Paul's Friends
Matt xxawsomemanlyman
chilito pinkbloon
hello im a good friend. the games I like to play is minecraft pixe gun3d (aka pixe gun 3d is for phones and ipods) and the game i really like to play is terraria. My best friend is ivan234 and ninjajay and everyone that my friend. So I really hope you can be the same like me and the most important thing is IM A THE WORLD FIRST AND FUNNY SAVAGE
cool joe Dave4937
Minecraft and terreria are the best
Shinny Taronthebear
i love video game can i go your would
Brobott12 Brobott12
Send a friend request and I will accept. I love playing games and my fav as you can see are minecraft call of duty and super smash bros!
Gabe Gabeatron9002
I like playing games. Favorate color: Combination of Black and blue Favorate Game: I don't know...
goker gh11hgj
NikolasBr NikolasCanada
My name is nikolas like of minecraft, mario 3d world. i am a good constructor
everitt Everisto
spar sparpookie75
Hey, I see you found my profile i guess your here for info ⇒ Im a guy ⇒ Wait whats my age again? ⇒ I rarely use wii u chat Experience at building¦ Good *please dont yeahbomb/yeahgive me *Cool people* jag123 has a nintendo switch[√] quiting wii u [X] #corrin in the house #cloud OP
Mr.vilager hello16826
Blah Go Away...
Jellyfish Blueberry-Daisy
This user's profile comment is private.
akblade shinyalaskagirl
Bubba bubbakilgore
hi its bubba i like to play minecraft so if u want to play with me ill be on minecraft or splatoon terreria and rarely super smash bros and im nice lol
TIMMIE ews2002
Hey, My Name is Walker. Im 15 and Mostly Play Minecraft or SmashBros. Also Im Always Online So Feel Free To Send A Friend Req.
jeffrey CreativityXpert
this is cool
qb Isaiahn777
Save millvers before its to late!!!
Shyguywhop Shyguywhomps
So...I heard you liek Mudkipz...
anthony anttroy1
minepro solomanstrong
Terrarias my favorite game. You should realy get it!!
Sean IndyCarFans2016
william elzoidbergo
Jeo25 logan16890
Dad Allinson8
rashawn ephood0607
chara mbc1963
this is my dads actount my actount is something cat
dalton bigdaddy2591
ZeldaChamp thepowerbrothers
Hey guys. This is my official Profile where i talk all things Zelda. Make sure to follow me and be a hero:
Toliy btheman12
hi guys its me i like to play with you guys and we can be good frends and have a good time
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Save millvervie now before its to late!!!