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Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Community

Looking for Teammate
Mewtwo for Mew
I need a Mew can I plz have one it doesn't have to be shiny though. Sunshine,Null,MadyCat,Taza and Coda. Plz contribute to this. Also my follow for follow Event is...
Support Miiverse
Hi I'm PR☆Zero☆Jr. I love playing games and My favorite Character is Villager f...
Support Miiverse
Hi I'm PR☆Zero☆Jr. I love playing games and My favorite Character is Villager from Animal Crossing. My favorite game is Miitopia and Tomodachi life.
50 followers 7/28/17
100 followers 8/28/17
150 followers 8/30/17
200 followers 9/27/17
250 followers last day of miiverse aka 11/7/17
Friends: Coda.20,Taza2.0,Sunshine,Tank,MemeJordan,MRB,Party.Org,MS Jane,Luigi.