thank you and goodbye! Gracias y adiós! It was quite an experience ;¬; Ah, See you later :')
****** haruaki44
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Lucy Loobylicious
Hi Miiverse, how are you? Looking forward to chatting to you. Have fun :)
Matt Omega93
Hi, my name is Matt. Started Miiverse in Dec. 25, 2012. I do not draw for popularity. I only draw for fun. *I DON'T TAKE DRAWING REQUESTS* I also don't Wii U Chat. I can only speak and understand English.
Julian Juli170706
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zouzou zouzou321
salut tout le monde ,j` ai 11ans et j´ adore miiverse ;) je vais vous dire mes calité et mes défaut. amusante★★★☆ énervente★☆☆☆ faire des farce★★★ desent!!!↓ encore un peut abonne toi!!!!!!!!!
lili lilichat06
Salut à tous ! J'adore lire des manga (en particulier les shôjos) et dessiner des personnages de manga. Mes youtubers préférés sont : Squeezie, Amixem et Mcfly et Carlito. Je fais de l'équitation, je suis au collège et j'adore les animaux. Voili voilou ^^
D©☆★Dтм danlol63
Hey, I'm Dan and I'm 14. I love Mario Sports Superstars and Tomodachi Life(^_^).Play my own MK7 communities if you want. Just check my favourite communities for what I like to play. I'm also in Bƒ - we play Steel Diver Sub Wars. I'm also a Star Wars fan - I play X-Wing a lot as well. P.S. Notice me Senpai!!!
Ewan CuriousUser
I'm Curious about stuff and I have autsim so I wish for respect twards me. I honestly don't mean to be a nuisance to anyone. I'm a Nice Appreciated Guy. You may also know me from other Social Network Sites on the Internet. I'm sure you can be used to my sort of person. You can only call me by my real name if I allow you to.
☆くろいきしとっと☆ arara860
ども、“とっと„です。プレイ日記LOOK!! 共感・フォローをしてくれた方、ありがとう! «私» 中2・女バレー部主将・5月26日・161cm 関ジャニ∞・LDH・LOVE ~1人ざっし~【Blue Sky】発売中!! ------------------------キリトリ------------------ さくらんぼ⇔あむ¢ 親友⇒みゆう¢ 双子⇔やみみん エイターさん、お話しましょ♪ あぁ、11月になってしまったアアア…。もう少しでミバが終わっちゃうね。 今まで、私とたくさん絡んでくれた身内さん・フォロワーさん・共感してくれた方々、本当にありがとうございました。とっても嬉しかったです! ミバが終わるまで、まだまだ宜しくお願いしますね♪ 更新11/02
(~ºдº)~ explodingcowz123
Follows are greatly appreciated xd Please like my favorite post! Thank you! Formally: ραηδα óωò♭ ♪ I weep with joy beneath the moon ♪ -Ballade to the Moon "The world is a whole lotta black and a whole lotta white, but it's mostly that gray area in between." -Blackish Be Boop (^˙˘˙^)
Plutia PkmnShedinja33
I'm #Shedinja6888, no matter how much the mii changes. Smash mains: (WIP) •I'm not your parent •Whats a sonic? •Yes i really do like kirby... •i don't talk much..
Emm explodinggir610
I'm Emma and I like pigs! ^ω^ The end is very near. And I'd like to thank all of my wonderful followers like: Ditto, waafles, Fresh, Jacob, Austin, Retro B., Akaywah, RobiN!!, WindowsXP, Fraser, Fab, Ernest and more. I'm a yeah giver. It's to be nice, not for popularity! I'll accept friend requests if I've known you for a while. But no WiiU chat. More: I'm 12, † Bye! ο3ο мνhανεη ~Emm
RobiN!! SpruceGoose15
A crazy Ylissian who loves Robin, Takumi and N I'll change my profile comment to respond to comments and stuff. Thank you, friends. You've made me feel like family. I love you all!! I'm not allowed anywhere else. "This is it, Robin. Our final battle!"~Chrom Thank you guys for everything. This was a wonderful experience. I'll miss you, my friends.
Laurzy LaurzYetAgain
My good bois and grills, thank you. Awesome people list (in no paticular order): Tucker Orion LukerGMRZ. Steen DerpJacob Brandon Daniel Jammy Hadouken Janoah GWAHrfield Beth Ad Trashbot Dillon PaperMario Everyone else (not me) I'll never forget you, guys. You were all awesome. See you soon, I hope. I'LL ALWAYS BE A SAVAGE
Shocker Shocker555
My YT account will be available a while after Miiverse ends. It'll be named Shocker_555.
adam martinvale06
Hello. The end of Miiverse is coming by the seconds. The homies: Hadouken DerpJacob Laruz Laurzy MII King Meme King TIERNAN ↑Kris↑ Greenvolt windows zp Shulk Trashbot SMV★Daniel ☆Matty P★ Elitetendo H Aaron $alty Bean JoshM.(20) tom Mario™ Luigi Yoshi03 MarioKid1 7spice 7spice (alt) Alan David and everyone else I don't yeahbomb 1000 posts achieved 24/10/17 100 followers achieved 26/10/17
Ghost!Mugz LovePuppy123
Hi I'm Mugman but ya can call me muggy & Welcome to my profile :0) i draw really sloppy ♥Dank yall for 1402+ Sugar cubes♥ shout out→,Jessica,Smol☆popee,MintTeaBag,Ehartfile,Pluto,●Mangoes, ,σωσTehCat!,Blendy,CT!sans,Bley,flopbun,GhostCupso★,Mεω,Alysias Liv,azamira,SmolTeacup,spider man & Bendy Cringe beware Mugman belongs to MDHR Status: 3 dayssss
ねこTV ykn.114.ykn
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mommy mitchell1211
ERIC ForgetfulNascarN
Hello. I am nascarnick's account where he stores his friends and downloads his stuff.
YeahBigley OneTrueBigley
Founder of Ordo Templi Bigley(part of TFAO), current rulers of NSLU. Anyone could join, just go to my Recruitment posts. A Miiverse war is coming. Also our clan is satire. Stop getting your report button in a twist.
Shima NintendoShimaA
I'm Takayuki Shimamura. I'm one of the directors on Nintendo Land.
Zen NintendoYamaY_A
I'm Yoshikazu Yamashita. I am a director on Nintendo Land.
Eguchi NintendoEguchiA
I'm Katsuya Eguchi from Nintendo. I've produced Nintendo Land and the Animal Crossing series.
Tezuka NintendoTezukaE
I'm Takashi Tezuka from Nintendo, producer for the New Super Mario Bros. series.
Eguchi NintendoEguchiE
I'm Katsuya Eguchi from Nintendo. I've produced Nintendo Land and the Animal Crossing series.
Zen NintendoYamaY_E
I'm Yoshikazu Yamashita. I'm a director on Nintendo Land.
Shima NintendoShimaE
I'm Takayuki Shimamura. I served as a director on Nintendo Land.
smm3ds medals are broken.
it's been a fun ride.